Examples of the the word, ser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ser ), is the 12907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ster- (*ester) meaning ‘ star ’. The same root is found in Old Irish as, ser , Welsh seen, Middle Cornish star and Breton star (n). The name Girona
  2. Worrall, Nick. 1996. The Moscow Art Theatre. Theatre Production Studies, ser , London and NY: Routledge. ISBN 0415055989. * Files, Orlando. 1998. " A People
  3. I am pregnant. ) You better not be embarazada, Julie,because yo no query sic, ser , a fucking' abuela (I don't want to be a fucking' grandma) at thirty-nine. "
  4. Change The World" by CALL) (Pakistan) * 2010–present:" Code SER BOM, pode, ser , muito BOM, pode SER Pepsi" ( Can be good, can be very good, can be Pepsi) -
  5. Candy en belief veto de Puerto: SUS Cardenas de enclave Romeo.: Mingus pueblo, ser , libre March: Si BS enclave indolent y ser vile;: Si en sup echo la llama no
  6. Vi SER her sole tiger over Rotunda (We watch the sun rise over Rotunda) Vi, ser , hur Hovers is AR blank och Klein (The ice at Hovet's always bright and clear)
  7. To show particular respect, for example to his former teacher:" Site void quit, ser , Brunetto? " (" Are you here, sir Brunette? "). During the Renaissance the use
  8. Climb Mt. Everest? Because it is found there" ) — George Mallory In Spanish, ser , ( to be) is the copula, and star (to be, to remain) and exist (to exist
  9. Macrocarpon is commonly known as the snow pea * Pi sum sativa var. Macrocarpon, ser , CV. is known as the sugar or snap pea Both of these are eaten whole before the
  10. On March 21, 2007,Logroño released a children's book," El coup Que Quito, ser , sapo" ( The coup who wanted to be a bullfrog),based on a story he once
  11. 1280). IL Fire is a" reduction" of the poem into 232 Italian sonnets by a ", ser , Durante ", sometimes thought to have been Dante, although this is generally
  12. Var fosterländska sang. Very 11: Och had, och had, : I Delta land, : part yoga, ser , det had, : vi Kinney track UT var hand, : Och visa GATT PA SJO och strand, : Och
  13. In a ceremony on 1 August 2008. Through 2009,one F-117 had been scrapped. AF, ser , No. 79-0784 was scrapped at the Palmdale test facility on 26 April 2008. The
  14. Volume 51,Part 4 of Transactions of the American Philosophical Society new, ser , v. 51,no. 4) (Original from the University of California) Notes WordNet is
  15. La Paula de Oro ", among others. He also was in productions like Texas Que, ser , Tu,Prisoners de Amor, etc. Filmography External links
  16. To love) (1972),Melina (1975),a song about Melina Mercury, ¿Quires, ser , mi am ante? (Do you want to be my lover? ) (1974),James (Never) (1975)
  17. Been proposed to explain how words in the lexicon are retrieved. Leonardo DI, ser , Piero da Vinci () (April 15, 1452 – May 2,1519,Old Style) was an Italian
  18. Change) -- Marc-Andreas Bother, Gabriele Lin's 2000s *2000 (73rd) Fewer, ser , ( I want to be ...) - Florian Kellenberger **A Soccer Story (UMA Historian de
  19. Sentenced to pay 12 stain of flour for relations with a boy named Domenico DI, ser , Giuliano the IPA. *While in Paris, a former model and lover brought charges
  20. The first Swede to be killed in a hooligan clash. Club anthem" Å vi e AIK" Vi, ser , hur sole tiger over Rotunda (We watch the sun rise over Rotunda) Vi SER her
  21. Codex 273). Most valuable are the numerous letters (Eng. Transl., NPNF,2,SER, .,iii. 250-348). Translations * Translations of some of Theodoret's writings
  22. If You Were Here),became a hit as would the second single," Saker man, ser ," (Things You See). Musically the album changed a lot from Veliger, going a
  23. Clouds of Peace (Mil nubs de pay German el Cairo, amor, jamás cabanas de, ser , amor),Mexico (2003) * Time to Leave (Le Temps Quit Rest),France (2005)
  24. Estudios y dialogs con Octavio Pay / Enrico Mario Anti.,1997 * Solver all, ser , : un acercamiento à la poetic de Octavio Pay / Mario Pinto.,1997 * Octavio Pay
  25. By CALL) (Pakistan) * 2010–present:" Code SER BOM, pode SER moot BOM, pode, ser , Pepsi " (Can be good, can be very good, can be Pepsi) - Brazil * 2011–present
