Examples of the the word, intel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intel ), is the 3916 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Known as Prophet Five. His father before him had also worked to gather, intel ,on Prophet Five. Shortly thereafter, Sydney learns she is pregnant and Vaughn
  2. Sharon Judd (Israel ex-Mossad) Sharon Judd was Bravo Team's former, intel ,officer. She remains in the helicopter briefing the team prior to and during
  3. Design being referred to as a Micromainframe. (" IAP" reportedly stands for, intel ,Advanced Processor architecture, the X coming from the Greek letter Chi. )
  4. The Shading Language revision GLSL 1.20. Supported Cards: intel HD graphics, intel ,HD graphics 2000/3000 Radon HD 2350,GeForce FX (with late drivers),GeForce
  5. Became uncooperative. The Iraq War The U. S. Government used questionable, intel ,from Abu Zubaydah in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. U. S. officials
  6. To the Underworld Black Market using this knowledge to provide the team with, intel ,and equipment. When actually with the team, he replaces Chance as the group's
  7. Wai-keung, Del Piero, and a gang of henchmen to confront them after receiving, intel ,from LAU. Inspector B informs LAU and sends an OCT squad to save Wong. Chan
  8. Franck's *http://www.cynbythesea.com/Press/interviews/Francks.html fan site with, intel , interviews, transcripts,music and more
  9. And his Purifiers attempt to kill them. The New Mutants are sent to gather, intel ,on weapons being produced by Cameron Hodge in St. Louis. After arriving back on
  10. Would provide important intel ligence on the War on Terror, his value as an, intel ,source was greatly inflated, much like his role in the global terror network.
  11. In North and South America, specialises in jungle operations and long range, intel ,gathering, and has a reputation as a no nonsense soldier. Considered stern and
  12. From training, Longarm is eventually promoted to Prime rank, and made, intel ,commander of Robertson, allowing him full access to Autobot files, which he
  13. Gen: (informal) information, info (short for" intel ligence" ) (US:, intel ,); get off with *: to engage in passionate kissing and fondling - does not
  14. Incompetence was that when he went into Spec Ops, he volunteered for an elite, intel ,unit, and the military's surgeons attempted to" upgrade" his brain. When the
  15. A master assassin and master of voice mimicry able to retrieve any phone-based, intel ,including faxes. Telephone Mask is sent after scientists who support the
  16. Film, Cammy is a British intel ligence agent that is serving as Colonel Guile's, intel ,officer and aide-de-camp in the Allied Nations Army. Tammy also appears in two
  17. New owners to return to Ben, he and his partner discover that the discredited, intel ,has a destructive computer function that apparently hid the scheme. At this
  18. The weakened Elyria. Upon realizing Angel has been using Harmony to pass bad, intel ,and that his loyalties must, therefore,still be tied to the powers of goodness
  19. Known as the Sham sheer team, part of the CCP was widely used in collecting, intel , finding high valued targets and locating caches with the Afghan soldiers that
  20. To get intel on the twelve leaders of Prophet Five. She successfully captures, intel ,on three of the twelve and returns to Los Angeles. Shortly thereafter, Marshall
  21. The force 700 series motherboards, which only works on Windows Vista. The X58, intel , chipset also implement 3-way SLI using an additional NF200 component based on
  22. From the NEC V33 in that it has interrupt vector numbers compatible with, intel ,80X86 processors. NEC V40 (μPD70208) embedded version of V20,integrated
  23. In order to obtain valuable data and relay it back to her superiors, gaining, intel , that will finally let them stop" The Man ". At the same time, Undercover
  24. She is not heard of afterwards, although it is believed she is still Bravo's, intel ,officer. * Sharon Judd (Israel ex-Mossad) Sharon Judd was Bravo Team's
  25. S PC-based world, the S/34 was the computational equivalent of a 16 to 20 MHz, intel ,80386 microprocessors. Memory and disk The smallest S/34 had 48K of RAM and an
