Examples of the the word, stint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stint ), is the 12912 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Left due to political and philosophical conflicts with Anton Lava. During his, stint ,in the Church of Satan, Bonewits appeared in the 1970 documentary Bone wits, in
  2. University in Kraków. In the 1860s Merger left school and enjoyed a, stint ,as a journalist reporting and analyzing market news, first at the Limburger
  3. Did play-by-play for the 1991 All-Star Game. In 1997,Costs began a three year, stint ,as the lead play-by-play man for The NBA on NBC. NBC enlisted Costs' services
  4. They created and performed in The D-Generation and The Late Show and a, stint ,on radio they created Frontline (as well as Funky Squad between seasons 1 and
  5. As Jean-François Laguionie and Sylvain Comet. 2000s In 2001,after a brief, stint ,in Hollywood, Jean-Pierre Jennet returned to France with Amélie (Le Fabulous
  6. Host to the annual CBS telecasts of MGM's The Wizard of Oz. Kaye also did a, stint ,as one of the What's My Line? Mystery Guests on the popular Sunday night
  7. Johnny Torrid, whom he came to regard as a mentor. Career After his initial, stint ,with small-time gangs that included the Junior Forty Thieves and the Bowery
  8. Reporter on the dailies IL Piccolo and IL Po polo di Roma but quit after a short, stint , bored by the local court news assignments. Four months after publishing his
  9. On the upper Skagit River) in 1953. His attempts to get another lookout, stint ,in 1954 (at the peak of McCarthyism),however, failed. He had been barred
  10. Ever-present Banks was voted Best Goalkeeper in the NASA. He then had a short, stint ,with League of Ireland side St. Patrick's Athletic F. C.; he played just the
  11. Armistice was signed, ferrying troops back from Europe. It was during his naval, stint ,that Bogart may have gotten his trademark scar and developed his characteristic
  12. Had been burned as a witch in Newburgh in 1610. In 1908,after a brief, stint ,in Singapore, Gardner moved to Borneo where he became a rubber planter on the
  13. See his performance on the program (due to its low ratings). Letterman had a, stint ,as a cast member on Mary Tyler Moore's variety show, Mary; a guest appearance
  14. And later Eric Hair. Cornerback Rod Woodson joined the team after a successful, stint ,with the Pittsburgh Steelers, and Priest Holmes started getting the first
  15. Discharged in 1897. What followed was a string of seemingly unrelated and short, stint ,jobs. Following a period of drifting and ranch work in Idaho, Burroughs found
  16. Assistant to Congressman Robert P. Griffin of Michigan. He then did a two-year, stint ,with investment banking firm A. G. Becker from 1960 to 1962. Member of Congress
  17. Affectionate sobriquet," boots the bishop," from his parishioners. After his, stint ,as bishop, he spent the remainder of his life partly in retirement in the
  18. By his personality and hired him," Levy said. After Cal, he did a, stint ,at Stanford as an assistant coach, before beginning his pro coaching career.
  19. His early international career coincided with the peak of Caetano Scirea's, stint ,as Italy's first choice sweeper, and Bears was continually left out in the
  20. Years. Kurosawa entered the Japanese film industry in 1936,following a brief, stint ,as a painter. After years of working on numerous films as an assistant director
  21. Permanent home. In his autobiography, Wright accounts that he also had a short, stint ,in another Chicago architecture office. Feeling that he was underpaid for the
  22. As well. With brief inking exceptions, two fill-in issues, and a three-issue, stint ,drawn by Arthur Adams, Simonson remained in all three positions through #354 (
  23. Yellow Peril" mysteries on real Chinese crime figures he knew during his brief, stint ,as a newspaper reporter covering Lime house activities. Cultural impact The
  24. Barnes—joined in December 1973,taking leave from the band in 1975 for a brief, stint ,as On Scott's replacement in Fraternity. The group changed its name several
  25. And Vietnam. He is currently President of Birmingham-Southern College after his, stint ,as a non-executive director of English association football club Aston Villa.
