Examples of the the word, apprehend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apprehend ), is the 12918 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of many members of a police force or government agency in their efforts to, apprehend ,a killer who is selecting victims on some obscure basis. They are also often
  2. Kemp is no coward, and actively assists and advises Dye in quest to find and, apprehend ,the Invisible Man while the police colonel serves as his bodyguard. Eventually
  3. Exposed to Codon. He used his new abilities to defeat Rohtul's robots and, apprehend ,Rahul. While in jail, Rohtul discovers Earth Batman's weakness and plans to
  4. The Presidential Guard to occupy the Dominican chancery in Petion-Ville to, apprehend ,an officer involved in a plot to kidnap his children, leading Bosch to publicly
  5. Varies between countries, but can refer to an act that causes another to, apprehend ,immediate and personal violence, or in the more limited sense of a threat of
  6. As his sidekick Watkins (based on Dr. Watson),as they attempt to locate and, apprehend ,the dangerous" Shropshire Slasher ". Australian soap Home and Away was filmed
  7. The CIA (and specifically their elite Special Activities Division) to, apprehend ,bin Laden and bring him to the United States to stand trial after the 1998
  8. Correct use of the word dogma, which is a belief that cannot be doubted. I did, apprehend ,this in a vague sort of way but since I thought that all religious beliefs were
  9. Lot of a convenience store, especially after the closing time of bars to, apprehend ,drunk drivers. To decrease break-ins while the convenience store is closed
  10. And bondsmen; yet before the large force mustered by the authorities could, apprehend ,him, he died under unexplained circumstances, the Helvetic believed by his own
  11. Medici:" ... yet in one dream I can compose a whole Comedy, behold the action, apprehend ,the jests and laugh my self awake at the conceits thereof ". Similarly, Samuel
  12. Flame, Serge is chiefly challenged by Lynx, a shadowy antagonist working to, apprehend ,him. Upon its release in Japan in 1999 and in North America in 2000,Throne
  13. We experience as conscious life, it has an unconscious nocturnal side which we, apprehend ,as dreamlike fantasy. Jung would argue that just as we do not doubt the
  14. Is quick to summon Colonel Dye of the Port Burdock police. Dye fails to, apprehend ,Griffin, who escapes and brands Kemp a traitor, vowing to kill him. Despite the
  15. Billy Waugh tracked down Bin Latin in the Sudan and prepared an operation to, apprehend ,him, but was denied authorization. U. S. Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged
  16. And follows the investigation of Inspector Frederick Aubergine in attempting to, apprehend ,the Ripper, and includes some famous Victorians such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  17. A variety of reasons—but primarily because is it difficult for the police to, apprehend ,and for the courts to sentence or even convict a person for a protest that is
  18. The posse cogitates, an ad hoc assembly called together by a law officer to, apprehend ,lawbreakers, and the Ford, a military body intended to preserve internal order
  19. To grok something is both to comprehend (relate intellectually) and to, apprehend ,(relate emotionally) its Quidditch, its essence, its being. In an ideological
  20. One responsible for the assassination attempts on Padre. Obi-Wan attempts to, apprehend ,Feet, who escapes to Genesis with his unaltered clone Bob (Daniel Logan).
  21. Games, although actors playing members of the Berlin police force help Charlie, apprehend ,the spies (of unnamed nationality) trying to steal a new aerial guidance
  22. Official, who decides to hire Javier. Salazar instructs him to locate and, apprehend ,Francisco Flores (Collins, Jr.),a notorious hitman for the Tijuana Cartel
  23. Are oblig'd to call for the help of the Civil Power, it is a sign, I, apprehend , of its being a bad one. " In 1790,just about a month before he died, Franklin
  24. The scammer contacts the victim saying that their organization can track and, apprehend ,the scammer and recover the money lost by the victim, for a price.
