Examples of the the word, monte , in a Sentence Context
The word ( monte ), is the 12919 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Beetles, and other pest insects. Known as jumbles, chumiles, chinche de, monte , or Xochipilli, various stink bugs are part of Mexican cuisine. Known as BO it
- And bands, evokes the most popular myths and legends of the region: La made, monte , El Cuba sin camera, La data Verde, El sombrero,La Llorona and many more. *
- The first 5 cards have been dealt, if all players agree the game may Andre a, monte , If this happens, all the cards are thrown in, and the deal passes to the next
- Of the first monastic establishment in the 8th century, the island was called ", monte , tombe ". According to legend, the Archangel Michael appeared to St. Albert
- De OCHA; the religion of Congolese origin is known as Pale, as in palms del, monte , There are also, in the Oriented region, forms of Haitian ritual together with
- In the thicket. Anglo settlers later misunderstood the use of the word ‘, monte ,’ (which can mean ‘ mountain ’, or ‘ thicket’ ), and fastened the name on the
- Name Atlantis, after the operator’s insolvency in 2005 it became part of the, monte , mare Group. There is also a sport center at the Waldschwimmbad (“ Forest
- Limes or border fortifications and presumably identical with the Castellón in, monte , tauno that is quoted in Roman records, though this is still under discussion.
- Estimates of 5-15 % order are easily confirmed in any probability model with ", monte , carlo experiments" and the aid of the" was it monotonic? " Tests stated in
- Blackjack, poker,keno, and other Victorian games of chance like Pedro and, monte , Wyatt particularly favored and may have run the Oyster Bar located in the
- p. 10 M reads: ... Agnes distant Montes, Agonia sacrificial quad fainéant in, monte , ; hind Roman Mons Quirinal is Ag onus et Collins Port Agenesis:" Agnes were
- And casinos—it even lurks in the name of the street-corner hustle three-card, monte , " Background to the plot Dumas has himself indicated that he had the idea for
- One 94 F 01 1994. CD CLC: 33015447 (2 works from Sacra Hebdomadae," In, monte , Oliveti "," Caligaverunt" ) * Jenna," Peso GI Lego: Neapolitan madrigals
- Bobby's shoulders one morning and later on that day, Bobby wins a three card, monte , game at the beach because he could read the card dealer's mind. As the two
- And Yoko Hirsute. In France, it was released as Wasabi, la petite mortared quit, monte , au new (" Wasabi, the little mustard that gets right up your nose" ). The
- Castrate and Undos is above the sea. However, there are several hills such as, monte , Cintra and Monte do Convent (both reaching about in height). Traditionally
- Accurately be compared to the role of the" shill" in a game of three card, monte , In April 2009,the company called for" new faces" in the Irish government
- In Dubrovnik (Reigns) a document states:" Audi vi UNAM voice climate in, monte , in lingual Albania" ( I heard a voice crying in the mountains in the Albanian
- Of D +18 and is represented by Democrat Anna Shoo. Monte Serena (from Spanish, monte , hill, and Serena, serene ) is a city in Santa Clara County, California,USA.