  26. Into the base. Presley announced that he was looking forward to his military, stint , saying he did not want to be treated any differently from anyone else:" The
  27. To preach (unsuccessfully) in Cambodia. After a (similarly unsuccessful), stint , in Guangzhou, China,he eventually returned to Portugal and became the first
  28. Was withdrawn from circulation. However, WR Kevin Johnson wore #85 during his, stint ,in Detroit after asking permission from the Hughes family as he had worn that
  29. For many civic improvements during his term, notably during his second, stint ,as mayor when he had access to funds and manpower from the New Deal. During
  30. Had made over 100 trades involving over 400 players in seven years. In a short, stint ,in St. Louis, he traded away Red Schoendienst and Harvey Hardin. One of Lane's
  31. Changed back to Hellas Verona FC. After a three-year stay, their last, stint ,in Serie A ended in grief in 2002. That season emerging international talents
  32. And four World Series titles during his tenure with the team. After a short, stint ,with the Boston Braves in 1935,Ruth retired. In 1936,Ruth became one of the
  33. Company. Expressionist films: the Weimar years (1918-1933) His writing, stint ,was brief, as Lang soon started to work as a director at the German film studio
  34. In January 1975. The album marked Dylan's return to Columbia after a two-album, stint ,with Asylum Records. The album, which followed years of lukewarm reception for
  35. 2008-01-07} } Letterman has denied this. In the final months of his first, stint ,as host of The Tonight Show, Leno beat Letterman in the ratings by a 1.3
  36. At the Rinaldi publishing house run by Giulio Rinaldi. Although brief, his, stint , put him in regular contact with Cesare Paves, Natalia Ginsburg, Norberto
  37. Killed in #388 (April 1994),scripter Michelinie's last issue. His 1987–1994, stint , gave him the second-longest run as writer on the title, behind Stan Lee. With
  38. Looking back, I had no idea that thing was being televised. " He lampooned his, stint ,two years later, during Billy Crystal's opening Oscar skit, which also
  39. To the easier, simpler times they remembered. Johnston ended his first, stint ,with the band shortly after the record's release, reportedly because of
  40. The first time. Then, he and Beast battle the Maya Yogi. During his original, stint ,with the X-Men, Drake pursues a relationship with Lorna Dane, although the
  41. D. Eisenhower, Georgy Zhukov and Jean de Lattre de Tassigny. Eisenhower's, stint ,as president of Columbia University was punctuated by his activity within the
  42. A. C. (1984) After being ousted from The Clash in 1983 and following a brief, stint ,with the band Public, Mick Jones formed a new band called Top Risk
  43. Achieved in 1976,ending a 65-year exile from the top flight. City's second, stint ,in the top flight was less successful and memorable than the club's first
  44. January through August 1963. In October of that year, Clapton did a seven-gig, stint ,with Casey Jones & The Engineers. The band initially played
  45. In December 1968,Commit abruptly left Earth to join Jethro Tull. Although his, stint ,with the band would be short-lived, Iommi made an appearance with Jethro Tull
  46. Profile of the neck, which would indicate it was a 1960 model. Early during his, stint ,in Cream,Clapton's first Les Paul Standard was stolen. He continued to play
  47. As they both concentrated on in-depth interviews. In 2002,Costs began a, stint ,as co-host of HBO's long-running series Inside the NFL. Costs remained host
  48. Edition. The Big Ten Conference Men's Basketball Tournament began a five-year, stint ,at Costco Field house in 2008. Final Four Indianapolis, headquarters of the
  49. And Miles of the decision just before the two got in their cars for the final, stint , Then, not long before the finish, the Automobile Club de l'Guest (ACO)
  50. Infinitesimals throughout his career and long after completing his teaching, stint ,at the Cole. Thus, he reproduces his 1821 definition of continuity (in terms

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