Examples of the the word, macarthur , in a Sentence Context
The word ( macarthur ), is the 12923 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Color: MGV bar: MacArthur from: 05/02/2001 till: 15/09/2006 color: mg bar:, macarthur , from: 15/09/2006 till: 02/06/2009 color: LTG text:" Arthur MacArthur Jr." bar
- R. Chaffee" bar: MacArthur from: 13/08/1998 till: 05/02/2001 color: MGV bar:, macarthur , from: 05/02/2001 till: 15/09/2006 color: mg bar: MacArthur from: 15/09/2006
- Color: gen bar: MacArthur from: 27/07/1941 till: 17/12/1941 color: TGB bar:, macarthur , from: 18/12/1941 till: 17/12/1944 color: gen bar: MacArthur from: 18/12/1944
- Transit at MacArthur BART includes: line 31 to Alameda point (no service to, macarthur , bart on weekends,31 terminates at downtown Oakland) line 57 To foothill
- From: 09/06/1941 till: 25/07/1944 color: TGB text:" Lesley J. McNair" bar:, macarthur , from: 21/11/1930 till: 01/10/1935 color: gen bar: MacArthur from: 27/07/1941
- Played at NSIS then took a break after HSC. Played women's Premier League for, macarthur , rams 09-back at NSIS and coaching at PCC lady hawks super league team Honors
- Having produced the first Australian camellia cultivar here, the 'Aphasia, macarthur ,'. The gardens and landscape are a combination of the colonial picturesque -
- J. McNair" bar: MacArthur from: 21/11/1930 till: 01/10/1935 color: gen bar:, macarthur , from: 27/07/1941 till: 17/12/1941 color: TGB bar: MacArthur from: 18/12/1941
- High School. * 1953-58 - Parramatta Secondary Home Science School. Now in 2010,MacArthur, girls high school is a dedicated school. Alumni Counted amongst" The Old Girls
- The international exchange of plants in the early-to-mid-19th century. 'Aphasia, macarthur ,', bred at Camden Park, was the first Australian cultivar of the camellia. He
- Color: TGB bar: MacArthur from: 18/12/1941 till: 17/12/1944 color: gen bar:, macarthur , from: 18/12/1944 till: 11/04/1951 color: GA text:" Douglas MacArthur" bar:
- Bar: Weston bar: carter bar: blisstasker bar: Ballard bar: spacer23 bar:, macarthur , bar: Jesse bar: bell bar: Hickman bar: spacer24 bar: wheatonloyd bar:
- To the Hawaiian Islands, and Utah Territorial Legislator File: Arthur, macarthur , sr. GIF|Arthur MacArthur, Sr., born to Scottish nobility,Wisconsin's 4th
- At:1970 at:1980 at:1990 at:2000 at:2010 at:2020 Barbara = basset: PM bar:, macarthur , bar: Craig bar: Marshall bar: Eisenhower bar: Arnold bar: josephstilwell bar:
- Summerall from: 1929 till: 1930 color: CSA text:" Charles P. Summer all" bar:, macarthur , from: 1930 till: 1935 color: CSA text:" Douglas MacArthur" bar: Craig from:
- Bar: trees bar: lair bar: Commons bar: short bar: Krueger bar: McNair bar:, macarthur , bar: Andrews bar: Arnold bar: Brett bar: Knudsen bar: stairwell bar: Somerville
- Sherman bar: Sheridan bar: bliss bar: Pershing bar: march bar: summer all bar:, macarthur , bar: Craig bar: Marshall PlotWatt= width:6 align: left font size:9 shift: (5
- And fourteen great-grandchildren. His granddaughter, Sarah She (1969-) won a, macarthur ," genius grant" in 2003 for her work as an installation artist. Death Dr. She
- Width:6 align: left font size:9 shift: (5,-4) anchor: till basset: PM bar:, macarthur , from: 1941 till: 1951 color: fairest text:" Douglas MacArthur" bar: Craig
- From: 09/01/2004 till: 01/02/2006 color: LTG text:" Anna R. Chaffee" bar:, macarthur , from: 13/08/1998 till: 05/02/2001 color: MGV bar: MacArthur from: 05/02/2001
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