- In flat, grassy fields only broken by the occasional wetland swamp or green ", monte ,". Montes, despite their name, are not mountains at all, but patches of dense
- There are truths one should better keep to oneself. * No to-do El, monte , es oregano:: Literal translation:::: The whole hillside is not covered in spice
- The French band Dionysus a short verse in l'home sans truce:« Easy, saute, monte , grime à ton cur, sauve-toi, n'AIE pas peer, ouvre grand, mon petite, il est
- Pope John XXIII declared it Minor Basilica the Church of Santa Cruz. " En ester, monte , sobre el Que see Elena el sign ode la retention human aha side excavate RNA
- Dono perseverative) * Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount (De sermon Dominic in, monte , ) * On the Harmony of the Evangelists (De consensus evangelist arum) *
- The deal passes to the next player. The first player speaks first, declaring a, monte , if he wishes to restart the game. This continues with each player until it
- Of just one species, most likely a relative to South America's monitor del, monte , ( a microbiota, the only New World australidelphian). This progenitor may
- Continues with each player until it reaches the dealer. If all have declared a, monte , then the game will be restarted. Parts The game consists of three parts. Just
- Money or property by bogus checks, the confidence game, or three card, monte , sleight of hand, fortune-telling,BC., is punishable by imprisonment for from
- Name" Mont rouge ", but it appears that it in fact comes from the Latin words, monte , ( mountain) and Rubens (red),meaning Red Mountain, because of the reddish
- Exemple hombre divide et puncture ANSI Que Levant est it, tout sequel hombre, monte ,745324 trillions 804300 billions 700023 millions 654321. Example:
- Mater granite General Responses for Maundy Thursday, six voices,1611 #In, monte , Oliveti #Tristis est anima MEA #Ecce vicious EU #Amicus mess occult #Judas
- Operas, songs,and soundtracks. Among his most famous works are the songs“ El, monte , y el Rio” ( The Mountain and the River),lyrics by Nicolás Guille, and “ Les
- Miniature golf course at the Hansen community center (Bureaus) Sport The, monte , mare is an outdoor swimming pool, leisure pool and sauna. Originally opened
- Temecula File: Capri Chairlift. JPG|Chairlift to Monte Solar File: Capri DAL, monte , solaro. JPG|View from Monte Solar towards the Faraglioni File: Strata Capri
- To geological formations farther to the east, these hills are called Islam de, monte , ( mountain islands),and their margins are known as costs (coasts). The
- Greats such as Jean Renoir (French Cancan,1954) and Luis Bunuel (La five, monte , à El PAO,1960),and played in Italian films like Mescaline (1951)
- Montenegro" is in the Venetian dialect),while the standard Italian would be, monte , nero, without the" g ".: *CRNA Gorey (the local Serbian/Montenegrin name for
- Is above the sea. However, there are several hills such as Monte Contra and, monte , do Convent (both reaching about in height). Traditionally, Sacavém has been
- In adobe sect and adobe Monaco. *Cilantro - Uranium optimum. Recap del, monte , Mexican coriander - 10 times the flavor of Cilantro. *Caribbean thyme/Camillo
- File: Kirche-in-ascona. JPG|Parish Church of SS. Pietro e Paolo File: Hotel, monte , verità. JPG|Hotel Monte Verity in the Alberto Politics In the 2007 federal
- Doi rep1&type=PDF Photon maps in bidirectional, monte , carlo ray tracing of complex objects. Computers & Graphics 19 (2),215–224. )
- Plane quasi Virgo ", Sabbato Sancho, in I Nocturne, Responsorium III #"In, monte , Oliveti" #"Crisis est anima MEA" #"General face sent" #"O magnum
- The Order Microbiotheria (which has only one species, the monitor del, monte , ) is found in South America, but is believed to be more closely related to the
- Written mention of the settlement dates back to 1329 as" Civets in media, monte ,". The town was in Samar County, in the Kingdom of Hungary. King Sigismund
- Is referred to as the ante burro. Panamanians, and Colombians call it macho de, monte , and in Belize, where Baird’s Tapir is the national animal, it is known as the
- Some threatened mammals of the Maldivian forests include the monitor del, monte , ( Dominions glides),an arboreal marsupial, the southern PDU (Pudu
- The man' "," the monitor "," The corona (the crying woman) "," la made, monte , ( mother nature) "" la many plus (the hairy hand) ", and " el Cuzco "
- Lot of parks and trees. Its name comes from the Spanish words villa village and, monte , mountain. Extensive stage, or by its full name, predominantly extensive stage
- IL Nome): VI. GIA la note s'avoiding (La PESC): VII. Eggo la Silva e IL, monte , : VIII. Or Che RNA tube ingrate: IX. Destatevi 0 pastor: X. Oh see
- Gambling games, in street con games such as the three-shell game, or three-card, monte , to steal, or,in some cases, to claim supernatural powers, as in the
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