Examples of the the word, heal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heal ), is the 3911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Saga accounts for how a sacrifice to elves was apparently believed able to, heal ,a severe battle wound:: Forward heal ed but slowly; and when he could get on his
  2. Randomized controlled trial found primary closure led to 35 % failing to, heal ,primarily and primary closure longer median number of days to closure (8.9
  3. Fear (make the target run directly away from the caster) and life tap (, heal ,the caster and damage the target) that allows them to function as an effective
  4. And assembly of believers - accepted the council in spite of its failure to, heal ,the rift of the Great Schism. The first seven councils were called by the
  5. And she claimed that her students were able to approximate her ability to, heal , The readers of her book gathered into an organization and gradually developed
  6. That the spear had inflicted the wound; therefore, the spear must be able to, heal ,it. Pieces of the spear were scraped off onto the wound and Telefax was heal ed
  7. Or magical attacks to wound targets during battle, and players may use items to, heal ,or protect themselves. Each character and enemy has a certain number of hits
  8. Not heal ; Telefax consulted an oracle, who stated that" he that wounded shall, heal ,". Guided by the oracle, he arrived at Argos, where Achilles heal ed him in
  9. The gel in the leaves can be made into a smooth type of cream that can, heal ,burns such as sunburn. They can also be made into types of special soaps.
  10. Orthodoxy Council of Chalcedony When in AD 451,Emperor Marci anus attempted to, heal ,divisions in the Church, the response of Pope Discords – the Pope of
  11. Should be resisted. # Emptiness: This stage moves beyond the attempts to fix, heal ,and convert of the chaos stage, when all people become capable of acknowledging
  12. However, and his mission he often said was to" break a hard heart and to, heal ,a broken heart ". Partly from Cowper's literary influence, and partly because
  13. Thai Kannada. The Guru responded," Then you should also give them ointment to, heal ,their wounds. You were practicing what you were coached in the house of the
  14. Then with oil in the name of the Lord. And their prayer offered in faith will, heal ,the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins
  15. She contended that this understanding was what enabled the biblical Jesus to, heal ,and accords with the Scripture:" We are of God: he that knower God hearth us
  16. Deteriorate and bleed, with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and wounds do not, heal , Prior to the eighteenth century, this condition was notorious among long
  17. Approaches. The Spirit comes with the tenderness of a true friend to save, to, heal , to teach, to counsel, to strengthen and to console ”. Cyril truly believes in
  18. Other products such as a loudspeaker," Lumiere tulle gas" ( a dressing to, heal ,burns) and the hominoid forceps (a medical tool). Other early
  19. Items can be picked up during play. A portable med kit allows the players to, heal ,Duke at will. Steroids speed up Duke's movement, as well as instantly
  20. By heal ing. Christian Scientists are instructed to follow Jesus' example and, heal ,as well, as the words in the registered trademark of the Cross and Crown
  21. Often has to use several skills at the same time when a cleric could simply, heal ,right through: keeping a heal -over-time (Hot) spell at the tank, slow the
  22. Incredibly sound coursing hound. Serious coursing injuries are rare. The dogs, heal ,very quickly from injury. Arawak have no known incidence of hip dysplasia.
  23. Magic. * Necromancer: These" masters of death" are able to summon, buff,and, heal ,powerful undead pets and use poison, magic,fire, and disease damage-over-time
  24. Soup is a regular dish in Cantonese families as most believe in its ability to, heal ,and strengthens one's heal th. Due to long preparation hours of slow-cooked
  25. In the resulting battle, Achilles gave Telefax a wound that would not, heal ,; Telefax consulted an oracle, who stated that" he that wounded shall heal ".
  26. Healed all who were present every single time. Jesus commands his followers to, heal ,the sick and states that signs such as heal ing are evidence of faith. Jesus
  27. In the ancestral environment. Proponents of EP suggest that it seeks to, heal ,a fundamental division at the very heart of science --- that between the soft
  28. Paladin is a hybrid Warrior/Cleric. They were originally able to Lay on Hands (, heal ,themselves or another player) once every 72 minutes (real-time); Lay on
  29. Cellar was appointed by Girl, it may be that the gathering was intended to, heal ,a rift between king and church. Return of the UI Image Following the events at
  30. That Daken's mind is even more broken than Wolverine's was. Before Xavier can, heal ,Taken a psychic bomb explodes causing Xavier to become comatose and Taken to
  31. But at that moment I conceived a hatred for England which took many years to, heal , " From boyhood Lewis immersed himself firstly in Norse and Greek and then in
  32. Telefax, he went to Rules pretending to be a beggar and asked Achilles to, heal ,his wound. Achilles refused, claiming to have no medical knowledge.
  33. Providing there are no unusual bacilli present, the abscess will generally, heal ,on its own in a matter of weeks. BCG immunization leaves a characteristic
  34. A large HP increase during a short time. While a raiding shaman will primarily, heal ,and increase other classes DPs, a soloing shaman or a shaman in a group will
  35. If there were knowable laws that governed it. She claimed that she was able to, heal ,others and began to be called out to the bedsides of those whom the medical
  36. One of the signs of the true church of Christ, as Christ told his disciples to, heal ,the sick as one of their duties (http://new.lds.org/scriptures/nt/matt/10.8?
  37. A convenient time to carry out the procedure because they need several weeks to, heal ,before returning to school. Notes Fermentation may refer to: * Fermentation (
  38. To sustain circulation and respiration, control temperature, excrete wastes, heal ,wounds, fight infections and, most dramatically, to gestate fetuses (in the
  39. Then with oil in the name of the Lord. After Jesus' death, Peter and Paul, heal ,the sick and cast out demons, make a lame man walk, and raise the dead.
  40. Development of ecclesiastical organization," whereas in Paul's day to, heal ,and work miracles pertained to believers indiscriminately (I Corinthians
  41. Protection in battle – the reason for this being that amethysts are believed to, heal ,people and keep them cool-headed. Beads of amethyst were found in Anglo-Saxon
  42. Regional tissue death (gangrene). Abscesses in most parts of the body rarely, heal ,themselves, so prompt medical attention is indicated at the first suspicion of
  43. Word of the Bible, especially Jesus' words and works, one can learn to, heal , Healing is understood not as an end in itself, but a natural result of drawing
  44. Benny Hind, and Peter Pop off became well-known televangelists who claimed to, heal ,the sick. Richard Rossi is known for advertising his heal ing clinics through
  45. There, she and Corsair take Xavier with them so Shi'AR advanced technology can, heal ,him. Xavier leaves Magneto in charge of the school, but some X-Men are
  46. Any ailment including cholera. The red spots and bruising take 3 to 10 days to, heal , It is believed that most people can tolerate the pain of treatment, but there
  47. LDS doctrine, even though members may have the restored priesthood authority to, heal ,in the name of Jesus Christ, all efforts should be made to seek the appropriate
  48. That enable them to be a strong" pulling" class. They have the ability to, heal ,themselves, with a moderate cooldown, with the ability Mend. * Ranger: A
  49. The New Testament contains numerous instances of Jesus performing miracles to, heal ,the blind. According to the Gospels, Jesus heal ed the two blind men of Galilee
  50. Xavier is kidnapped by Exodus, Tempo,and Karima Shankar. Exodus tries to, heal ,Xavier, Xavier mentally fights Exodus. Exodus finally approaches Magneto, who

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