Examples of the the word, humanitarian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( humanitarian ), is the 3922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Belarusian NGOs and forbidding loans to the Belarusian government except for, humanitarian ,purposes. Despite this, the two nations cooperate on intellectual property
  2. Hungry West Berliners by America's 17th Military Airport Squadron during the, humanitarian ,effort. " When the candy-chocked shoos were dropped, a near-riot resulted," (
  3. The country receives substantial amounts of reconstruction assistance and, humanitarian ,aid from the international community. Support for Eastern European Democracy (
  4. Calling for the cessation of hostilities, unimpeded access for international, humanitarian ,relief efforts, and the eventual deployment of a peacekeeping force in the
  5. The eastern town of Apache, capital of the Saddam Region and center for, humanitarian ,aid to the Darfur region in Sudan. On the same day, a separate rebel group
  6. Accepted additional U. S. training assistance in counter-terrorism tactics and, humanitarian ,assistance. Burkina Faso has recently become a member of the Trans-Sahara
  7. Calling for the cessation of hostilities, unimpeded access for international, humanitarian ,relief efforts, and the eventual deployment of a peacekeeping force in the
  8. Conferring on Solzhenitsyn the State Prize of the Russian Federation for his, humanitarian ,work and personally visited the writer at his home on 12 June 2007 to present
  9. Since World War II. Since then, he has been involved in public speaking and, humanitarian ,work. Based on his philanthropic worldview, Clinton created the William J.
  10. With Burundi. Following the coup, the United States also suspended all but, humanitarian ,aid to Burundi. The regional embargo was lifted on January 23, 1999,based on
  11. European Parliament in Brussels asking the international community to provide, humanitarian ,help to the people of Afghanistan. http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=e1iCsEnXdIw
  12. Terry George was the recipient of the annual award for his long-standing, humanitarian ,commitments, and the impact of his award-winning depiction of the Rwandan
  13. In recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions, humanitarian ,ideals and freedom of thought. " Biography Ancestry Bertrand Russell was born
  14. Functions include deterrence, defence, peace support and crisis management, humanitarian ,and rescue missions, as well as social functions within Bulgarian society.
  15. Delight in the suffering of the damned. Hell, however,does not fit modern, humanitarian ,concepts of punishment because it cannot deter the unbeliever nor rehabilitate
  16. Award recognizes individuals who have made substantive contributions to the, humanitarian ,field through philanthropy, public awareness, or their efforts to directly
  17. The discourse of sensibility and those who promoted it with the increased, humanitarian ,efforts, such as the movement to abolish the slave trade. But sensibility also
  18. Campaign raises vital funds and support for Action Against Hunger’s life-saving, humanitarian ,programs. Various singers have performed at the annual Restaurants Against
  19. Ongoing coverage of key global issues and for bringing some of the most glaring, humanitarian ,tragedies into focus for the American public. In 2007,film director and
  20. Kim Musing, South Korean actor (b. 1943) * 2005 – Marla Quick, American, humanitarian , worker and peace activist (b. 1976) *2006 – Francisco Adam, Portuguese actor
  21. Of 19th century tycoons, Carnegie was not a particularly ruthless man but a, humanitarian ,with enough acquisitiveness to go in the ruthless pursuit of money; on the
  22. Emancipation committees were formed. But the emancipation was not merely a, humanitarian ,question capable of being solved instantaneously by imperial ukase. It
  23. In a partnership to clean up dioxin" hot spots" in Vietnam and to expand, humanitarian ,services for people with disabilities there. On September 16, 2010,Senator
  24. Positions in top level companies. Among Angola's major problems are a serious, humanitarian ,crisis (a result of the prolonged war),the abundance of minefields, the
  25. Little Walter (Marion Walter Jacobs) — blues musician * Joanne Lyle's White-, humanitarian , philanthropist; founder and first President of the Louisiana Speech League
  26. Pioneered the therapeutic milk formula (F100),now used by all major, humanitarian ,aid organizations to treat acute malnutrition. As a result, the global
  27. The country receives substantial amounts of reconstruction assistance and, humanitarian ,aid from the international community but will have to prepare for an era of
  28. SPP) ). Oklahoma National Guard troops have been sent on training and, humanitarian ,missions to Baku. Israel Azerbaijan and Israel cooperate on numerous areas of
  29. And so on) of the worldwide Church, including the Church's massive global, humanitarian ,aid and social welfare programs. The Presiding Bishop has two counselors; the
  30. In the pre-Islamic period resulted in clear-cut rules of warfare of a high, humanitarian ,standard, in rules of neutrality, of treaty law, of customary law embodied in
  31. suffering from others. However, the latter was discounted as weakness rather than, humanitarian ,virtue. Schopenhauer's controversial writings have influenced many, from
  32. States has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to help with infrastructure, humanitarian ,aid, economic development, and military reconstruction in Herzegovina and
  33. Unable to produce their own food and are largely dependent on international, humanitarian ,assistance. Burundi is a net food importer, with food accounting for 17 % of
  34. And all 14 crew members died. The military has used AC-130 gunships during the, humanitarian ,operations in Somalia (Operation Restore Hope and Operation United Shield) in
  35. As Action Contra la Farm, or ACF International) is an international, humanitarian ,organization with a focus on ending world hunger. Action Against Hunger
  36. Bavaria granted the city a new coat of arms, as a recognition of their (mainly, humanitarian ,and logistic) services in the Battle of Babelsberg the same year. The
  37. He was awarded a knighthood (KBE) by the British Mandate of Palestine for his, humanitarian ,efforts during the war. He is buried in the front room of the Shrine of the Bad
  38. Director and actor * 1934 – Roberto Clemente, Puerto Rican baseball player and, humanitarian ,(d. 1972) * 1935 – Howard Morrison, New Zealand entertainer (d. 2009) *1936
  39. Communities, and Cambodian refugees in Thailand. ACF expanded to address, humanitarian ,concerns in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, the Balkans and elsewhere
  40. It practically buy being present in different sites across Egypt with a new, humanitarian ,project each week. Endorsements AMR Dial has taken part in an internationally
  41. Employ anthropology to determine propitious placement of advertising; and, humanitarian ,agencies depend on anthropological insights as means to fight poverty. Examples
  42. Continued to profess Hinduism. According to his edicts we know that he provided, humanitarian ,help including doctors, hospitals,inns, wells,medical herbs and engineers to
  43. IATA airport code ABD. Notable residents *Able Nathan (1927–2008),Israeli, humanitarian ,and peace activist Climate The climate in Ibadan is arid and similar to Baghdad
  44. Melinda and U2's lead singer Bono as the 2005 Persons of the Year for their, humanitarian ,efforts. In 2006,he was voted eighth in the list of" Heroes of our time ".
  45. Health committee provided health services, assisted by volunteers from foreign, humanitarian ,non-governmental organizations, such as Aide medical Internationale. An
  46. Volunteers and various paramilitary forces from Serbia, and receiving extensive, humanitarian , logistical and financial support from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
  47. Functions include deterrence, defense,peace support and crisis management, humanitarian ,and rescue missions, as well as social functions within Armenian society. The
  48. European Parliament in Brussels asking the international community to provide, humanitarian ,help to the people of Afghanistan. Recent history (2001–present) On 9
  49. Latter-day Saints (LDS or 'Mormons' ). LDS involvement in Albania began with, humanitarian ,aid during the 1990s. The first missionaries were sent in 1992 with the Albania
  50. Of the Public Chamber of Russia. He has recently involved himself in several, humanitarian ,causes, such as advocating the use of iodized salt. Early life Karol was born

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