Examples of the the word, legend , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The island of Luke at the mouth of the Danube. Ajax, who in the post-Homeric, legend ,is described as the grandson of Abacus and the great-grandson of Zeus, was the
  2. Men like Archives. Aphrodite also became instrumental in the Eros and Psyche, legend , and later was both Adonis' lover and his surrogate mother. Many lesser beings
  3. King Alexander ". Rev: Eight-spoke wheel or star within diadem. Hebrew, legend ,inside the spokes:" Yonatan the King ". Alexander Antaeus was the first of
  4. He was easily controlled by his wives and freedmen. His freedmen, according to, legend , presented him three possible candidates. The freedman Tiberius Claudius
  5. With the general hype created in Australia) to revive public interest in the, legend , The first mention of" The Ashes" in Widen Cricketers' Almanac occurs in
  6. S Iliad and is also mentioned in the Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid. In Etruscan, legend , he was known as Rivas Violates. Mythology His mother's name was Troops.
  7. Arrested and hanged. This is the earliest reference to the impostor's end. The, legend ,was amplified in later years. According to the fourteenth-century Chronic de
  8. Of Australia in 2006/7,the MCC official accompanying the urn said the veil, legend ,had been discounted, and it was now" 95 % certain" that the urn contains the
  9. Forty (assuming again, a birth around 370 AD),and his body was, according to, legend , buried under the riverbed of the Bento. The stream was temporarily turned
  10. Of their cultures. (For an example, see Proto-Uralic language. ) Mythology and, legend ,often contain important clues to the earlier history of peoples.
  11. And possibly a reproduce, prostitute,or priestess to Ishtar or Ivanna. One, legend ,related of Sargon in Assyrian times says that Originally a cup bearer (Reinstate
  12. In Virgil's Aeneid. He is considered an important figure in Greek and Roman, legend , Aeneas is a character in Homer's Iliad, Quintus Smyrna' Posthomerica, and
  13. Ishtar, and Shah. Abraham is said to have died at the age of 175 years. Jewish, legend ,says that he was meant to live to 180 years, but God purposely took his life
  14. His first endorsement to run for the presidency. Exploiting the embellished, legend ,of his frontier days with his father,Lincoln's supporters adopted the label
  15. The city after his mother Authors. According to a version of the Ariadne, legend ,noted by Plutarch, Theseus abandoned Ariadne at Boathouse, where she died
  16. Widen Cricketers' Almanac occurs in 1905,while Widens first account of the, legend ,is in the 1922 edition. Urn As it took many years for the name" The Ashes" to
  17. Royal military training knowledge. He was a fearsome hunter, and according to a, legend , he killed a lion with just a wooden rod. He was very adventurous and a trained
  18. They were not active in the 1130s,it is possible that the historically-based, legend ,of the pseudo-Alfonso had some influence on the genesis of the Bell of Hues ca.
