Examples of the the word, communists , in a Sentence Context
The word ( communists ), is the 12922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Notable critics of capitalism have included: socialists, anarchists, communists , national socialists, social democrats, technocrats,some types of
- And other labor unions to meet and organize. In 1940,the ACLU formally barred, communists ,from leadership or staff positions, and would take the position that it did not
- Opposite, UNO ), an alliance that ranged from conservatives and liberals to, communists , Contrary to what most observers expected, Chamorro shocked Ortega and won the
- Motorcycles and slashed banners while yelling" Go back to Russia, you fucking, communists , " At the protesters. The Hell's Angels then vowed to disrupt the larger
- The 1920s and early 1930s. Doll fuss banned the DNAP in June 1933 and the, communists ,later on. Under the banner of Christian Social Party, he later on established a
- And related to other communes through federation. While some anarchist, communists ,favor direct democracy, others feel that its majoritarianism can impede
- Three ethnically based parties, which had formed a loose coalition to oust the, communists ,from power. Croatia and Slovenia's subsequent declarations of independence and
- Through the early 1930s,they characterized the Bauhaus as a front for, communists ,and social liberals. Indeed, a number of communist students loyal to Meyer
- The Ball Bomber, however,lacked support from the people. After judging the, communists ,as an immediate threat to the country, the Ball Bomber sided with the
- To Geoffrey Blaine, who was in attendance, no one, apart from a small group of, communists , was there. Plays commemorating the events were held at major theaters. 1980s –
- Chiang's predecessor, Sun Yat-sen, was well-liked and respected by the, communists , under Chiang's leadership the Nationalists soon engaged in a longstanding
- And Canadians when they helped the military government fight against the, communists , About 1 % is of indigenous origin (Pupil and Lena). Very few Amerindians
- States, despite the Platt Amendment, decided not to interfere militarily. The, communists ,of the PCC did very little to resist Machado in his dictator phase; however
- Pol Pot and Deng Mary asserted their dominance over the Vietnamese-trained, communists , many of whom were purged. At the same time, the Communist Party of Kampuchea
- In Preach near Munich based on a tip from a local cleric saying they were, communists , A memorial on Pfanzeltplatz in Munich today commemorates the incident.
- Of the highest executive power from the Russian government to Finland, as radical, communists ,took power in Russia. Rather than acknowledge the authority of the Power Law of
- And Canadians assisted the military junta in their fight against the, communists , Only one percent of the Salvadoran population is indigenous, mostly Mayan
- Obsession with the war years and two conflicting protest movements developed:, communists , including Berber identity movements; and Islamic integrates. Both groups
- Of its large size) as the inheritor of the CPU in Russia. In other republics, communists ,established the Armenian Communist Party, Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Party
- Utah,1540-1886,Hubert Howe Bancroft points out that the Mormons" while not, communists , the elements of socialism enter strongly into all their relations, public and
- An allegory in spite of its parallels with McCarthyism, linking the hunt for, communists ,in the 1940s and 1950s to the hunt for witches in the late 17th century. L.
- Of Romania until 1947 when Michael I was forced to abdicate at gunpoint by the, communists , * Kingdom of Bulgaria until 1946 when Tsar Simeon was deposed by the communist
- The CPC's current policies are fiercely rejected as capitalist by most, communists , especially anti-revisionists, and by adherents of the Chinese New Left from
- Forced to address the problem of the Japanese invasion and cooperate with the, communists ,to drive the Japanese out. After the Japanese surrender in 1945,Chiang once
- A guerrilla base at An'an in Shaanxi Province. During the Long March,the, communists ,reorganized under a new leader, Mao Zedong (Mao Setting). The bitter
- Leadership or staff positions, and would take the position that it did not want, communists ,as members either. The board declared that it was" inappropriate for any
- In Lithuania, the CPU was banned in 1991. A branch of" progressive ", communists ,led by Alias Brazauskas established the Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania
- Fascism blamed capitalist liberal democracies for creating class conflict and, communists ,for exploiting it. In Italy, the Fascist period presided over the creation of
- Began to speak critically about the peace and Weimar politicians, socialists, communists , Jews, and sometimes even Catholics were viewed with suspicion due to presumed
- To flee areas controlled by the KMT. After the breakup of the alliance between, communists ,and nationalists, Feng During stood on the side of Chiang Kai-shek and the
- The Soviet military commander in Sofia assumed supreme authority, and the, communists ,whom he instructed, including Simon Georgie (who was not a communist himself
- The cadre, a core of" professional revolutionaries ", consisting of loyal, communists ,who would spend the majority of their time organizing the party toward a mass
- Campaign of systematic eradication of his political opponents—namely the, communists , It was only with U. S. intervention that Chiang was forced to address the
- CPU became the Union of Communists of Latvia, which went underground. Later, communists ,regrouped into the Socialist Party of Latvia. Branches: Conventions (1917–1991
- The" freedom" of entrepreneurs and critics were accused of support from, communists , This scuttled the discourse of business ethics both in media and academia.
- The party until later. After the outbreak of World War II in 1939,American, communists ,argued that the United States should not get involved in the war on the side of
- Plane crash, which was an assassination orchestrated by the American OSS or the, communists , Though Chiang had achieved status abroad as a world leader, his government
- Destroyed, when many of the buildings still standing were taken down by the, communists ,for bricks to be used for rebuilding destroyed Gdańsk and Warsaw. The new
- The wealth of capitalists even while he denounced and fought against, communists , Chiang crushed pro-communist worker and peasant organizations and rich
- Were among the earliest critics of authoritarian communism. They agree with, communists ,that the means of production should be expropriated from private owners and
- Within any organizational entity of any kind where there were at least three, communists , The management of a cell was called" party bureau" ( партийное бюро
- Of the egalitarian political organization" Zeno ", working together with the, communists ,), took full control of domestic politics In the Romanian general election
- A corporatism economy, opposed democracy, and took part in violent attacks on, communists , though it was opposed to the Italian government due to Yugoslav border
- Unrestrained egoism. Some individualist anarchists are also socialists or, communists ,while some anarcho- communists are also individualists or egoists while some
- House committee (HUAC) came to San Francisco to investigate the influence of, communists ,in the Bay Area. Their presence was met by protesters, including many from the
- Drew his salary from the Party money. During the 1970s the relative number of, communists ,in Republics of the Soviet Union was as follows: *The mean value for the Soviet
- Some 65,000 Jews were killed, whilst the number of gentiles (non-Jews, i. e., communists , priests, non-religious,soldiers, et al.) varies between 100,000 to 400,000.
- For a rebellion against Stalinism as a prerequisite for the restoration of, communists ,'" confidence in our own revolutionary perspectives ". Thompson played a key
- Coats early in their existence. (Rostov, the Red Army,1996) Western, communists ,adopted this clothing fashion. History Creation In the first month and half
- In. The 5th Congress (held in April–May 1927 as the KMT was cracking down on, communists ,) comprised 80 voting delegates representing 57,968 members. It was on October
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