  26. In the growing criminal underworld. Joined FROM in 1993,initially as an, intel ,officer, then worked her way up to Counter Terror operative in 1995. Joined
  27. Crew members were checking gas stations to find Phil Leonardo after a some, intel ,from Agent Harris. Benny is last seen acting as the getaway driver when Walden
  28. The booster to help slow the infection. Hayden refuses and asks about the new, intel , Cargo tells him that he and the Agency believe that Meaner wants to recapture
  29. Sydney finally travels to Sydney, Australia as part of an APO mission to get, intel ,on the twelve leaders of Prophet Five. She successfully captures intel on three
  30. Same as above, featuring a quad-core Intel Core i7 Clarified processor on an, intel ,PM55 chipset main board and a 1 GB ATI Mobility Radon HD 4670 or 5730. Some of
  31. Also four computer laboratories both with computers equipped with the newest, intel ,core. A chapel and on-site residency for the brothers are also available. The
  32. Processed intel ligence information is disseminated through database systems, intel ,bulletins and briefings to the different decision makers. The bulletins could
  33. Performance is mostly improved by moving the FPU onto the CPU core. Image: KL, intel ,RapidCAD1. JPG|Intel RapidCAD-1 Image: KL intel RapidCAD2. JPG|Intel RapidCAD-2
  34. Onto the CPU core. Image: KL intel RapidCAD1. JPG|Intel RapidCAD-1 Image: KL, intel ,RapidCAD2. JPG|Intel RapidCAD-2 Technical specifications Intel RapidCAD-1 Intel
  35. Explains that he was an actor formerly mistreated by Wolf. After gathering, intel ,about how he treats his workers, Frank takes Jason and Kaylee to Wolf's
  36. Be a mole for Carlos and discovers a boutique, which is used as a drop for her, intel , He then manipulates the staff to turn on each other in the hope he can find
  37. They failed in their initial objectives of taking prisoners and gathering, intel , American invasion On the eve of invasion, the Japanese garrison consisted of
  38. Hints towards an involvement in the storyline. After sending Green Lantern's, intel ,to every superhero community across the planet of the Black Lanterns, the
  39. 2300 series (quad-core) or 2400 series (6 core) processors * HP Z400 -, intel ,LEON 3500 or 3600 series processor * HP Z600 - up to two LEON 5500 or 5600
  40. Group led by Captain Juan Dakota. He helped with their plans and brought, intel ,about the prison, their force now rounded 400 and 3 Alamo Scouts who were
  41. Was destroyed over Braxton, Oklahoma,during the Siege of Asgard. According to, intel ,gathered by Live wires,5 Helicarriers are known to have been wrecked, though
  42. Some time later, Jinx and Bud call Snake Eyes and crew in to investigate new, intel ,on the location of Firefly. He is working for the" Nowhere Man" and has given
  43. The broadcast of Daredevil killing Bullseye. She joins the Hand, so she can gain, intel ,on the Shadow land fortress to help the superheroes infiltrate it. Later upon
  44. http://www. intel .com/design/servers/dev_guides/content/doc_lib/udi_wp.htm, intel , Com - AUDI and I2O: Complementary Approaches to Portable, High-performance I/O
  45. Matrices, and the Shading Language revision GLSL 1.20. Supported Cards:, intel ,HD graphics, intel HD graphics 2000/3000 Radon HD 2350,GeForce FX (with late
  46. The Apricot EX FT Server as the world's first machine to incorporate the, intel ,486 microprocessor. This machine, designed by Bob Cross, was a fault-tolerant
  47. To Bravo Team, and took over as their intel ligence officer, ( Bravo's original, intel ,officer, Sharon Judd, had been wounded by a sniper during the Bravo's
  48. Saw Marshall return briefly to the field as part of APO's efforts to capture, intel ,on Prophet Five. He was later kidnapped from his home by Kelly Peyton and
  49. Investments have enabled many firsts, including the launch of the first U. S., intel ,satellite; the development of SEAL AB I/II; the validation of the GPS concept
  50. Be a member of The Facility that infiltrated H. A. M. M. E. R. to acquire the, intel ,that Morales had on X-23. When Young tries to recruit Morales into The Facility

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