Examples of the the word, ante , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ante ), is the 12927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Militum, nephew of Candace, of the leading Ostrogoth clan of the Mali. This was, ante ,conversion em team (" before my conversion" ). The nature and details of the
  2. Did not become common until much later. Bede used the expression" Anna igniter, ante ,incarnation em Dominican" ( before the Incarnation of the Lord) twice. " Anna
  3. As fifteen minutes either way. At the equinoxes sunrise is around 6 A. M. (, ante ,meridian, before noon),and sunset around 6 P. M. (post meridian, after noon
  4. Fold superior hands because of shown strength. A steal is normally either an ", ante ,steal" or" blind steal" ( depending on whether the game being played uses
  5. The Battle of Grow, but the eventual compromise was a return to the status quo, ante ,from before 1605. Another important conflict in his reign was the
  6. And reasons for injunctions This injunctive power to restore the status quo, ante ,; that is, to make whole again someone whose rights have been violated, is
  7. Declared victory in 1988 but actually achieved a weary return to the status quo, ante ,vellum. The war lasted for eight years, making it the longest conventional war
  8. e.g. Paid. I'd. Mart. 14 March. Other days were a. d. IN, abbreviation for, ante ,Diem IN (meaning" on the Number, numerus of days before the Named reference
  9. In Thailand. The war ended with a Laotian victory, and return to status quo, ante ,vellum. No settlement was made the two nations suffered a combined casualty of
  10. 1814 - December 24: Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812,providing status quo, ante ,vellum; Great Britain no longer needs impressment and stops * 1818 - London
  11. Binding precedent. In effect, it results in a return to the status quo, ante , For a case to be heard, there must be a quorum of at least six justices. If a
  12. Treaty of Ghent (ratified in 1815) ended the war and restored the status quo, ante ,vellum between the combatants. Dissidents and 1837 Rebellion After 1800 there
  13. Of Tobago, sovereignty in the West Indies was returned to the status quo, ante ,vellum in the peace of 1783. India and the Netherlands When word reached India
  14. Rounds begin with the player to the dealer's left. Home games typically use an, ante ,; the first betting round begins with the player to the dealer's left, and the
  15. The singer referred to James Brown as a" jive-ass nigger ", then upped the, ante ,by pronouncing Ray Charles a" blind, ignorant,nigger ". Costello apologized
  16. Cassette) and Panasonic (the Mi Jockey),by the late 80s,Sony upped the, ante ,once again by creating the playback-only WM-DD9,launched in 1989 during the
  17. Odd chip left in the pot from a previous deal. For example, eight players each, ante ,$1,one player opens for $2,and gets two callers, making the pot total $14.
  18. By four players as shown to the right with Alice dealing. All four players, ante ,$1. Alice deals five cards to each player and places the deck aside. Bob opens
  19. Of building a space habitat in orbit above Ceres. Each begins to raise the, ante , and none are willing to back down. * Saturn (2002) - the space habitat
  20. Ante Diem septum Calendar Martin (February 24) was doubled, producing, ante , diem bis septum Calendar Martin. Hence, the year containing the doubled day was
  21. Minus describes Alemannic rulers with various terms: Reyes excelsiores, ante ,alias (" paramount kings" ), reges proximity (" neighboring kings" ), reguli
  22. But in 1895 the new American Secretary of State Richard Olney upped the, ante ,by arguing for the American" right" to arbitrate on grounds of sovereignty on
  23. Et in UNM Domingo Issue Chris tum, : Cilium DEI Unigénitum, : Et ex Pate datum, ante ,Romania sæcula.: Drum de Deo, lumen de lupine, Deum serum de Do very, : Genius
  24. Of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748). Maria Theresa and Austria survived status quo, ante ,vellum, sacrificing only the territory of Silesia, which Austria conceded to
  25. Pages blank '; lit.:" Ne value start HAE paginate, libuit e reelection, ante ,disputation em agenda Isabella liter arum vniuersalem rapid describer" ). It