  19. At least initially, the pretender. These lords also appear in the latter, legend ,of the Bell of Hues ca, which has no historical basis, as the victims Ramiro II
  20. Oscar" in 1939 by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. Another, legend ,reports that the Norwegian-American Eleanor Lille berg, executive secretary to
  21. Irving. Jackson decided not to press charges. Lawrence was restrained, and, legend , told that Jackson attacked Lawrence with his cane. Others present, including
  22. Penned his Angles de la Corona de Aragón that new details were added to the, legend , Zurita's dates the impostor's appearance to the death of Raymond Hangar IV
  23. A 2nd century CE text related to the legend of the Maurya Emperor Ashoka. The, legend ,was translated into Chinese by Fa Hair in 300 CE. Mahayana -The Mahayana ("
  24. In order to increase the prestige of the text through association. According to, legend , Albert us Magnus is said to have discovered the philosopher's stone and passed
  25. Wrote the history of his nation in 551,basing his work on The Trojan War. The, legend ,of Alaric's burial in the Bonita River comes from Jordanes. Alaric II, also
  26. Baseball was such a widely accepted belief in the late 19th century, that the, legend ,was recorded on a Civil War monument in Maryland in 1897. The Doubleday Hill
  27. The work of SAMU Tea drew particular attention: he has been called a ", legend ," and the" god of manga ". His work – and that of other pioneers in the field
  28. His book How We Recovered The Ashes. The title of this book revived the Ashes, legend ,and it was after this that England v Australia series were customarily referred
  29. Dipped in lava, burned at stake, the rack, etc.). Some heroes of Greek, legend ,are allowed to visit the underworld. The Romans had a similar belief system
  30. James Kelly, Monty Noble, Clem Hill, Hugh Crumble and Ernie Jones. Reviving the, legend ,After what the MCC saw as the problems of the earlier professional and amateur
  31. And Shakira. Alienate has come to symbolize the folk music of Colombia. The, legend ,of the Accordion's arrival in Colombia comes from a story of a ship wreck that
  32. Which dates approximately to the first century BC. According to the, legend , it was where festive Adonis took place, in which athletes competed in hunting
  33. Agassi details how his father made him play a match for money with football, legend ,Jim Brown, in 1979,when Agassi was just 9 years old. Brown was at a Vegas
  34. Of Asoka, whose authorship was finally attributed to the Ashoka of Buddhist, legend ,after the discovery of dynastic lists that gave the name used in the edicts (
  35. Name means" red-beard" ( literally," bronze-beard" ) in Latin. According to, legend , Castor and Pollux announced to one of their ancestors the victory of the
  36. A symbol of immortality, was used to decorate images of the gods and tombs. In, legend , Amaranths (a form of Amaranths) was a hunter of Artemis and king of Europa;
  37. Given that Thomas Aquinas died six years before Albert us Magnus' death, this, legend , as stated is unlikely. However, it is true that Albert us was deeply interested
  38. There and the wails of the kith and kin of the dead. Buddhist conversion As the, legend ,goes, one day after the war was over, Ashoka ventured out to roam the city and
  39. Ashokavadana - The Ashokavadana is a 2nd century CE text related to the, legend ,of the Maurya Emperor Ashoka. The legend was translated into Chinese by Fa Hair
  40. In battle. These findings have led scholars to suggest that the Amazonian, legend ,in Greek mythology may have been" inspired by real warrior women ", though
  41. Since they have paid points for the items, they are a part of the character's, legend , and cannot lightly be destroyed. Similarly, a character can find any possible
  42. Extreme is an indoor skate park built in 2007 it was designed by Aberdeen skate, legend ,Andy Dobson. Aberdeen City council also have an Outdoor Education service which
  43. Turkish ruler who minted coins in his own name in 1320s, for it bears the, legend ," Minted by Osman son of Portugal ". Since the minting of coins was a
  44. Was apt for a papal state seeking clout, since it depicts the historical, legend ,when the greatest of the popes Leo, with supernatural aid, deterred the Huns
  45. The proximity of the altar on which the sacrifice of the mass is offered. The, legend ,connected with its foundation is given by Peter Damiani in his Life of St Oil
  46. Shah could see the talent in his young commander. Later on according to Pashtun, legend , it is said that in Delhi Nader Shah summoned Ahmad Shah, and said," Come
  47. Who regards everyone with affection" ). Along with the Edicts of Ashoka, his, legend , is related in the later 2nd century (" Narrative of Asoka" ) and (" Divine
  48. His father was Ambrosia Aurelius, the praetorian prefect of Gaul; There is a, legend ,that as an infant, a swarm of bees settled on his face while he lay in his
  49. Test match between England and Australia was played in 1877,though the Ashes, legend ,started later, after the ninth Test, played in 1882. On their tour that year (
  50. Pests) and breaking up hard soil for more delicate neighboring plants. Myth, legend ,and poetry The word amaranth comes from the Greek word amaranths, meaning "

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