Examples of the the word, timely , in a Sentence Context
The word ( timely ), is the 3930 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Own litigation they are entitled to do so, only to the extent that they give, timely ,notice to the class counsel or the court that they are opting out. Second, if
- S army and the English were defeated by the Dutch, in part owing to the, timely ,arrival of Jan Peterson Coin (J. P. Coin). The Dutch burned the English
- Designed to control mechanical devices such as industrial robots, which require, timely ,processing. The term time-sharing is no longer commonly used, having been
- FBI is in charge of National Virtual Translation Center which provides ", timely ,and accurate translations of foreign intelligence for all elements of the
- Of physics. In 1930,Princeton University recruited Wigner, which was very, timely , since the Nazis soon rose to power in Germany. At Princeton in 1934,Wigner
- Illustrated in a manner in which the percipient acknowledges its purpose in a, timely ,fashion. The term percipient refers to the person receiving information and was
- On an ad-hoc basis, allowing for a balance between collective cost saving and, timely ,delivery. For instance, if one node operator in a network offered to make
- Tube station, the National Library of Wales and a quarry. The evacuation was, timely , for in 1940 the Queen Gallery was severely damaged by bombing. The Museum
- Of discovery, or the date a corresponding hospital report is due. Failure to, timely ,report and return an overpayment exposes a provider to liability under the FCA.
- Stable democratic environment, relief from personal and corporate income taxes, timely ,repatriation of corporate profits, proximity to the U. S. with extensive air
- To true and timely actual cost data. In practice, the collection of true and, timely ,actual cost data can be the most difficult aspect of EVM. Such projects can
- For Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine require practitioners to make ", timely ,referrals to other health care professionals as may be appropriate. " In Canada
- Of militiamen attacked them along the roads, inflicting great damage before, timely ,British reinforcements prevented a total disaster. With the Battles of
- Multiprogramming doesn't give any guarantee that a program will run in a, timely ,manner. Indeed, the very first program may very well run for hours without
- The year 2005 saw the emergence of The British Urban Film Festival,a, timely ,addition to the film festival calendar which recognized the influence of
- If the jurisdiction does not have the resources to respond to complaints in a, timely ,manner, the value of the hotline diminishes. Crews must be able to respond to
- Or notice fell into the Public Domain if registration was not made in a, timely ,fashion. For international works, the situation is even more complex.
- Alcohol can cause blackouts, sleepiness,and a reduction in inhibitions. Only a, timely ,screening for flunitrazepam can demonstrate its use. It has been shown that
- Commercial dealings, although a serious and growing backlog of cases prevents, timely ,trials. The protection of intellectual property rights has improved
- Hayden came up with the idea of doing an advertising campaign based on the, timely ,tagline" Why 1984 will not be like 1984 ". Chiat-Day shopped it around to a
- 16 billion per year. Standardization Notwithstanding its technical merits, timely ,standardization was instrumental to the success of Ethernet. It required
- Rarely used power to ensure that those who should be brought to trial are in a, timely ,manner or where an error of judgment is seen to have been made in the
- Public. In 1918 the government sought to revoke this deferment, and only the, timely ,intervention of the Astronomer Royal and other high profile figures kept
- Since 1996 helped ease financial pressures on Iran and allowed for Tehran's, timely ,debt service payments. Iranian budget deficits have been a chronic problem
- Experience, as Jean Piaget suggested. However, unlike Piaget, he claimed that, timely ,and sensitive intervention by adults when a child is on the edge of learning a
- To sabotage sugar refineries on Cuba. Eisenhower considered such undertakings, timely ,and felt that more ambitious programs should be implemented. In his view" it
- And reporting of events, issues and trends to a broad audience in a, timely ,fashion. Though there are many variations of journalism, the ideal is to inform
- Then stationed with a legion in the Nervii's territory, failed due to the, timely ,appearance of Caesar. The Roman campaigns against the Began took a few years
- Ortiz in 2005 had 47 home runs and 148 RBI's. He also had many game winning and, timely ,hits and came in second in the MVP voting to the New York Yankees' Alex
- God's support and Eugene's aid," wrote the Prussian General Neither," whose, timely ,arrival raised the spirits of the army again and consoled us. " Heartened by
- Out these functions, it is the Coast Guard that plays a vital role. To provide, timely ,security its patrol boats are stationed at various MNDF Regional Headquarters.
- Presented. He should also have enough fluency to get through the material in a, timely ,manner. Over the course of a child's education, these foundations are built
- Every effort to make all reports available to all the broker's clients on a, timely ,basis. Analysts should never report material nonpublic information, except in
- The Adhara Outta elaborates: In every case, if it is not true, beneficial nor, timely , one is not to say it. The Buddha followed this, for example, when asked
- Data would generate an interrupt, blocked processes could be guaranteed a, timely ,return to execution. The earliest preemptive multitasking OS available to home
- Can be planned with a project network, but do not have access to true and, timely ,actual cost data. In practice, the collection of true and timely actual cost
- Doonesbury became well known for its social and political commentary, always, timely , and peppered with wry and ironic humor. It is currently syndicated in
- Government ownership in Armed (31 %) began as early as 1974. As a result of, timely ,modernization of facilities, cutbacks in production and employment, government
- X-ray finding, often recognized by public health officials if they receive, timely ,reports). By making these data available to local public health officials in
- Multiple occasions when land based air was not feasible or able to respond in a, timely ,fashion. After the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U. S., carriers
- Foresight is accomplishing this by providing balanced, accurate and, timely ,information to help society understand and utilize nanotechnology through
- Very nearly succeeded: Cunningham ordered a withdrawal, and only Auchinleck's, timely ,intervention prevented this. Torus relieved, Axis retirement to El Africa
- January 2011. Primary function The ITU-T mission is to ensure the efficient and, timely ,production of standards covering all fields of telecommunications on a
- Foaling should also watch the mare to be sure that she passes the placenta in a, timely ,fashion, and that it is complete with no fragments remaining in the uterus
- Being is somehow released. The shade advances on GED but is driven away by the, timely ,return of Orion. Orion finally gives him a choice: stay with him or go to the
- VBA was removed from Mac Excel 2008,as the developers did not believe that a, timely ,release would allow porting the VBA engine natively to Mac OS X. VBA was
- To the maritime distress calls and to conduct search and rescue operations in a, timely ,manner. Maritime pollution control exercises are conducted regularly on an
- S original claim. Put another way, failure to assert one’s rights in a, timely ,manner can result in a claim's being barred by caches. Caches is a form of
- Chosen Al-Ghosein. In December 1997,acting on the desire to" offer much more, timely ,information," Wine designed and implemented an XML syndication format for use
- From each team, the Nets bid too low. Lew Alcindor's entry into the NBA was, timely , as center Bill Russell had just left the Boston Celtics, and Wilt Chamberlain
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