Examples of the the word, effluent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( effluent ), is the 12917 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Lake Nicaragua daily. Industry located along the lake's shore had been dumping, effluent ,for an extended period of time. Pennant Chemical Corporation was found to be
- Tanneries out of 404 in July 2009. In 2003 for instance, the main tanneries ', effluent ,disposal unit was dumping 22 tonnes of chromium-laden solid waste per day in
- Is designed to be able to discharge more than 2 million gallons of high quality, effluent ,to Muddy Creek each day. ALBA Node The radio telescope located northeast of
- Treatment Plant at Scott's Valley and Mount Sermon Roads. Treated wastewater, effluent ,is pumped via the city of Santa Cruz into the Pacific Ocean. Bus service from
- Short-distance tourist boats take visitors along the river. Ecology Sewage, effluent ,is a major cause of water pollution around urban areas, as inadequate water
- Are used for sewage disposal. The North Shore uses eleven shared residential, effluent ,pumps (REP units) which discharge into a piped system. There are three
- On. In the inner-city village of SGI, there are major shoreline pollution and, effluent ,issues given that the village is situated on swampland. The disparate village
- On fish and benthic surveys to measure the effects of pulp mill or metal mine, effluent ,on the aquatic ecosystem. In statistics, the term linear model is used in
- Issues Water quality In spite of land-use planning and export of treated sewage, effluent ,from the basin, the lake is becoming increasingly eutrophic (having an
- Of Wagon. Norfolk creek originates in the western outskirts of Wagon and is, effluent ,to the Yellow River. Clear Creek flows into Lansing. Village Creek flows
- Between October 26,and October 31, 1948 an air inversion trapped industrial, effluent ,(air pollution) from the American Steel and Wire plant and Donors Zinc Works.
- Mostly to protect the endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow. Treated, effluent ,water will be recycled into the Rio Grande to the South of the city. The ABOUT
- Soil, flora and microorganism in natural wetlands to aid in treating wastewater, effluent , Artificial wetlands have the ability to experiment with flow regimes, micro
- Which are used to lubricate the airbag during deployment. Newer designs produce, effluent ,primarily consisting of harmless talcum powder/cornstarch and nitrogen gas. In
- Management often has a soil component. Septic drain fields treat septic tank, effluent ,using aerobic soil processes. Landfills use soil for daily cover. Land
- Meadows Water Reclamation Facility at the eastern edge of the valley. Treated, effluent ,returns to the Truckee River by way of Steamboat Creek. Electrical power and
- The higher cost associated to the treatment of effluent s that to untreated, effluent ,discharging leads to illegal dumping to save on costs. For instance, in Croatia
- A number of watershed management strategies to accommodate this expanded, effluent ,discharge; to accomplish this successful outcome, the ASSAM Model was developed
- They introduced foreign species, which brought disease, when combined with, effluent ,and increasing sedimentation from erosion, which destroyed most of the beds by
- Is processed by Hamburg Township's own Waste Water Treatment Plant. Additional, effluent ,is processed by the City of Brighton. The remainder of the township's homes
- Organization, restored Ben's Creek by precipitating iron toxins from the, effluent , The Ben's Creek project, also known as the Rock Tunnel Project is home to SCRIP
- Plants. The Reno-Sparks wastewater treatment plant discharges tertiary treated, effluent ,to the Truckee River. In the 1990s this capacity was increased from 20 to 30
- Tank and treatment plant. Sewage is piped to a community septic tank, with, effluent , discharge through an ocean outfall. Refuse is collected three times a week; a
- And rivers Eutrophication can be human-caused or natural. Untreated sewage, effluent ,and agricultural run-off carrying fertilizers are examples of human-caused
- Michigan are considered" unbound" even though they are sailing toward its, effluent , Water levels of Lake Michigan have remained fairly constant over
- Protection (Mass DEP) because the town of Billerica exceeded allowable, effluent ,limits for phosphorus, fecal coliform bacteria, pH,and ammonia nitrogen.
- Are being placed under increasing pressure. Reliance on septic systems or, effluent ,disposal in open canals and river systems remains the norm, and is a major
- To reduce or eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste, air emissions, and, effluent , discharges. Because of this Coolant is used less often today. PAO is a
- Creek at Thomas Mills. Ben's Creek formerly was a robust trout habitat. Mine, effluent ,contained high concentrations of iron, which rendered downstream sections of
- Golf courses in Reno, like Arrow Creek Golf Course, have been using treated, effluent ,water instead of treated water from one of Reno's water plants. The
- Are intermingled. The lakes are generally without outlet, or have only a small, effluent , The deposits consist of soda, potash,borax and common salt. The lake region
- There is a problem with pollution of the lake by industrial and urban, effluent , Also, especially when the waters are low, decay of insects and other wildlife
- Avoided in favor of terms such as byproduct, recycling,reclaimed water and, effluent , In the oil industry, oil-based drilling mud were simply renamed organic phase
- Customers. By-products of the treatment's process are sold in the form of, effluent ,reclaimed water and high-grade pelletized solids for soil conditioning. Largo
- Peat is used in water filtration, such as for the treatment of septic tank, effluent , as well as for urban runoff. Balneotherapy Peat is widely used in
- A threshold. An overabundance of nutrient input from fertilizer run-off sewage, effluent ,or non-point pollution will cause eutrophication. Upstream erosion from
- Clicking http://www.hamburg.mi.us/mapping/sewer_gis_map.html. Some sewer, effluent ,is processed by Hamburg Township's own Waste Water Treatment Plant. Additional
- For their stench. In the 19th and early 20th century, this was caused by the, effluent ,from the several meat-packing plants along the bay shore called" Butcher town ".
- On Houston Avenue and treats 5 million gallons of sewage per day. The treated, effluent ,is used to irrigate non-food crops. Electricity and gas Southern California
- Was breached and spilled 1,100 tons of milled uranium ore and of heavy metal, effluent ,into the Puerto River. This was the largest release of radioactive waste in U.
- Release of dust-like particles, and gases in the vehicle's interior (called, effluent ,). Most of this dust consists of cornstarch, french chalk, or talcum powder
- Microbes are used in the biological treatment of sewage and industrial waste, effluent , a process known as bioaugmentation. Use in energy Microbes are used in
- Throughout the world. It is the basis by which to gauge concentrations of, effluent ,for legal release, exceeding which penalties are assessed or restrictions
- a million U. S. gallons (70 to 110 million liters) per day. While treated,the, effluent ,contains suspended solids, nitrogen,and phosphorus, aggravating water quality
- Operation can be requested and is usually granted. Course The Rhone rises as an, effluent ,of the Rhone Glacier in Calais, in the Swiss Alps, at an altitude of
- Suwanee Rivers in southern Suwanee County remarks: That the springs without, effluent ,streams where sinkholes is consistent with the area, which has many. The names
- Sewage treatment plants to conduct bioassays. These procedures, called whole, effluent ,toxicity tests, include acute toxicity tests as well as chronic test methods.
- 1980,there were other lagoons and an on-site industrial landfill present where, effluent ,waste flowed into, or solid waste was buried. Complaints from locals around the
- Compounds (methanol, ethanol,etc.) through a red-hot tube and collecting the, effluent , He also found acetylene was formed by sparking electricity through mixed
- From the Jordan River to replenish the Dead Sea. Currently, only sewage and, effluent ,from fishponds run in the river's channel. Experts also asserted a need for
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