Examples of the the word, stomach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stomach ), is the 3925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Among Egyptian physicians, with some treating only the head or the, stomach , while others were eye-doctors and dentists. Training of physicians took place
  2. The murder. Later in his life, we are told::" Always a man who had taken his, stomach ,seriously, he was reaping his reward in old age. Eating was not only a physical
  3. Eating anymore. " — John Young in an air-to-ground transmission, reacting to, stomach ,problems caused by drinking potassium-enriched orange juice (to prevent an
  4. Allegories are the cave in Plato's Republic (Book VII) and the story of the, stomach ,and its members in the speech of Menelaus Agrippa (Livy ii. 32). In Late
  5. Is dealt with separately in connection with the description of that organ (see, stomach , kidney, liver,etc.) Diseases affecting the abdominal cavity are dealt with
  6. Among Poirot's most significant personal attributes is the sensitivity of his, stomach ,::" The plane dropped slightly. " Mon stomach ," thought Hercules Poirot, and
  7. It with vitamin C is a more recently investigated method of protecting the, stomach ,lining. According to research done at a German university, taking equal doses
  8. Dose of aspirin (1300 milligrams) in a research study reduced the amount of, stomach ,damage by 90 percent. A study found that, in contrast to oral aspirin
  9. Ulcer can be life-threatening. HERD, and pre-ulcerative conditions in the, stomach ,are treated much more aggressively since both, if untreated, could lead to
  10. Cancer and 60 % for esophageal cancer, while the reductions in pancreas, stomach , brain, breast and ovarian cancers were difficult to quantify because there
  11. PPI) omeprazole (Prilosec) were made OTC. These drugs stop production of, stomach ,acid and provide longer lasting relief, but they do not neutralize any stomach
  12. The transdermal patch form of elegizing, which due to its bypassing of the, stomach ,has a lesser propensity to induce such events. Maoist can be as effective as
  13. Such as diatoms. Wave-like peristaltic contractions move the food through the, stomach ,for digestion. The final section of the stomach is lined with cilia (minute
  14. The serfs. Alexander was bleeding to death, with his legs torn away, his, stomach , ripped open, and his face mutilated. Members of the Romanov family came rushing
  15. With asthma or NSAID-precipitated bronchospasm. Owing to its effect on the, stomach ,lining, manufacturers recommend people with peptic ulcers, mild diabetes, or
  16. To 'city boy. ' Another running gag is that Jethro is known as the" six foot, stomach ," for his ability to eat: in one episode he eats a jetliner's entire supply of
  17. A very common use is antacid tablets. These are designed to neutralize excess, stomach ,acid (HCl) which may be causing discomfort in the stomach or lower esophagus.
  18. Density of its armor, an armadillo will sink in water unless it inflates its, stomach ,and intestines with air, which often doubles its size and allows it to swim
  19. During his apprehension he was shot in the thigh, the testicle, and the, stomach ,with rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle. He was not recognized at first, and
  20. Move the food through the stomach for digestion. The final section of the, stomach ,is lined with cilia (minute hairs) that compress undigested solids, which
  21. Due to technical problems. On 1 February, a feeding tube was inserted into his, stomach , indicating that doctors were preparing him for long-term care. On 11 February
  22. And cause phosphate deficiency. Problems with reduced stomach acidity Reduced, stomach ,acidity may result in an impaired ability to digest and absorb certain
  23. Relief but they do not neutralize any stomach acid already present in the, stomach , For example, Pepcid Complete includes calcium carbonate in its formulation
  24. Died in Mexico following cancer treatment with laetrile and surgery to remove a, stomach ,tumor while undergoing treatment for peritoneal mesothelioma (a cancer that
  25. If none of these conditions is present, there is still an increased risk of, stomach ,bleeding when aspirin is taken with alcohol or warfarin. Use of aspirin during
  26. Enteric coated formulations of aspirin are advertised as being" gentle to the, stomach ,", in one study enteric coating did not seem to reduce this risk. In addition
  27. University, taking equal doses of vitamin C and aspirin decreases the amount of, stomach ,damage that occurs compared to taking aspirin alone. Deglycyrrhizinated
  28. Digestive tract, neutralization reactions are used when food is moved from the, stomach ,to the intestines. In order for the nutrients to be absorbed through the
  29. February, he underwent an additional procedure to drain excess fluid from his, stomach , discovered during a CT scan. Replacement by HUD Older According to Israeli
  30. And outreach ", May 2004. An antacid is a substance which neutralizes, stomach ,acidity. Mechanism of action Antacids perform a neutralization reaction
  31. Animals, hydrochloric acid is a part of the gastric acid secreted within the, stomach ,to help hydrolyze proteins and polysaccharides, as well as converting the
  32. Hand" which procures that the gluttony of the rich helps the poor as the, stomach ,of rich is so limited that they have to spend their fortune on servants. After
  33. Undesirable side effects of aspirin taken by mouth are gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach ,bleeding, and tinnitus, especially in higher doses. In children and adolescents
  34. Many medications may cause minor but bothersome symptoms such as cough or upset, stomach , In all of these cases, patients may be seeking out alternative treatments to
  35. Perform a neutralization reaction, increasing the pH to reduce acidity in the, stomach , When gastric hydrochloric acid reaches the nerves in the gastrointestinal
  36. Between lophophorates and Lophotrochozoa. In some species the first part of the, stomach ,forms a muscular gizzard lined with chitinous teeth that crush armored prey
  37. Very important roles in the human body. The hydrochloric acid present in our, stomach ,aids in digestion by breaking down large and complex food molecules. Amino
  38. Held in its crop. This is also how adults share food, stored in the" social, stomach ,", among themselves. Larvae may also be provided with solid food such as
  39. Certain nutrients, such as iron and the B vitamins. Since the low pH of the, stomach ,normally kills ingested bacteria, antacids increase the vulnerability to
  40. The novel. He is killed later in the book after being shot point-blank in the, stomach ,with a flare gun. As he was dying" quite conscious and in terrible pain ", he
  41. Of barium sulfate Because it is highly insoluble in water as well as, stomach ,acids, barium sulfate can be taken orally. It is eliminated completely from the
  42. Stomach acid and provide longer lasting relief, but they do not neutralize any, stomach ,acid already present in the stomach . For example, Pepcid Complete includes
  43. Muscle weakness and tension, fatigue,nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach ,aches, or headaches. The body prepares to deal with a threat: blood pressure
  44. To lower blood sugar levels. It has also been used to reduce the effects of, stomach ,ulcers. Bay leaf contains eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  45. And phosphate excretion, and cause phosphate deficiency. Problems with reduced, stomach ,acidity Reduced stomach acidity may result in an impaired ability to digest and
  46. Much more aggressively since both, if untreated, could lead to esophageal or, stomach ,cancer. It is primarily for this reason that the histamine-2 (H₂) blockers
  47. Neutralize excess stomach acid (HCl) which may be causing discomfort in the, stomach ,or lower esophagus. Also in the digestive tract, neutralization reactions are
  48. Acetaminophen) and caffeine is still more effective, but at the cost of more, stomach ,discomfort, nervousness and dizziness. There is some evidence low-dose aspirin
  49. Antacid brands Additional information Heartburn, reflux,indigestion, and sour, stomach ,are a few of the common terms used to describe digestive upset. Self-diagnosis
  50. To work by preventing the aspirin from concentrating in the walls of the, stomach , although the benefits of buffered aspirin are disputed. Almost any buffering

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