Examples of the the word, workforce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( workforce ), is the 3914 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At the same time. This undermined AA's attempts to increase trust with its, workforce ,and to increase its productivity. In May 2008,a month after mass grounding of
  2. Be closed several times, but was extended due to new orders received. The C-17, workforce , will be reduced by approximately 1,100 through the end of 2012,mostly through
  3. Of the Bahamian GDP, but provides jobs for more than half the country's, workforce , After tourism, the next most important economic sector is financial services
  4. Paid. The work effort of the conscripts is effectively wasted, as an unwilling, workforce ,is extremely inefficient. The impact is especially severe in wartime, when
  5. Employer in SA (2009–10),with 91,900 jobs, and 12 per cent of the state, workforce , Adelaide has over 40 % of Australia's high-tech electronics industry which
  6. Economic sector employing the most people worldwide. Despite the size of its, workforce , agricultural production accounts for less than five percent of the gross world
  7. For 9.8 % of the GDP of the province and employs 9.6 % of the province's, workforce , In 2004,over 1.5 million international tourists visited the area. With the
  8. All development, sales and production activities, as well as the current, workforce , have remained in place at its present location at Varese. Shareholders
  9. Contributed less than 2 percent of GDP and engaged less than 3 percent of the, workforce ,in the early 2000s. Bulgaria has the following estimated deposits of metallic
  10. The Cessna Mustang, was not forecast to see any lay-offs, but one third of the, workforce ,at the former Columbia Aircraft facility in Bend was laid off. This included
  11. BSA, as the only rifle producer in Britain, had to step up to the mark and the, workforce ,voluntarily went onto a 7-day week. Motorcycle production was also stepped up
  12. As hotels, restaurants,construction, and landscaping services. Of the total, workforce ,of 38,947 persons in 2005,government employment figures state that 11,223 (29
  13. In 2001 and the Davidson Mill in 2005 leaving the Stonework Paper Mill with a, workforce ,of approximately 500. Textile production ended in 2004 when Richards of
  14. Could be provided at all levels for school-leavers before they entered the, workforce , The community colleges also provide an infrastructure for rural communities to
  15. The Combined Registry Co. As the Great Depression began, Stone reduced his, workforce ,and improved training. Forced by his son's respiratory illness to winter in
  16. Agriculture accounting for 5.9 % of GDP. According to 2004 data,2.7 % of the, workforce ,were employed in agriculture,32.8 % by industry and 64.5 in services. The
  17. Per week and the decreased participation of children and the elderly in the, workforce ,have been attributed to capitalism. Proponents also believe that a capitalist
  18. Sector produces 8.26 percent of regional GDP and employs 8.19 percent of the, workforce , In monetary terms it could be considered a rather uncompetitive sector, given
  19. In the office at the time of the attacks),or about two-thirds of its, workforce , considerably more than any other of the World Trade Center tenants or the New
  20. Banking infrastructure with an internationally experienced and qualified, workforce ,as well as experienced lawyers, accountants and auditors," adding that," the
  21. Shortages. Although trade unions in Benin represent up to 75 % of the formal, workforce , the large informal economy has been noted by the International Trade Union
  22. Own little accounts, for the day-to-day running of the estate, payment of the, workforce , production of crops, the sale of produce, the use of animals, and general
  23. Suffered notably during the late-2000s recession, laying off more than half its, workforce ,between January 2009 and September 2010. On 4 November 2008 Cessna's parent
  24. In 2012. In December 2008,Aston Martin announced that it would cut its 1850, workforce , by 600. On 16.9.2011 Aston Martin became head sponsor of German soccer club
  25. Professionally-skilled conscripts are also difficult to replace in the civilian, workforce , Every soldier conscripted in the army is taken away from his civilian work
  26. Student that will graduate with an Associate Degree and directly enter the, workforce , *Developmental – Remedial education for high school graduates who are not
  27. 60 % of the gross domestic product (GDP) and employs about half the Bahamian, workforce , In 2004,over half a million tourists visited The Bahamas, most of whom are
  28. Mountains until 1870. The event effectively returned control of the indigenous, workforce ,back to the highland elite. The Porfirio Díaz era at the end of the 19th
  29. And adjacent areas make up nearly 20 % of Welsh GDP and 40 % of the city’s, workforce ,are daily in-commuters from the surrounding south Wales area. Industry has
  30. Closures. Most outback mines have an airstrip and many have a fly-in fly-out, workforce , Most outback sheep stations and cattle stations have an airstrip and quite a
  31. Workers entering the municipality for every one leaving. About 23.9 % of the, workforce ,coming into Basel are coming from outside Switzerland, while 1.0 % of the
  32. Paved the way for food/curry outlets to be opened up catering for an all-male, workforce ,as family migration and settlement took place some decades later. This cuisine
  33. Driven by continuing low sales at Cessna, which were down 44 %. Cessna's, workforce ,remained 50 % laid-off and CEO Jack Elton stated that he expected the recovery
  34. The State of the World's Midwifery. It contained new data on the midwifery, workforce ,and policies relating to newborn and maternal mortality for 58 countries. The
  35. Claim that sustainable success requires a humanely treated and satisfied, workforce , Sales and marketing Ethics came of age only as late as 1990s.
  36. For the U. S. to increase its manufacturing base employment to 20 % of the, workforce , commenting that the U. S. has outsourced too much in some areas and can no
  37. Announced Rod Eddington as his successor. Eddington set about cutting the, workforce ,further, in response to the slump caused by 11 September attacks in 2001. In
  38. Individuals in overcoming the exceptional obstacles to their educational and, workforce ,goals. Vocational career training is available to high school students free of
  39. Was high levels of crime and prostitution. More than 40 percent of the Cuban, workforce ,in 1958 was either underemployed or unemployed. Schools for blacks and
  40. In a post-industrial society where educational levels are high and where the, workforce ,is highly sophisticated and a replacement for a conscripted specialist is
  41. Settled and started up small businesses, while at least as many have come as, workforce ,for large (construction or other) enterprises. Observers claim that the
  42. The hard times of the Depression. Because of the war effort, women entered the, workforce ,as never before. British Columbia has long taken advantage of its location on
  43. Colleges System provides lower division coursework as well as basic skills and, workforce ,training. It is the largest network of higher education in the US, composed of
  44. In Alexandria was $16,242,compared with $21,587 nationally. The Alexandria, workforce ,consists of about 55,000 residents. Union Tank Car Company has recently located
  45. Production. Although trade unions in Benin represent up to 75 % of the formal, workforce , the large informal economy has been noted by the International Trade Union
  46. Contributed to slow development in the 1990s. By 2004 some 98 percent of the, workforce ,and output of Bulgaria’s agricultural sector was private, including a number of
  47. As new technologies were incorporated at the request of airlines. Insufficient, workforce ,experience and reliance on overtime contributed to early production problems on
  48. I trauma center in Alabama. UAB is the largest employer in Alabama, with a, workforce ,of about 20,000. Banking Alabama has the headquarters of Regions Financial
  49. Company. Later in that year, however,the company decided to cut 6 % of its, workforce ,as part of a restructuring effort. In 2003,the company saw revenues increase
  50. NATO on 1 April 2009 becoming the 27th and 28th members of the alliance. The, workforce ,of Albania has continued to migrate to Greece, Italy,Germany, other parts of

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