Examples of the the word, pursuit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pursuit ), is the 3912 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Amator," lover" ) is generally considered a person attached to a particular, pursuit , study, or science, without pay and often without formal training. Amateurism
  2. Kant's argument presupposes that both the pursuit of moral virtue and the, pursuit ,of happiness must be rational enterprises; however, this is precisely the sort
  3. Man but a humanitarian with enough acquisitiveness to go in the ruthless, pursuit ,of money; on the other hand, the contrast between his life and the lives of
  4. Business ethics concerns questions such as the limits on managers in the, pursuit ,of profit, or the duty of 'whistleblowers' to the public as opposed to
  5. Union Address, he warned Congress of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's possible, pursuit ,of nuclear weapons: To weaken Saddam Hussein's grip of power, Clinton signed
  6. Is governed by morally blind causes. These causes give no hope whatsoever that, pursuit ,of moral virtue will lead to happiness. They do not even give hope that we can
  7. Crossings on the Dale river. At last, however,Marlborough called a halt to the, pursuit ,shortly after midnight near Elder, from the field. Aftermath What was left of
  8. Neighbouring Burns. In such cases, the Vikings were extremely vulnerable to, pursuit ,by the king's joint military forces. Alfred's Bush system posed such a
  9. A son greater than his father. For this reason, the two gods withdrew their, pursuit , and had her wed Pele us. As with most mythology, there is a tale which offers
  10. Withdraws his effort for the same reasons John Salt himself had. Dagny's, pursuit ,of Quentin leads her to" Galt's Gulch ". *Sebastian d'Antonia was the 16th (
  11. Popular with open water swimmers, who swim daily in the sea, both as a leisure, pursuit , and as training for open water competition. The bay provides safety from the
  12. As stated by the Yerkes-Dodson law. For some people, adventure becomes a major, pursuit ,in and of itself. According to adventurer André Malraux, in his La Condition
  13. That his judges be literate, so that they could apply themselves" to the, pursuit ,of wisdom. " The failure to comply with this royal order was to be punished by
  14. People, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and the, pursuit ,of happiness," and (Section I) one of" the fundamental principles of this
  15. The region of the Zimmerman Bosporus. He left his native country to travel in, pursuit ,of knowledge, and came to Athens about 589 BCE, at a time when Solon was
  16. Agrees to help him. Together, the two wizards set off south and east in, pursuit ,of the shadow. Eventually they leave the last known island of Earthsea and head
  17. William Waller at the Battle of Cropped Bridge, King Charles marched west in, pursuit ,of the Parliamentarian army of the Earl of Essex, who was invading the Royalist
  18. Became a rout. Individual Allied commanders drove their troops forward in, pursuit , allowing their beaten enemy no chance to recover. Soon the Allied infantry
  19. Argued that this did not apply to the defense of innocents. In essence,the, pursuit ,of peace must include the option of fighting to preserve it in the long-term.
  20. S practice developed into the 1890s,he became more and more radical in his, pursuit ,of fragmentation, the combination of figures at different scales, and the
  21. With the race long since decided, the nation's attention turned to Ruth's, pursuit ,of his own home run mark of 59. Early in the season, Ruth expressed doubts
  22. The ethnologist" called" an entirely barbarous race, devoid of any spiritual, pursuit ," and" polytheists" to boot. Crowley repeated his claim that Jews in Eastern
  23. Traditionally medicine, astrology,alchemy, chemistry: * A follower of a, pursuit ,in which skill comes by study or practice::: * One who cultivates one of the
  24. In Montevideo. Its main objective is the establishment of a common market, in, pursuit , of the economic and social development of the region. Signed on August 12, 1980
  25. Second Persian War. Fall of the Empire and the East Alexander then set off in, pursuit ,of Darius again, first into Media, and then Parthia. The Persian king was no
  26. Anton and the three sacred treasures and flee to western Japan to escape, pursuit ,by the Minamoto clan. (Traditional Japanese date: Twenty-fifth Day of the
  27. Headquarters and close to tears, announced that he was forced to call off the, pursuit , Carelli Barnett has pointed out that the rain also fell on the Germans, and
  28. Of viewers. In other words, an artist's prime motivation need not be the, pursuit ,of the aesthetic. Also, art often depicts terrible images made for social
  29. Of war, and steamed to Constantinople with two British battlecruisers in hot, pursuit , Green was handed over to the Turkish Navy, and this was instrumental in
  30. Isolated in his research, and his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. In his, pursuit ,of a unification of the fundamental forces, Einstein ignored some mainstream
  31. Cited the Bhagavad Gita to justify his stand: he said his true dharma was the, pursuit ,of mathematics and that was what he should be doing, not assisting in the war
  32. To promote learning can expect earthly punishments to befall their people. The, pursuit ,of wisdom, he assured his readers of the Boethius, was the surest path to power
  33. In certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty,and the, pursuit ,of happiness '. " After the state Republican Party convention nominated him for
  34. Life ", the British liberal, John Bright, Carnegie started his efforts in, pursuit ,of world peace at a young age. His motto," All is well since all grows better
  35. Contingents, long delayed by their respective rulers, eagerly joined the, pursuit ,of the broken French and Bavarian forces. " This," wrote Marlborough wearily
  36. The" Alabama Song ", in which she waves goodbye to her home and sets out in, pursuit ,of whiskey, dollars and pretty boys. Scene 3 In the big cities, where men lead
  37. 21 and April 22 against the Arizona Diamondbacks. The hype surrounding Bonds ', pursuit ,of the home run record escalated on May 14. On this day, Sports Auction for
  38. By Monsieur Jazz that in 1996 while the Clinton Administration had begun, pursuit ,of the policy, the Sudanese government allegedly offered to arrest and
  39. Submission to law amounts to a denial of Faith. With specific regard to the, pursuit ,of world peace, Bahá'u'Allah prescribed a world-embracing collective security
  40. Arms. During these events Marlborough was still in the saddle conducting the, pursuit ,of the broken enemy. Pausing for a moment he scribbled on the back of an old
  41. Superior need not occur concurrently with a complete abandonment of the, pursuit ,of what is aesthetically appealing. Indeed, the reverse is often true, that the
  42. War was commenced by the Latins who anticipated Angus would follow the pious, pursuit ,of peace adopted by his grandfather, Numa Compiling. The Latins initially made
  43. Goals, but critics assert that practical reason is not committed to the, pursuit ,of two ends that apparently conflict. Deductive form William Lane Craig put it
  44. On American anthropology during the Cold War provides detailed accounts of the, pursuit ,and dismissal of several anthropologists from their jobs for communist
  45. Of a warrant, acting under a statutory or common law power of entry, or in hot, pursuit , the person lawfully in possession of land is entitled to withdraw permission
  46. Of his predecessors, and his entire interest in the subject revolved around the, pursuit ,of the philosopher's stone, which he is reputed to have found; his work spends
  47. Now came up in support. The British guardsmen retired with these Chasers in, pursuit , but the latter were halted as the 52nd Light Infantry wheeled in line onto
  48. And omnipotence combined with perfect goodness. Thus, it will ensure that the, pursuit ,of a virtuous state is possible through external aid (as in grace) and will
  49. Of foot as a wild roe" ( 2 Samuel 2:18). As Sahel would not desist from the, pursuit , though warned, Abner was compelled to slay him in self-defense. This
  50. Out a certain type of circularity: Kant's argument presupposes that both the, pursuit ,of moral virtue and the pursuit of happiness must be rational enterprises;

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