Examples of the the word, curious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curious ), is the 3920 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And best known of these is" El Curios Impertinence" ( the impertinently, curious ,man),found in Part One, Book Four. This story, read to a group of travelers
  2. Long Beach, California (1966); and Scottsdale, Arizona (1967–1978). The, curious ,location on Catalina Island stemmed from Cubs owner William Wrigley Jr. is
  3. 4.514),the Homeric Hymns, and in Hesiod's Theology, Athena is given the, curious ,epithet Tritonia. The meaning of this term is unclear. It seems to mean "
  4. Or that special case. He was delighted with the enthusiasm of a born casuist in, curious ,puzzles of right and wrong, and in devising a conflict between the generalities
  5. Of the complete Bible and the Doctrine and Covenants. One of the more, curious ,items found in the Desert alphabet is an English-Hopi dictionary. Despite
  6. A British appellation) because the nature of the climb is often short, curious , and much like problem-solving. Sometimes these problems are eliminates
  7. In Jose Escamilla's video. Getting no satisfactory answer to the phenomenon, curious ,scientists at the facility decided that they would try to solve the mystery by
  8. Of view that Aristotle considered ingenious, but false, in On the Heavens. Its, curious ,shape is that of a cylinder with a height one-third of its diameter. The flat
  9. Or leaning on something; this behavior is often observed when the dog is, curious ,about something. Baseness reveal their animal-of-prey nature by chasing after
  10. Elder. Description While many versions of myths portray Ægir as a giant, it is, curious ,that many do not. In some texts, he is referred to as something older than the
  11. Valleys (Isabella Rosellini) who may be connected to the case. Increasingly, curious , Jeffrey enters Dorothy's apartment by posing as an exterminator, and while
  12. Then in the early 1970s was the scene of the Plessy sit-in. The town had the, curious ,distinction of having the only unemployment benefit office in Britain with the
  13. College. Allen's brother Ira recalled that, even at a young age, Ethan was, curious ,and interested in learning. Marriage and early adulthood Allen was forced to
  14. In the early 80s (the latter days of large-scale assembly language use). A, curious ,design was A-natural, a " stream-oriented" assembler for 8080/Z80 processors
  15. Day. The cathedral was extended several times in later ages, turning it into a, curious ,and unique mixture of building styles. For 600 years, from 936 to 1531,Aachen
  16. Of dress and fashion were much imitated, especially in France, where,in a, curious ,development, they became the rage, especially in Bohemian quarters. There
  17. Machine" rather than the actual 6502 processors. The UCSD P-system had a, curious ,approach to memory management, which became even more curious on the Apple III.
  18. Towards the sea. Hougoumont: The historian Andrew Roberts notes that" It is a, curious ,fact about the Battle of Waterloo that no one is absolutely certain when it
  19. Hardening) of steel when the object is too large to fit into a furnace. One, curious ,discovery of acetylene is on Enclaves, a moon of Saturn. Natural acetylene is
  20. And Oxford. However, only one constituent college was ever founded, hence the, curious ,position of Trinity College, Dublin today. For a time, degrees in Dublin
  21. Adrian Benzene noted this coyote had to be very" adventurous" and ", curious ," to get so far into the city. An incident also occurred in April 2007 in the
  22. Same year. The theory and the practice of Archduke Charles form one of the most, curious ,contrasts in military history. In the one he is unreal, in the other he
  23. P-system had a curious approach to memory management, which became even more, curious ,on the Apple III. A TEMPEST approved version of the Apple II Plus called the
  24. Thou wilt" on the cliffs at both sides of the island, he received gifts from, curious ,visitors. Here at the island he had visions of seeming past lives, though he
  25. In 1883 the New York and Brooklyn Bridge Railway was opened, which had a most, curious ,feature: though it was a cable car system, it used steam locomotives to get the
  26. Been appendages of the temple. These contain one very remarkable vault with, curious ,painted reliefs, now artificially lit and open to visitors. The objects found
  27. Became popular amongst the English gentry thanks to a fashion for the gothic, curious ,and medieval. Encouraged by Royal patronage and, later,the popularity of the
  28. Chapels was a tomb containing the bones of San Geronimo. The building seems a, curious ,blend of Moorish and Byzantine styles. Algiers possesses a college with schools
  29. A monastery of the first class towards the early part of the 9th century. This, curious ,and interesting plan has been made the subject of a memoir both by Keller (
  30. Not ally herself with Eakins' ardent student supporters, and later wrote," A, curious ,instinct of self-preservation kept me outside the magic circle. " Instead, she
  31. Theologian John Calvin, is an impulsive, creative,imaginative, energetic, curious , intelligent, hypocritical,selfish, rude,and ill-tempered six-year-old, whose
  32. By experiments to below 10 K. Even the less detailed Einstein model shows this, curious ,drop in specific heats. In fact, all specific heats vanish at absolute zero
  33. ΑΝΑΛΒΑ Origin In the absence of other evidence to show the origin of these, curious ,relics of antiquity the occurrence of a name known as Basilica on patristic
  34. Blue Moon of Kentucky ", were " more in the country field "," but there was a, curious ,blending of the two different musics in both ". This blend of styles made it
  35. Although it has been suggested that he may have been Levitical (which is, curious , considering that Ezra was a priest. ) The books of Zechariah and Haggai were
  36. Was to find new plants, animals and possibly valuable minerals. He was also, curious ,about the customs of the native Sami people, reindeer-herding nomads who
  37. Britons. The classic example, considered by their American counterparts quite, curious , was the maintenance of the internal comma in a British organization of secret
  38. In Acts 21:37f and in Josephus (War 2.13.5; Antiquities 20.8.6); (3) the, curious ,resemblance as to the order in which Thuds and Judas of Galilee are referred
  39. Is an alternative title; usually cited, though,by its Latin title),is a, curious ,collection, in 17 books, of brief stories of natural history, sometimes
  40. The merchant flag (" Handelsflaget" ). Both flags are identical. A somewhat, curious ,regulation came in 1758 concerning Danish ships sailing in the Mediterranean.
  41. Garden sized) distance. Interestingly, this image describes the game as 'A, curious ,ancient pastime ', confirming that croquet games were not new in early
  42. Brantford, Bell sent a tentative telegram indicating that he was ready. With, curious ,onlookers packed into the office as witnesses, faint voices were heard replying
  43. Of his audience by saying“ Everybody wants to go to Heaven. We are all, curious , We want to know where Heaven is, how it looks, who are there, what they wear
  44. China Mobile Communications Corp and China Unicom. Automatic equipment In a, curious ,oversight, Ericsson ignored the growth of automatic telephony in the US.
  45. Ambrose and reading In this same passage of Augustine's Confessions is a, curious ,anecdote in which bears on the history of reading: This is a celebrated passage
  46. Freely offers him a fusion space propulsion design, Dan is at the very least, curious ,; but with his company near bankruptcy, the " bold astronaut" has no choice.
  47. Either sabotaged or pressed into Japanese or Chinese service. Probably the most, curious ,incident involved HMS Amethyst in 1949 during the Chinese Civil war between
  48. Creeping tan). Temperament The Benji is alert, affectionate,energetic, curious ,and reserved with strangers. It can be described as speedy, frisky,tireless at
  49. Only ask such a skeptic, What his meaning is? And what he proposes by all these, curious ,researches? He is immediately at a loss, and knows not what to answer ... a
  50. Account of many scientific observations, a mixture of precocious accuracy and, curious ,errors. For example, in his History of Animals he claimed that human males have

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