  26. With 1994's Aero Fighters 2. The following year's Pulsar managed to up the, ante ,on both graphics and gameplay. Top Hunter, released in 1994 featured extremely
  27. By suit method is preferred). * (Variation) Leave the odd chip as an extra, ante ,for the next deal. This is common in home games. Sometimes it is necessary to
  28. The intercalary month used to be. To create the intercalary day, the existing, ante ,Diem septum Calendar Martin (February 24) was doubled, producing ante Diem
  29. At the beginning of consecutive lines:: his verbs:" o gnat, tibi sent, ante ,serenade: Alumnae, post ex Flavio Fortuna resisted. ": (Annals 1.42f)
  30. Confused in relation to the assessment of projects. Appraisal refers to ex, ante ,(before the event) assessment and evaluation refers to ex post (after the
  31. And attempted to invade British North America. The war ended in the status quo, ante ,vellum under the Treaty of Ghent, signed on 24 December 1814,though sporadic
  32. 2002. The incident ended when both countries agreed to return to the status quo, ante ,which existed prior to the Moroccan occupation of the island. The islet is now
  33. India but was frustrated by weak French support, and the war ended status quo, ante ,vellum with the 1784 Treaty of Mangalore. French opposition was led in 1782 and
  34. Were counted down (inclusively) to the next named day, so February 24 was, ante ,Diem septum Calendar Martin (" the sixth day before the ca lends of March" )
  35. Courts, however,because unlike in the EU, Swiss law does not provide for an ex, ante ,regulation of access conditions by the regulator. Instead, under the Swiss ex
  36. A raise. Poker without blinds is usually played with everyone posting an, ante ,to receive cards, but it is technically possible to have absolutely no ante or
  37. Octavius in Latin),with his work De doctrine tempo rum, popularized the usage, ante ,Chris tum (Latin for" Before Christ" ) to mark years prior to AD. Change of
  38. Of 1982 that Iraq wants a negotiated end to the war based upon the status quo, ante , Iran's stated conditions for ceasing hostilities, namely the removal of
  39. Mental agility and mental toughness. Each put down, each " snap ", ups the, ante , Defeat can be humiliating, but a skilled contender, win or lose, may gain
  40. Places. The old intercalary month was abolished. The new leap day was dated as, ante ,Diem bis septum Calendar Martial, usually abbreviated as a. d. bis VI KAL. Mart
  41. Remains in effect to this day. The Treaty of Ghent established the status quo, ante ,vellum; that is, there were no territorial losses by either side. The issue of
  42. Said before and after dinner in Hall. The reading of Grace before dinner (, ante ,uranium) is usually the duty of a Scholar of the College; Grace after dinner
  43. Most of her American colonies. For Austria, though,it was status quo, ante ,vellum. Maria Theresa asserted that, had she not been almost always pregnant
  44. Prior to a game, are included on a starting lineup card or are announced as ex, ante ,substitutes, whether they actually play or not, although,in Major League
  45. One or more players are usually required to make forced bets, usually either an, ante ,or a blind bet (sometimes both). The dealer shuffles the cards, the player on
  46. Rights over the eastern half of the Armand RUD, a reversion to the status quo, ante ,vellum that he had repudiated a decade earlier. Declassified US intelligence
  47. An ante to receive cards, but it is technically possible to have absolutely no, ante ,or blinds at all. Blinds in tournament play In poker tournament play, blinds
  48. Philippe de la Hire used a year he labeled at the end of years labeled, ante ,Chris tum (BC),and immediately before years labeled post Chris tum (AD) on
  49. And the new Japanese government accepts America's generous offer of status quo, ante , Throughout the book, President During has faced another, less important
  50. Various forms of realism. Two major forms are Platonic realism (universal, ante ,res) and Aristotelian realism (universal in rebus). Platonic realism is

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