Examples of the the word, mule , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mule ), is the 12913 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Joined Guillaume Le Test, a French buccaneer, in an attack on a richly laden, mule ,train. Drake and his party found that they had captured around 20 tons of
- The profits. If he or she is caught however, gangs will sever all links and the, mule ,will usually stand trial for trafficking alone. Bulk cargo ships are also used
- Which was celebrated under Clement VI. During the march, Urban fell from his, mule ,at Narnia and had to recover in early October in Rome, where he was able to oust
- And would always wear formal suits, once riding down the Grand Canyon astride a, mule ,in a three-piece pin-stripe. Occasionally twice a week. His white clapboard
- Succession becomes a were-man or woman, and takes the form of a horse (or a, mule ,), a goat, a guará-wolf and a pig. The Brazilian werewolf is mostly related to
- Absalom himself was caught by his head in the boughs of an oak-tree as the, mule ,he was riding ran beneath it - an irony given that he was previously renowned
- Was a missionary or a linguist, he replied" I am a mule . " He explained that a, mule ,is part horse, part donkey, combining traits of each. He pointed out that
- On the P-47. The new propellers required spinners of greater diameter, and the, mule ,'s crude, hand-formed sheet steel cowlings were further stretched to blend the
- Turned Columbus down on the advice of her confessor, and he was leaving town by, mule ,in despair, when Ferdinand intervened. Isabella then sent a royal guard to
- Empire saw much persecution under his reign. When in 411 AH (1021) his, mule ,returned without him, soaked in blood, a religious group that was even forming
- And electrostatic forces. This method has replaced the older methods of ring and, mule ,spinning. It is also is easily adapted for artificial fibers.: The spinning
- The padded dancers and phallic figures of the Dionysian throng leading the, mule ,show that the procession was a part of the dithyrambic celebrations that were
- These knots include the bowline, double figure eight, munter hitch, munter, mule , Prussia, autoblock, and clove hitch. Thus, any individual who goes into a
- But had little success in such occupations as a farmer, woodcutter,turner, mule ,driver, cowboy and printer. From his jobs he learned, he later averred, how
- As team mascot in 1963 by then-owner Charles O. Finley in favor of a Missouri, mule ,(it was also rumored to have been done by Finley in order to attract fans from
- Etruria. As vase-painters portrayed the procession, Hephaestus was mounted on a, mule ,or a horse, accompanied by Dionysus, who held the bridle and carried Hephaestus
- In Nacogdoches, Texas was interrupted by shouts from outside about a runaway, mule , The audience hurried outside to see what was happening. When they returned
- Strapped to the waist or legs or hidden in bags, or hidden in the body. If the, mule ,gets through without being caught, the gangs will reap most of the profits. If
- Battle of Marengo on 14 June 1800. Although Napoleon had crossed the Alps on a, mule , he requested that he be portrayed" calm upon a fiery steed ". David complied
- Roving, thins it and twists it, creating yarn which it winds onto a bobbin.: In, mule ,spinning the roving is pulled off a bobbin and fed through some rollers, which
- South Dakotans. Popular species of game include pheasants, white-tailed deer, mule ,deer, and turkeys, as well as waterfowl such as Canada geese, snow geese, and
- By Richard Arkwright in his water frame and Samuel Compton in his spinning, mule , Other inventors increased the efficiency of the individual steps of spinning (
- Was finished 9 years later and transported via warship, steamship,and finally, mule ,train before being dedicated on Christmas Eve. Under the head of compositions
- Down into several pieces, each of which is small enough to be carried by a, mule ,or a pack horse. *A mountain howitzer is a relatively light howitzer designed
- His wine, intoxicating the smith, and took him back to Olympus on the back of a, mule ,accompanied by revelers, a scene that sometimes appears on painted pottery of
- Novel by Luigi Pirandello * Pascal, The main character of 40 acres and maybe a, mule ,* Pascal: the name of a pet chameleon to the main heroine Rapunzel in Disney's
- From there. Every legion had a large baggage train which included 640 mule s (1, mule , for every 8 legionaries) only for the soldiers' equipment. To keep these
- You put away your rudder over the smoke, and the fields worked by ox and sturdy, mule ,would run to waste. " Hesiod also expands upon the Theology story of the first
- Rockville they captured a wagon train of 140 brand-new, fully loaded wagons and, mule ,teams. This wagon train would prove to be a logistical hindrance to Stuart's
- Under clothes, inside the body (see body cavity search, balloon swallower and, mule ,), etc. Many smugglers fly on regularly scheduled airlines. Many
- Rural areas of Morocco, Libya,Iraq, and Persia, dhimmis had to dismount from a, mule ,when passing a Muslim. Sometimes, Muslim rulers issued regulations requiring
- Across the desert. Prior to the introduction of the camel, the use of oxen, mule , and horses for desert crossing was common, and trade routes followed chains of
- Tyres pulled mainly by single horses (and occasionally by two donkeys or a, mule ,). In Meeting, the transporters use two-wheel carts, while in Maputo, the
- And immediately pressed him into his service. According to another account,a, mule ,on which Stylus rode had lost an eye. The Heracleidae repaired their ships
- US Fish and Wildlife Service. The fauna found throughout several zones are the, mule ,deer, coyote,mountain lion, Northern Flicker, and several species of hawk and
- Traditional Back kick (reverse sidekick) Also referred to as a donkey kick, mule ,kick, or turning back kick. This kick is directed backwards, keeping the
- Size, writing:" If the length of the penis were a sign of honor, then the, mule ,would belong to the (honorable tribe of) Quraish ". Another satirical story
- Can crossbreed with other members of their genus. The most common hybrid is the, mule , a cross between a" jack" ( male donkey) and a mare. A related hybrid, a
- Plain and north-west of the Hard mountains, so that east-west traffic such as, mule ,trains passed through it. Hanover was thus a gateway to the Rhine, Ruhr and
- In Harp Marx's autobiography, Harpo Speaks, he states that the runaway, mule ,incident occurred in Ada, Oklahoma. The act slowly evolved from singing with
- On the mountain known as the Giant's Lance, and is reachable only by a narrow, mule ,trail, guarded by the Gates of the Moon and three small way castles; Stone, Snow
- Spinning produces a finer thread than the less skilled ring spinning.: *The, mule ,was an intermittent process, as the frame advanced and returned a distance of
- Cloned. *,2004,was the first cat cloned for commercial reasons *, a john, mule ,born 4 May 2003,was the first horse-family clone. *, a Harbinger female born
- Then to prevent escape. Name "/IN"> child slaves"/> Children employed as, mule ,scavenger by cotton mills would climb under machinery to pick up cotton
- Also prepared on the grill is a sandwiched taco called multi (" little, mule ,") made with meat served between two tortillas and garnished with Oaxaca style
- Up of ten units (contubernia) of eight men who shared a tent, a millstone,a, mule ,and cooking pot. Following the reforms of the general Marius in the 2nd century
- Experiment. The first was actually a battered RP-38E" piggyback" test, mule ,previously used by Lockheed to test the P-38J chin intercooler installation
- When asked whether he was a missionary or a linguist, he replied" I am a, mule , " He explained that a mule is part horse, part donkey, combining traits of
- Equine species produce characteristic offspring. The most common hybrid is the, mule , a cross between a" jack" ( male donkey) and a mare. A related hybrid, the
- Such as an orchid in her hair, a bracelet, a ribbon around her neck, and, mule , slippers,all of which accentuated her nakedness, sexuality,and comfortable
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