Examples of the the word, philosophical , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And extension of the old and has a distinct discontinuity with past martial and, philosophical ,concepts. " That is, that aikido practitioners who focus on aikido's roots in
  2. Encouraged rationalism in a Christian context. His views set the stage for the, philosophical ,explosion to occur. Peter Abelard followed Anselm's work, laying the
  3. Realism in art. She was sharply critical of most other philosophers and, philosophical ,traditions. The reception for Rand's fiction from literary critics was largely
  4. And Camus lived in seclusion for two years. In 1951, he published The Rebel,a, philosophical ,analysis of rebellion and revolution which expressed his rejection of communism
  5. Proof, but cannot be explicitly constructed),which may conflict with some, philosophical ,principles. Because there is no canonical well-ordering of all sets, a
  6. Outside of man's consciousness. Abelard also systematized the analysis of, philosophical ,contradictions. Robert Grossest (1170–1253) was a pioneer of the
  7. Studies, a nonpartisan peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of Rand's, philosophical ,and literary work. In 1987 Gotten helped found the Ayn Rand Society, and has
  8. Justice, which some consider to be the first expression of anarchism. Godwin,a, philosophical ,anarchist, from a rationalist and utilitarian basis opposed revolutionary
  9. Publicly mourned in cities and state capitols across the north. Religious and, philosophical ,beliefs Scholars have extensively written on topics concerning Lincoln's
  10. Century and after. Beyond the specific factions of anarchist thought is, philosophical ,anarchism, which embodies the theoretical stance that the state lacks moral
  11. Kung Fu (although some Tai Chi schools believe that their art derives from the, philosophical ,or hygienic branches of Taoism, not Alchemical). In fact, in the early Song
  12. Connections — but still incurably burdened by them. Reduced to an arcane, philosophical ,system, poorly connected to the material world, it suffered the common fate of
  13. Revolution to eliminate it. A component especially of individualist anarchism, philosophical ,anarchism may accept the existence of a minimal state as unfortunate, and
  14. Greatest influences and counter-influences, respectively. A third figure whose, philosophical ,works she studied heavily was Friedrich Nietzsche. Able to read French, German
  15. Huxley first used the term, several writers have defended agnosticism as a, philosophical ,viewpoint. A number of earlier thinkers and writings have explored agnostic
  16. Opposite of egoism. The notion of altruism The concept has a long history in, philosophical ,and ethical thought. The term was originally coined in the 19th century by the
  17. Modern evolutionary psychology. Friedrich Nietzsche owed the awakening of his, philosophical ,interest to reading The World as Will and Representation and admitted that he
  18. Of Stirner's philosophy. It was re-discovered and promoted by German, philosophical ,anarchist and LGBT activist John Henry Mackay. Josiah Warren is widely regarded
  19. Henri Poincaré, Ernst Mach, and David Hume, which influenced his scientific and, philosophical ,outlook. Academic career In 1901,Einstein had a paper on the capillary forces
  20. The manufacture of imitation gold and silver. These writings lack the mystical, philosophical ,elements of alchemy, but do contain the works of Bolus of Mendes (or
  21. 1943 novel The Fountainhead. In 1957,she published her best-known work,the, philosophical ,novel Atlas Shrugged. Afterward she turned to nonfiction to promote her
  22. Sources, and syncretic, combining disparate and contrary concepts to create new, philosophical ,approaches. Since the revival of anarchism in the United States in the 1960s
  23. These texts, as opposed to Aristotle's lost works, are technical, philosophical ,treatises from within Aristotle's school. Reference to them is made according
  24. And he was latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and, philosophical ,mysticism. He is also well known for advocating and taking psychedelics. By the
  25. 1788 – 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher known for his pessimism and, philosophical ,clarity. At age 25,he published his doctoral dissertation, On the Fourfold
  26. Such as" intention" and" information ", were originally claques of Arabic, philosophical ,terms. Arabic words also made their way into several West African languages as
  27. Fragments, Kierkegaard writes: Thomas Henry Huxley Agnostic views are as old as, philosophical ,skepticism, but the terms agnostic and agnosticism were created by Huxley to
  28. Drama from 1942 to the mid 1950s,he increasingly emphasized the spiritual and, philosophical ,aspects of aikido. As a result, strikes to vital points by age, entering (
  29. Major success as a writer came with The Fountainhead in 1943,a romantic and, philosophical ,novel that she wrote over a period of seven years. The novel centers on an
  30. Were designed for personal advantage and had little to do with the search for, philosophical ,truth. Influence Schopenhauer has had a massive influence upon later thinkers
  31. In the vast field of Indian erudition, influences from other metaphysical and, philosophical ,doctrines such as Sakha, Yoga,Vaisheshika and Ayurveda were inevitable.
  32. Formal logic. In metaphysics, Aristotelianism had a profound influence on, philosophical ,and theological thinking in the Islamic and Jewish traditions in the Middle
  33. The natural world by means of the scientific method. In contrast,Aristotle's, philosophical ,endeavors encompassed virtually all facets of intellectual inquiry. In the
  34. And (magnetism). The term connects the practice of aikido with the, philosophical ,concept of Tao, which can be found in martial arts such as judo and Kendo, and
  35. Introduced her to the Austrian School economist Ludwig on Miles. Despite her, philosophical ,differences with them, Rand strongly endorsed the writings of both men
  36. Ethics, political philosophy and aesthetics. In metaphysics, Rand embraced, philosophical ,realism and atheism, and opposed anything she regarded as mysticism or
  37. That the Egyptian derivation may be valid. History Alchemy covers several, philosophical ,traditions spanning some four millennia and three continents. These traditions
  38. And famine that characterized this century no doubt also served to hamper, philosophical ,pursuits in general. In the late 14th century, Piers the Plowman and Chaucer
  39. The body. Kant's philosophy was formulated as a response to the radical, philosophical ,skepticism of David Hume, who claimed that causality could not be observed
  40. S agnosticism is believed to be a natural consequence of the intellectual and, philosophical ,conditions of the 1860s,when clerical intolerance was trying to suppress
  41. That he would not say he would take up arms to defend the U. S. He claimed a, philosophical , rather than a religious objection, and therefore was not exempt under the
  42. To an artist's metaphysical value-judgments. " According to Rand, art allows, philosophical ,concepts to be presented in a concrete form that can be easily grasped, thereby
  43. The 2000s. However, few universities currently include Rand or Objectives as a, philosophical ,specialty or research area, with many literature and philosophy departments
  44. Of Aristotle, intended to warrant his deconstruction of scholastic and, philosophical ,tradition. Ayn Rand accredited Aristotle as" the greatest philosopher in
  45. Rand for what they consider her lack of rigor and limited understanding of, philosophical ,subject. Chris Matthew Ciabatta has called into question the motives of
  46. And activism. An individual's position on the complex ethical, moral, philosophical , biological, and legal issues is often related to his or her value system.
  47. Alchemy with the Dharma faiths, whereas Western alchemy developed its own, philosophical ,system that was largely independent of, but influenced by, various Western
  48. Philosophy Agnostic thought, in the form of skepticism, emerged as a formal, philosophical ,position in Ancient Greece. Its proponents included Protagoras, Pyrrho, and
  49. Best-selling novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged and for developing a, philosophical ,system she called Objectives. Born and educated in Russia, Rand moved to the
  50. Naturalism with utilization. This evolution seems to go parallel with the Greek, philosophical ,conceptions which changed from the natural-philosophy of Thales who searched a

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