Examples of the the word, projection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( projection ), is the 3919 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the world Mapping *Lambert conformal conic projection (LCC) is a conic map, projection , which is often used for aeronautical charts Places *Big Cone, a geyser in the
  2. If one looks down the axis of the C – C bond, one will see the so-called Newman, projection , The hydrogen atoms on both the front and rear carbon atoms have an angle of
  3. Of the alchemist. He claimed the material substances and procedures were only a, projection ,of the alchemists' internal state, while the real substance to be transformed
  4. Power projection capabilities. To offset this, it has begun developing power, projection ,assets, such as aircraft carriers, and has established a network of foreign
  5. And is considered as one of Fuller's greatest contributions. Alternative map, projection ,Fuller also designed an alternative projection map, called the Domain map.
  6. The word Thespian. Acting requires a wide range of skills, including vocal, projection , clarity of speech, physical expressively, emotional facility, a well-developed
  7. Plants, which would otherwise attract more pests. An axon is a long, slender, projection , of a nerve cell, or neuron, that conducts electrical impulses away from the
  8. Spatial resolution * Specimen geometry is uncontrolled, yet controls, projection ,behavior, hence little control over the magnification. This may induce strong
  9. Uses front-projected images with live actors instead of the traditional rear, projection ,that Harryhausen and others used. Intro vision blended components with more
  10. Become limited in meaning to refer only to those engines of war that operate by, projection ,of munitions far beyond the range of effect of personal weapons. These engines
  11. The simplest volcanic formations in the world Mapping *Lambert conformal conic, projection ,(LCC) is a conic map projection , which is often used for aeronautical charts
  12. Towards the air superiority and fleet defense roles rather than strike/power, projection ,tasks which require heavier payloads (bombs, air-to-ground missiles).
  13. And then are" pruned" by mechanisms that depend on neural activity. In the, projection ,from the eye to the midbrain, for example, the structure in the adult contains
  14. Is sharp, it may be distorted compared to ideal pinhole projection . In pinhole, projection , the magnification of an object is inversely proportional to its distance to
  15. Some historians have argued that there is an element of psychological, projection ,in conspiracist. This projection , according to the argument, is manifested in
  16. Building, Architecture & Urbanism – Iron – Isabel line Gothic – Isometric, projection ,– Is ova – Soviet – Iran J Jack and Jill bedroom – Jack arch – Jalousie window
  17. The core of the new nipple acting like a" strut" which may help maintain the, projection ,of the nipple for a longer period of time. The nipple and areolar region may
  18. To the spinal cord, through the pyramidal tract. This direct corticospinal, projection ,allows for precise voluntary control of the fine details of movements. Other
  19. Est. ) Total fertility rate: 1.58 children born/woman (2009 est. ) Population, projection ,US Census Bureau,2010 est.
  20. Reincarnation research,near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, astral, projection , EVP, mediumship,various forms of photography and so forth. Academic inquiry
  21. And rear carbon atoms have an angle of 120° between them, resulting from the, projection ,of the base of the tetrahedron onto a flat plane. However, the torsion angle
  22. Sends projection s to the subcortical motor areas, but also sends a massive, projection ,directly to the spinal cord, through the pyramidal tract. This direct
  23. Bodies, such as the South American Security Council; strengthening of MERCOSUL;, projection ,at the Doha Round and WTO; maintenance of relations with developed countries
  24. Becomes Z amu/charge. Magnification The magnification in an atom is due to the, projection ,of ions radially away from the small, sharp tip. Subsequently, in the far field
  25. Patterns between the two counter rotating" m" and" -m" modes, with the, projection ,of the orbital onto the XY plane having a resonant" m" wavelengths around the
  26. Projections varied in increments of 1 just like those of spin, and to each, projection ,was associated a" charged state ". Since the" Delta particle" had four "
  27. Empirical grounds for him to develop his theory of corresponding point, projection ,of light from the surface of an object to form an image on a screen. It was his
  28. Of the earth which is lying in the center of the universe. This is the, projection ,on nature of a new political order and a new space organized around a center
  29. Of composite material, mainly glass fiber epoxy composites. Flight path The, projection ,of the flight path of long distance boomerang on the ground resembles a water
  30. Image Even if the image is sharp, it may be distorted compared to ideal pinhole, projection , In pinhole projection , the magnification of an object is inversely
  31. Physiological optics. As he conceptualized the essential principles of pinhole, projection ,from his experiments with the pinhole camera, he considered image inversion to
  32. Weapons today, the ownership of battleships served to enhance a nation's force, projection , In September 1983,when Drupe militia in Lebanon's Shout Mountains fired upon
  33. And Batman and Robin must stop them. It is revealed the ship was really a, projection , When The Dynamic Duo return to the buoy via The Catboat with the projector on
  34. Tip is a spherical object, and utilize empirical corrections to stereo graphic, projection ,to convert detector positions back to a 2D surface embedded in R3. By sweeping
  35. A spherical emitter is inversely proportional to the radius of the tip, given a, projection ,directly onto a spherical screen, the following equation can be obtained
  36. And behavior. Sociopsychological explanations focus on scapegoating via, projection ,of guilt and displaced aggression. Ethnic explanations associate
  37. Was vital to the success of a nation, and control of the seas was vital for the, projection ,of force on land and overseas. Mahan's theory, proposed in 1890s The
  38. Lines, shapes,and flat areas of color combined with the characteristic flat, projection ,of figures with no indication of spatial depth—created a sense of order and
  39. Contributions. Alternative map projection Fuller also designed an alternative, projection ,map, called the Domain map. This was designed to show Earth's continents
  40. Navy to develop a plan for the next 30 years. To carry out the plans of power, projection ,that Brazil wants to run, the expenditure will cost more than US$ 138 billion
  41. China is the only member of the UN Security Council to have limited power, projection ,capabilities. To offset this, it has begun developing power projection assets
  42. Projection operators. Given a KET | \psi\range of norm 1,the orthogonal, projection ,onto the subspace spanned by | \psi\range is: | \psi\range\angle\psi |. Just
  43. The westernmost point, to Ra's Ha fun in Somalia,51°27′52″ E, the most easterly, projection , is a distance (also approximately) of. The length of coast-line is and the
  44. Vector | \phi\range). One of the uses of the outer product is to construct, projection ,operators. Given a KET | \psi\range of norm 1,the orthogonal projection onto
  45. May evaporate in a physically different manner to the bulk sample, altering, projection , geometry and the magnification of the reconstructed volume. * Ion overlap in
  46. Simultaneously, with two different stories being shown in tandem. From the, projection ,booth, the sound would be raised for one film to elucidate that" story" while
  47. Ion and field evaporation modes for the imaging of single atoms. The standard, projection ,model for the atom probe is an emitter geometry that is based upon a revolution
  48. Is said to be broken. It was noted that charge (Q) was related to the isospin, projection ,(I3),the baryon number (B) and flavor quantum numbers (S, C,B′, T ) by
  49. Expression \angle\phi|\psi\range (mathematically: the coefficient for the, projection ,of \psi\! Onto \phi\! ) is typically interpreted as the probability amplitude
  50. Attar dwelling – Attic base – Attic style – Attic – Awning – Axonometric, projection ,– Atishoo B Back-choir – Back-to-back houses – Bailey bridge – Balcony – Ball

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