Examples of the the word, obscenity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obscenity ), is the 12909 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Paradoxical, arbitrary,and subjective. They state that lack of definition of, obscenity ,in the statutes, coupled with the existence of hypothetical entities and
  2. As Frank Zappa and other musicians testify at U. S. Congressional hearings on, obscenity ,in rock music. *1989 – A terrorist bomb explodes UTA Flight 772 in midair
  3. Liberties Union announces it will defend Allen Ginsberg's book Howl against, obscenity ,charges. *1956 – Hudsonville-Standale Tornado: The western half of the Lower
  4. Generation poets are arrested on charges of conspiracy against the State and, obscenity ,in literature. * September 4 – The Forth Road Bridge opens over the Firth of
  5. Defend the book. The case against Burroughs's novel still stands as the last, obscenity ,trial against a work of literature—that is, a work consisting of words only
  6. The early 1970s,Bill Butler, a bookseller in Brighton, was prosecuted under UK, obscenity ,laws for selling the pamphlet. According to literary theorist Brian Male, The
  7. Then what the more sensitive persons in the community are offended by, as, obscenity , was defined by the previous test, the Hickman test, stemming from the English
  8. It decided Rose v. United States in 1896,the Supreme Court adopted the same, obscenity ,standard as had been articulated in a famous British case, Regina v. Hickman
  9. In 1910,his first novel Malarkey IL futurist was cleared of all charges by an, obscenity ,trial. That year, Marinetti discovered some allies in three young painters, (
  10. Trousers fly. Thirty thousand copies of the book had been printed before the, obscenity ,was discovered. A new plate was made to correct the illustration and repair the
  11. The M10 freeway and M45 freeway *1960 – Penguin Books is found not guilty of, obscenity ,in the Lady Chatterley's Lover case *1963 – South Vietnamese President NGO
  12. Cambridge railway station and encountering two World War I veterans who use an, obscenity ,– in order to be given a PG rating. Music Although the film is a period piece
  13. Political issues of the 1980s. In the late 1980s,the band was embroiled in an, obscenity ,trial in the United States over the artwork of their album Frankenchrist (1985
  14. Descriptions of drug use and homosexual behavior—a move that could result in, obscenity ,charges being filed, a fate that later befell Burroughs' Naked Lunch and
  15. Custom seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg's poem" Howl" on the grounds of, obscenity , * 1957 – The European Economic Community is established (West Germany, France
  16. Photographed and booked on charges of inciting a riot, indecency and public, obscenity , Charges against Morrison, as well as those against three journalists also
  17. US 15,the Supreme Court of the United States establishes the Miller Test for, obscenity ,in U. S. law. *1977 – Silent Deceit, of CHP forms the new government of Turkey.
  18. Less than a year earlier. Various scholars have argued that the target was, obscenity , libel, or sedition. It seems likely that lingering anxiety about the Martin
  19. Hall received was due to unintended consequences; the novel was tried for, obscenity ,in London, a spectacularly scandalous event described as" the crystallizing
  20. Atrocity Exhibition (1969) proved controversial – it was the subject of an, obscenity ,trial, and in the United States, publisher Doubleday destroyed almost the
  21. Routine at the 1972 event (and was subsequently arrested for violating, obscenity ,laws). Prior to his arrest, he discarded a bag of cocaine to avoid further
  22. Morality and less into the realities of Roman life. The author employs outright, obscenity ,less frequently than Martial or Catullus, but the scenes painted in his text
  23. Pornography The Libertarian Party views attempts by government to control, obscenity ,or pornography as" an abridgment of liberty of expression" Age of Consent
  24. With Ali during a protest against Oz magazine's prosecution for alleged, obscenity , Lennon denounced the proceedings as" disgusting fascism ", and he and Ono (
  25. Boyd. *1957 – In Roth v. United States, the U. S. Supreme Court rules that, obscenity ,is not protected by the First Amendment. *1963 – The United Kingdom grants
  26. The federal government and the states have long been permitted to limit, obscenity ,or pornography. While The Supreme Court has generally refused to give obscenity
  27. A ritual in honor of Dionysus, but in this case the plays were full of frank, obscenity , abuse, and insult. At Athens the comedies became an official part of the
  28. By a woman in a communion dress. The police closed the exhibition on grounds of, obscenity , but it was re-opened when the charges were dropped. New York Like Zurich, New
  29. The name, walk around it three times, spit over their left shoulders, say an, obscenity ,then wait to be invited back into the building. A related practice is to spin
  30. Palazzi DI vita, created much scandal and brought about subsequent charges of, obscenity , One of his first major films, Accattone (1961),dealt with similar issues
  31. National Endowment of the Arts in the 1990s. Problem of definition Critics of, obscenity ,law argue that defining what is obscene is paradoxical, arbitrary,and
  32. Spot, sometimes accompanied by spitting over their shoulder, and uttering an, obscenity , Another popular" ritual" is to leave the room, knock three times, be invited
  33. Attempt to discredit him when he appeared as a defense witness in the 1971 Oz, obscenity ,trial. The Night Ride program, advertised by the BBC as an exploration of
  34. The Bell Tolls, swear words are replaced by the words" unprintable" and ", obscenity ,", even though the characters are actually speaking Spanish that has been
  35. Groups toward members of the counterculture. At the conclusion of the Oz, obscenity ,trials in the UK, the defendants had their heads shaved by the police, causing
  36. His character asks" Remember what we did to Jello Bianca? " Lampooning the, obscenity ,prosecution. On March 25, 2005,Bianca appeared on the U. S. radio program This
  37. States, that the Hickman test was inappropriate. Instead, the Roth test for, obscenity ,was" whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards
  38. Are not considered public media, so treaties and statutes concerning, obscenity , transmission of ciphers and public order do not apply to those formats. So
  39. 1956 publication by San Francisco's City Lights Bookstore, it was banned for, obscenity , The ban became a cause célèbre among defenders of the First Amendment, and was
  40. Prohibiting hate speech are unconstitutional in the United States,outside, obscenity , defamation, incitement to riot, and fighting words. The United States federal
  41. Serialisation was halted in 1920 when the editors were convicted of publishing, obscenity , The novel was not published in the United States until 1933. At least partly
  42. Persons" and" contemporary community standards" ) proves that federal, obscenity ,laws are in fact not defined, do not satisfy the vagueness doctrine, and thus
  43. Although not enforced by laws as it was in Canada's western provinces,an, obscenity ,trial in Depression-era Ontario is a perfect example of this latter province's
  44. 1957," Howl" attracted widespread publicity when it became the subject of an, obscenity ,trial in which a San Francisco prosecutor argued it contained" filthy, vulgar
  45. Self-contained parachute. *1927 – Mae West is sentenced to 10 days in jail for, obscenity ,for her play Sex. *1928 – The 125th and final fascicle of the Oxford English
  46. And censorship. Bedtime for Democracy and break-up (1986) In addition to the, obscenity ,lawsuit and being ignored by the mainstream media (MTV and most radio stations
  47. Called for a ban on boxing. The editor, Dr. George Lundberg, called boxing an ", obscenity ," that" should not be sanctioned by any civilized society. " Since then, the
  48. Released by Dirk Dirk sen and later reissued on Rhino). Frankenchrist and, obscenity ,trial (1985–1986) The release of the album Frankenchrist in 1985 showed the
  49. Pornography is subject to little regulation. However, the exact definition of, obscenity ,and pornography has changed over time. When it decided Rose v. United States
  50. Obscenity or pornography. While The Supreme Court has generally refused to give, obscenity ,any protection under the First Amendment, pornography is subject to little

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