Examples of the the word, rehab , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rehab ), is the 12926 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. People caught with small amounts of any drug are given the choice to go to a, rehab ,facility, and may refuse treatment without consequences. Despite criticism from
  2. Love discovered they were going to become parents. Immediately after leaving, rehab , Nirvana embarked on their Australian tour, with Cobain appearing pale and
  3. Called the experience“ a privilege” and said,“ Israel has very proactive, rehab ,facilities, excellent medical schools and teaching hospitals, and an absolutely
  4. Parked vehicle occupied by an off-duty police officer. He entered court-ordered, rehab ,soon after and became consistently sober for the first time in ten years. In
  5. Drank on set, which he had never done before, and as a result he entered, rehab ,on returning to America. The film was released in 1982,along with his
  6. Last Days of Left Eye documentary that her meeting with a struggling mother in, rehab ,left a big impression on her. Lopes had several large tattoos. Most prominent
  7. In the following year. In 2006,Love was sentenced to six months of lockdown, rehab ,and achieved sobriety thereafter. In 2009,Love re-emerged and reformed Hole
  8. Would be based on much of his journal, which he said he kept while in, rehab , Personal life Relationships In 1984,at the age of 20,Charles married English
  9. Bermudian Status through his mother's birth in Bermuda. Skiing accident and, rehab ,In 1980,Douglas was involved in a serious skiing accident which sidelined his
  10. Had gained recognition in league circles for his success in helping NBA players, rehab ,from drug abuse. The Lucas era started out successfully. His coaching propelled
  11. Farmers (Station 155) is a private organization that provides foreground, rehab ,support to firefighters (personal relief stations and refreshments) during
  12. Revealed that he became an alcoholic while working on Star Trek and ended up in, rehab , Also in William Shatner's 2008 book Up Till Now: The Autobiography, Shatner
  13. Plans were put on hiatus and the band's future was in doubt. Hatfield left, rehab ,on December 4,2001,For the duration of the recording period, producer Bob
  14. Violations in early 2006,Love was sentenced to six months of lock down, rehab ,after struggles with prescription drugs and cocaine. She made a public
  15. She must be either crazy or drunk, but he's already supported Sally through, rehab ,clinics and mental hospitals and cannot take anymore. Ben drunkenly
  16. In and save his life. Reeve had occupational therapy and physical therapy in, rehab , In the therapy gym, Reeve worked on moving his trapezius muscle. Electrodes
  17. In late 2000,Ol' Dirty Bastard unexpectedly escaped near the end of his, rehab ,sentence, spending one month on the run as a fugitive before showing up on
  18. Of Columbus provides free prosthetic limbs and a minimum of two years of, rehab ,to every child who suffered an amputation because injuries sustained during the
  19. Police. After this he left Argentina and went to Cuba in order to follow a drug, rehab ,plan. On 18 April 2004,doctors reported that Maradona had suffered a major
  20. Claiming that a lot of production work took place during her second stint in, rehab , meaning she had little to no say over the final product. Released May 23, 1994
  21. Ohio Valley Wrestling in Louisville was the primary location for training and, rehab ,for WWE professional wrestlers from 2000 until February 2008,when WWE ended
  22. Acting in films such as Population 436 and The Long shots. John Otto went into, rehab ,and collaborated with other bands and artists, as did Sam Rivers and DJ Lethal.
  23. Abuse, ending up in the hospital emergency room. After a seven-week stint in, rehab , Sustained emerged clean once again, and the band returned to the studio to
  24. Power or endurance that they can provide, but that they can drastically shorten, rehab ,time from injury. Commissioner Bud Selim imposed a very strict anti-drug policy
  25. Ice-T, mocking his rap ability (" take your rhymes around the corner to rap, rehab ,"),his background (" before you rapped, you are a downtown car thief" )
  26. Missions. Naval Support Unit State Department is where Seabeds work, rehab ,and maintain security areas at US Embassies and Consulates overseas and
  27. Sobriety, with the majority of its lyrics having been written while Love was in, rehab ,in 2006. Although Hole's sound changed over the course of the band's career
  28. The Presidio in January 2001. In July James Hatfield leaves the band to attend, rehab , After this incident they moved into another studio where Hatfield returned in
  29. Players. The league is also where major league players often go for their first, rehab ,assignments. The three division winners will be joined by a Wild Card team in
  30. 19, 2001,before preparations to enter the recording studio, Hetfield entered, rehab ,due to" alcoholism and other addictions ". All recording plans were put on
  31. Songs. * Ray Charles began using heroin as a teenager. He went into, rehab ,in 1965 and stayed clean for the rest of his life. * Robbin Crosby: Guitarist
  32. The Western United States. When purity dropped, so did the number of people in, rehab , and people admitted to emergency rooms with methamphetamine in their systems.
  33. To 1987,Six kept a daily diary of his heroin addiction and eventually entered, rehab ,in January 1988. In 2006,Six published his diaries as a best-selling novel:
  34. Of surgery, with the hope of returning to the lineup for the playoffs. The, rehab ,was successful enough that Wade returned to the Heat on April 9,2007,for a
  35. As well as drug sentences, which eventually resulted in six months of lockdown, rehab , Love had begun composing the album with Linda Perry in 2002. America's
  36. S childhood up until the year 2006,shortly after her release from a six-month, rehab ,sentence. The book was generally well-reviewed by critics, and Love did book
  37. That he has been battling" for some time ". Because of an extended stay in, rehab , his performance at Snow bombing, a week-long winter sports and music festival
  38. Including an anti-cocaine song entitled" Loser Dust ", during her time in, rehab , Hole reformation: 2009-present On June 17, 2009,ME reported that Hole would
  39. To die. " Slowly,Cobain's heroin addiction worsened. His first attempt at, rehab ,was made in early 1992,not long after he and Love discovered they were going
  40. Mathew, who had been injured in Spring Training, was completing a Minor League, rehab ,assignment. The game that day was bad for Houston with Roy Oswald giving up
  41. Who sent him to drug rehab ilitation. After Kinds completed his stint in, rehab , he felt a" whole new wave of enthusiasm" due to his sobriety and wrote the
  42. Responsible for Janice Dickinson's career),who was hesitant to sign her. In, rehab , she told staff that she had done sexual favors for drug money and had been
  43. During the lunch hours; it was later captured and released at a wildlife, rehab ,center near Barrington, Illinois. In February 2010,up to three coyotes were
  44. California, said “ I was addicted to methamphetamine and tried everything ..., rehab , stuff on the Internet, but nothing helped me kick it. I was trying on my own
  45. Before the release of The W, ODB escaped custody while being transported from a, rehab ,center to a Los Angeles court and was considered a fugitive. At a record
  46. 2003: Reemergence and From a Basement on the Hill Smith had attempted to go to, rehab ,several times, but found that he was unable to relate to the popular treatments
  47. In Filofax no. 18,December/January 1989-90). Lugosi, recently out of, rehab ,for morphine addiction, was to star as the undertaker/mad scientist. Gene Au try
  48. Personal issues through the course of Nine-Inch Nails first decade until his, rehab ,in 2001. Tenor has talked about the album concept numerous times: Tenor
  49. Has been selected to penetrate the secretive organization. As part of the, rehab ,program, Arctor is renamed" Bruce" and forced to participate in cruel
  50. To battle his heroin addiction after his near fatal overdose. With Mahan out of, rehab ,in 1996,Depeche Mode held recording sessions with producer Tim Simenon. The

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