Examples of the the word, addendum , in a Sentence Context

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  1. His rule was written in German. However, the rule was included in a 4-page, addendum , to a 26-page article on isomeric butyric acids, and based on very slight
  2. Christians, particularly Protestants, conclude the prayer with a doxology,an, addendum ,appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew.: The prayer as it occurs in:" Our
  3. In the UK and St. Martin's Press in the US. The paperback edition included an, addendum , Unlike the first edition, the print versions did not contain illustrations.
  4. A sequence of diplomatic notes and agreements. However, in a now-declassified, addendum ,to the 1966 agreement, the United Kingdom received a US$14 million discount
  5. Determining a character's place of birth and languages spoken. Gaga added an, addendum ,concerning the physical appearances of the main Grey hawk races. In the November
  6. Of people living in isolated colonies or generation ships. As an alternative or, addendum ,for the future of the human race, many science fiction writers have focused on
  7. Addendum distanced himself from his colleague's conclusions; it was this, addendum ,and the inconsistencies between the autopsy report and the known facts that
  8. Astronomy (ISSN 0021-8286),vol. 35 (3) (2004),#120,pp. 327–336 (with, addendum ,at http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/2005JHA....36.339M vol.36,p.339).
  9. Cloth and material simulations.; particle: Added in version 2009,particle is, addendum ,to Maya Nucleus tool set. particle is for simulating a wide range of complex 3D
  10. Short sequel essay Screw tape Proposes a Toast, first published in 1959,is an, addendum ,to The Screw tape Letters. It takes the form not of a letter but rather an
  11. Violent scientific paper he had ever composed ". In his Collected Essays this, addendum ,was edited out. The extended argument on the ape brain, partly in debate and
  12. That the corpse he had examined was that of Rosa Luxemburg, and in a signed, addendum ,distanced himself from his colleague's conclusions; it was this addendum and
  13. Inspired by Molière's success, the Comédie-Italienne gave a performance of its, addendum ,to the Don Juan legend, Sequel to" The Stone Guest ", which included Molière
  14. Is only what is necessary for identifications purposes. Addendum There is an, addendum ,to the catalog called Uppsala General Catalog Addendum which is abbreviated
  15. Project * Special Prorate Agreement, an agreement between airlines, serves as, addendum ,for Interline agreement * Special Protection Area, a European Union nature
  16. The constitution forbids the federation or union of autonomous communities,an, addendum ,or" transitional provision" to the constitution makes an exclusion whereby
  17. Paris goes even further, stating that the Roosevelt Corollary was not merely an, addendum ,to the earlier Monroe Doctrine, through which the U. S. pledged to protect the
  18. Trills, and other violin techniques. His Good harmonica (c.1752,with an, addendum ,in 1756) is one of the most unusual harmony treatises of the late Baroque
  19. Productive psychological orientation and" state of being ". For example, in an, addendum ,to his book The Heart of Man: Its Genius For Good and Evil, Fromm wrote as part
  20. Of each other's friends and enemies of each other's enemies. In 1857 an, addendum ,to the 1855 treaty permitted a British military mission to become a presence in
  21. The second passage used to argue pre-Ximénez texts comes from Ximénez's, addendum ,to" Pool VH. " There he states that many of the natives' practices can be "
  22. Drawn up with global vexillological principles in mind. Heraldic description An, addendum ,to the Transitional Executive Council agenda (April 1994) described the flag
  23. Les Burettes bourrèes (1948–49,published 1950 by Le Live de Poche as an, addendum ,to their edition of L'Here rouge) * Le Ration seigneur (1946–52,published
  24. Bagel or a pastry, but not both. Sometimes, given the appropriate context,the, addendum ," but not both" is omitted but implied. ) *Material conditional also joins two
  25. S death. The military commanders signed a Memorandum of Understanding as an, addendum ,to the Lusaka Protocol in Luna on April 4,Dos Santos and Lamb observing.