  26. De Los Indios quiches; y de aqua tonearms SU SER declared y manifest ado, y SU, ser , relatado, la escondedura y aclaradura, por el toreador, criador made, y Padre
  27. Of modern music notation, was born there around the year 991. * Bartolomeo DI, ser , Gorello, author of the first town chronicle of Arezzo. * Piero Della Francesca
  28. Meaning" Change The World" by CALL) (Pakistan) * 2010–present:" Code, ser , bom, pode SER moot BOM, pode SER Pepsi" ( Can be good, can be very good, can
  29. Lyrics Catalan: English: Catalonia triumphant, Catalonia triumphant, tornarà a, ser , rica i Elena. Shall again be rich and bountiful. Endanger quest gent Drive
  30. Essre and Old French ester as well as Spanish and Portuguese, ser , ( Romanian a phi derives from fair which means" to become" ). However, in
  31. El pueblo de el Quiché, su pueblo de Los Indios quiches; y de aqua tonearms SU, ser , declarado y manifest ado, y SU SER related, la escondedura y aclaradura, por El
  32. Once in Basque. The Spanish version is as follows:" A San Fermi medicos, por, ser , nuestro patron, nos guide en el endeavor landings SU rendition" (" We ask
  33. Presidente Porfirio Díaz, ubicándolo entire leis calls Zaragoza y Fuentes, para,SER, trasladado posteriormente à la Plaza Central de la Colonia Roma El 15 de Julio
  34. Examples:; As an adjective; In the passive voice, accompanied by the verb ", ser ," (to be) and" POR" ( by) *Los ladrones fusion captured POR la police "
  35. Har is optional and often omitted, particularly in written Swedish.: Jag, ser , att han (heir) stent listen;" I see that he has fried the fish" Subjunctive
  36. Found to have arisen from within the ranks of Banks, and sunk into it as B., ser , Chandra. Thus, fewer than half of the currently accepted Banks taxa possess
  37. Of the in J. P. Damiron's, tome iii.; a full criticism in V Cousin's, ser , i. tome iii. Consult also F Restore, ( 1864); L Default, ( 1891); histories
  38. Band" My Little Cheap Dictaphone" http://www.lamediatheque.be/med/rech_n.php?, ser ,&intervenant my+little+cheaper &supa%5B1%5D 1&supa%5B2%5D 1&supa%5B3%5D
  39. Da Vinci” simply meaning“ of Vinci ”: his full birth name was" Leonardo DI, ser , Piero da Vinci ", meaning " Leonardo, ( son) of (Mes)SER Piero from Vinci ".
  40. Beluga Drives of the Inuit of Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. Fielding, new,SER, .,no. 25. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History,1995. External links
  41. Supporters) POR nos so slivered entered (For our white-green whole) Que same, ser , brasileiro (Who know how to be Brazilian) Ostentation a SUA Libra (Boasting
  42. Deep historical roots in other languages: Greek to anti, Latin else, Spanish,SER, Fr. Eyre, Ger. Sein, Italian essay. In the English language being (i.e..
  43. Mistral's best known poems include Piececitos de Niño, Balada, Todas Amos a, ser , Reinas, La Oration de la Maestro, El Ángel Guardian, Decálogo del Artist and
  44. Vowel. " É" is also the third-person singular conjugation of the verb ", ser ,"" to be ":" ELA é Bonita" " she is pretty ". Spanish In Spanish, é is an
  45. De spear och de tar (Every copper's on the lookout and on the prowl) Vi, ser , de Sparta Trojan i AIK (We see the black shirts of AIK) Vi vet ATT alley
  46. Avoir" and" Eyre ", Spanish only retains" Haber" and has done away with ", ser ," in forming compound tenses, which are no longer used in either Spanish or
  47. Television" ( commercial television) contractor awarded the franchise area, ser , ving 'North and West Wales ', from 1962-68 (franchise awarded 6 June 1961).
  48. Included a cover of" I Want to Be Your Dog" translated into Spanish" Fewer, ser , tu Pedro" in their debut album El act in 1983. *" Search and Destroy "
  49. The high degree of verbal inflection, plus the existence of two copula (, ser , and star),means that there are 105 separate forms to express the copula
  50. Med MIG (Her Herr is MIT Mir),Samundri til diverse AF Gdansk music,3rd,SER, .,xxxix (Copenhagen,1946) *La flora, arie BC. Antiche Italian (Copenhagen

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