  25. The crime making it a criminal assault to intentionally cause another person to, apprehend ,a harmful or offensive contact. Definition Battery In common law, criminal
  26. Was a member of the 16th New York Cavalry Regiment sent, on April 24, 1865,to, apprehend ,John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln, who was still at large. Two
  27. Bebop. They are a team of bounty hunters who travel the Solar System trying to, apprehend ,bounties. Jet Black, the ship's captain and owner, partnered with Spike
  28. Help from Superman, she exposes the truth, and a despondent Superman helps to, apprehend ,Author. In the end, Luthor becomes a permanent prisoner in his own body, unable
  29. Acting on a tip from an unidentified Iraqi, a special forces team attempted to, apprehend ,the inhabitants of the house. After being fired on, the special forces moved
  30. All at Hogwarts as students. Near the climax of the book, Snape attempts to, apprehend ,Black, but Black escapes with Harry's aid. Shape informs Dumbledore of this
  31. Descriptions that may facilitate the job of law enforcement officers seeking to, apprehend ,suspects, the United States FBI employs the term" race" to summarize the
  32. Name the tribal authorities prosecuting the case and gathering men to, apprehend ,Rhetoric, but refers to them by the Latin terms civets (" state" or" tribe
  33. Ability to manipulate literary techniques as modes of apprehension which, apprehend ,nothing. " Though Barth, in a 1974 interview, stated," realism—not
  34. Dissuade and discover criminal activity, and those who investigate crimes and, apprehend ,offenders. Furthermore, although law enforcement may be most concerned with the
  35. Is a thief whose goal is to steal paintings while the other players attempt to, apprehend ,the thief. The thief keeps track of his or her position secretly on paper and
  36. Earth and later had his neck snapped by Quiet when he and his henchmen tried to, apprehend ,him. * Marc Alamo as Everett, a Captain of the Mars Colony security force. He
  37. Before the departure of the Roman forces, allegedly even suggesting that Virus, apprehend ,Arminius along with several other Germanic leaders whom he identified as covert
  38. A raid on U. S. Marines and Nicaraguan Guardian National that had been sent to, apprehend ,him in the village of Octal, but is repulsed by one of the first dive-bombing
  39. The advice of the imprisoned serial killer and cannibal Hannibal Lecter to help, apprehend ,another serial killer, known only as" Buffalo Bill ". When The Silence of the
  40. They are launching" Operation Eagle Claw ", a joint effort with Microsoft to, apprehend ,Nigerian 419 scammers. *Robert Andrew Street, a Melbourne-based financial
  41. Is committed if one intentionally or recklessly causes another person to, apprehend ,immediate and unlawful personal violence. Violence in this context means any
  42. Americans in Georgia, demanding that the federal government" take steps to, apprehend ,and punish the perpetrators ... and to halt the rising tide of lynch law. In
  43. Party returns to Mad ain Sari, they confront Amaranth, who was hired by Brahe to, apprehend ,Dagger. Dagger slowly realizes that she is also a Summoner from Mad ain Sari.
  44. An Act Respecting Alien Enemies; ch. 66,) authorized the president to, apprehend ,and deport resident aliens if their home countries were at war with the United
  45. Easily noticed characteristics) of individuals whom they are attempting to, apprehend , From the perspective of law enforcement officers, it is generally more
  46. And declares an anti-war military government. Other French army troops soon, apprehend ,them. * June 4 – The very first Pulitzer Prizes are awarded: Laura E. Richards
  47. But not to be outdone he too presented" a plan somewhat analogous, I, apprehend , to Prof. Jevon's abacus ... And again, corresponding to Prof. Jevons's
  48. Again, knew that Serge would one day cross to Another world and prepared to, apprehend ,him. Lynx switched bodies with Serge to dupe the biological check of
  49. To the city, SEN strikes up a conversation with children before police androids, apprehend ,him. THX and SRT steal two cars, but SRT crashes into a concrete pillar
  50. D., where he, with the help of the Superman of 2956 (Craig King),attempts to, apprehend ,a gang of" mystery-thieves" responsible for a rash of spectacular "

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