  26. ISBN 1-85912-081-4 and the internal document number is C451. ISO SQL/CLI is an, addendum ,to 1992 SQL standard (SQL-92). It was completed as ISO standard ISO/IEC
  27. Be found in the Harivansh of Jensen (not be confused with its namesake,the, addendum ,to Mahabharata) and the Trishashti-shalakapurusha-charita of Hemachandra. In
  28. Autobiographical memoir A True Relation of my Birth, Breeding,and Life as an, addendum ,to her collection Natures Pictures Drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life in 1656.
  29. Must have been some mistake:" I went up to Chernenko and said,'There was an, addendum ,in the text. ' He said,'Think nothing of any addendum . ' Then I saw his aide
  30. Movie moved ". In later editions of his annual movie guide, Maltin included an, addendum ,to his review stating his surprise with the film's newfound popularity as a
  31. Is an Appendixes Quarter Horse. The designation of" Appendixes" refers to the, addendum ,section, or Appendix, of the Official Quarter Horse registry. AQUA also issues
  32. The word" postscript" has, poetically,been used to refer to any sort of, addendum ,to some main work, even if not attached to a main work, as in Søren Kierkegaard
  33. Library Add. 27296). The Edition Princes was printed in Venice in 1521 as an, addendum ,to Isaac Alfasi's Halakhot. Many Genera fragments have been published online
  34. Released in 1962. The rest were eventually freed in February 1968,in a secret, addendum ,to a prisoner of war exchange. Soon after the affair, Mossad chief Issuer Hear
  35. The Netherlands. Two days after signing the treaty, all four parties signed an, addendum ,specifically acknowledging that the failure to use the languages of all of the
  36. For reasons which remain unclear, in 1869 Wagner republished the essay with an, addendum ,as long as the original, and under his own name. The first part was reprinted
  37. This was used in high school health classes and is also reprinted as an, addendum ,to the Death: The High Cost of Living trade paperback. This version of Death
  38. That isn't nailed down," is generally a good rule of thumb, as is the fan, addendum ," And if it is nailed down, look for loose nails, or solve the nail-removing
  39. On including the irregulars in the final tally of forces and add a prose, addendum ,to the estimate that would explain the agency's position. George Allen, Carver
  40. And said,'There was an addendum in the text. ' He said,'Think nothing of any, addendum , ' Then I saw his aide Bogolyubov and said,'Lady Mikhailovich, there was a
  41. Copy of the Department of Homeland Security report was released. A redacted, addendum ,to the initial DHS OIL report was released in March 2010. The follow-up report
  42. Kirk was fatally shot in the back in the original ending of Generations; an, addendum ,inserted while Shatner's Star Trek Movie Memories memoir was being printed
  43. Editions derive from the Faulkner edition with the inclusion of this 1899, addendum , Isaac Asimov notes in The Annotated Gulliver that Linda lino is composed of
  44. Are working on any given day, week,or month in a workplace * A listing in an, addendum ,to a document, particularly a statute (a drug schedule, for example) ** A
  45. Close to levels (" yrkesnivåer" ). It didn't take long before an official, addendum ,appeared on their website," allowing" players to play without this feature.
  46. Same day, it was suggested to seek a written confirmation of this promise in an, addendum ,to the protocol. Staining agreed on these terms, since it would effectively
  47. Led to his being deported by U. S. authorities to Syria On August 9,2007,an, addendum ,to the final report containing previously undisclosed portions was released.
  48. Days, had shown. As it is also set in Burma, Shooting is often viewed an as an, addendum ,to the latter of these. After Orwell's death in 1950,the essay was
  49. That it was because of the letters he wrote complaining about his life, but an, addendum ,to Eric & Us by Enables reveals that he may have lost sympathy through an
  50. Custom to recite a list of 99 Names, compiled by al-Walid in Muslim as an, addendum ,to the hadith. Mahmoud Abdel-Razek (2005) compiled an alternative list

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