Examples of the the word, regent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regent ), is the 12925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Departed to wage war against Byzantine, and Alexander was left in charge as, regent ,and heir apparent of the kingdom. After Philip's return from Byzantium, he
  2. Age of fourteen when Humayun died in 1556. The young emperor was raised by the, regent , Bay ram Khan, an Iranian statesman whose father and grandfather had joined
  3. Catholic monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon and their, regent ,Cisneros, once the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula was completed, several
  4. Ghana in the care of the Bremen, while his sister Asia rules the universe as, regent , Awoken in the womb by the spice, the children are the heirs to Paul's
  5. Henry of Burgundy, younger brother of Hugh I, Duke of Burgundy. Henry was made, regent ,of Portugal during the minority of his childish wife, a burdensome county south
  6. His majority at eighteen years of age. His mother Natalia Obrenović became his, regent , In 1893,King Alexander, aged sixteen, in a first coup d'état proclaimed
  7. Wars against the Moors. Life Alfonso I was the son of Count Henry of Burgundy, regent ,of Portugal, and Queen Teresa, Countess of Portugal, the natural daughter of
  8. IV, King of Armenia, also called Constantine VI *Constantine of Cameron, regent ,of Label, and father of Helium I of Armenia,13th century *Constantine I (or
  9. Of the Zhou, King Wu, with the assistance of his brother, the Duke of Zhou, as, regent , managed to defeat the Shang at the Battle of Mule. The king of Zhou at this
  10. Followed by Bernhard von Linden. Because the people wished a younger, regent , Anton agreed to appoint his nephew Frederick Augustus Prince Co-Regent (DE:
  11. To Egypt at the head of a mercenary force to aid the king Nectanebo I and his, regent ,Tens against Persia. He soon transferred his services to Teos's cousin and
  12. Conquered Hegira in 220 BC * Alexander (general),son of Polyperchon,the, regent ,of Macedonia * Alexander Isis,2nd century military commander of the Aetolians
  13. Immediately moved to release his mother. Now queen dowager, Eleanor acted as a, regent ,for her son while he went off on the Third Crusade. Eleanor survived her son
  14. Assyria Asylum, who was a grandson of Shamshi-Adad I, by a native Akkadian vice, regent ,named Puzur-Sin. A native Akkadian king Ashur-dugul seized the throne, and a
  15. Thus became the seat of the entire Portuguese Empire. In 1815 DOM João VI, then, regent , on behalf of his incapacitated mother, elevated Brazil from colony to sovereign
  16. To Europe on 26 April 1821,leaving his elder son Prince Pedro de Alcântara as, regent ,to rule Brazil. The Portuguese government attempted to turn Brazil into a
  17. Muslims are observing the Day of Ahura. Births *1522 – Margaret of Austria, regent ,of the Netherlands (d. 1583) *1619 – Antoine Further, French writer (d.
  18. Used the sixth Dalai Lama's escapades as excuse to take control of Tibet. The, regent ,was murdered, and the Dalai Lama sent to Beijing. He died on the way, near Yoko
  19. Of Albert's early death and the need, should that happen, to appoint a, regent , as his only son, Albert Frederick was still a mere youth. The duke was forced
  20. And perhaps the most prominent European woman of the 10th century; she was, regent ,of the Holy Roman Empire as the guardian of her grandson in 991-995. Life Born
  21. Harlan. Laborious proved to be the last king of Babylon, he and his son,the, regent ,Belshazzar being deposed by the Persians in 539 BC. When the Babylonian Empire
  22. Found its kingdom in anarchy. While he had been away in the Holy Land, even his, regent , Archbishop John of Esztergom had been obliged to leave the country and his
  23. Mantle of Emperor. Paul leaves Asia, now romantically involved with Duncan, as, regent , for the twins, whom he has named Let and Ghana. Duncan notes the irony that
  24. The king’s sons...” in 1:8 as evidence that the kingdom was still ruled by a, regent ,for Josiah. The portrait of foreign nations in chapter 2 also indicates the
  25. In the restoration of the Kingdom of Hungary. Royal powers were entrusted to a, regent , Miklós Horthy, who had been the last commanding admiral of the
  26. Today, his aunt, to submit to him as a vassal and withdraw from direct rule as, regent ,for her son García Sánchez I. In 937 he conquered some thirty castles in León.
  27. Was suppressed with the help of his mother Blanche of Castile who was acting as, regent ,in the absence of Louis IX. The county of Toulouse, since them, was joined to
  28. The Fifth Dalai Lama's death was kept secret for fifteen years by the, regent ,(), Sanggye Goats. This was apparently done so that the Total Palace could
  29. The first female ambassador in European history. For six months, she served as, regent ,of England while Henry VIII was in France. During that time the English won the
  30. Prince Roman Igorevych and his boars, Andrew occupied Hatch and appointed a, regent ,to govern the principality in his name, but Prince Volodymyr III Igorevych
  31. In 1252,on the death of his mother, Blanche of Castile, Alphonse was joint, regent ,with Charles of Enjoy until the return of Louis IX. During that time he took a
  32. S death in 1605,the Polish king Segment Gaza appointed Joachim Frederick as, regent , and then in 1608,the new Elector of Brandenburg, John Sigismund. The latter
  33. Of the Empire. Theodora, widow of the emperor Theophilus (d. 842),acted as, regent ,during the minority of her son Michael III, who was said to have been
  34. Father. As both a foreigner and a woman, the queen was not a popular choice for, regent , Opposition rose and without any important ally among the Portuguese
  35. Of Spain from 1886 until 1931. His mother, Queen Maria Christina, was appointed, regent ,during his minority. In 1902,on attaining his 16th year, the King assumed
  36. Death of her father in 526,her son succeeded him, but she held the power as, regent ,for her son. Deeply imbued with the old Roman culture, she gave to that son's
  37. Taking it back from Hippocoön. He recalled Tenders, set him up as a guardian, regent , and instructed him to turn the kingdom over to any descendants of his that
  38. His youngest wife Tishyaraksha. It is said that she had got his son Koala,the, regent ,in Takshashila, blinded by a wily, but his rule did not last long after Ashoka
  39. Baffler to Portsmouth, and was received with enthusiasm. She ruled England as, regent ,while Richard went off on the Third Crusade. Later, when Richard was captured
  40. Appointed Pontus de Cruce, Master of the Order in the Hungarian Kingdom, as a, regent ,in Croatia and Dalmatia. They landed on 9 October on Cyprus from where they
  41. And paralysis, plus his disinterest in government, left his mother as, regent ,for six years, until 1662. Alfonso oversaw military victories over the Spanish
  42. And an older brother of Charles I of Sicily. In 1229,his mother, who was, regent ,of France, forced the Treaty of Paris on Raymond VII of Toulouse after his
  43. Man in Portugal and one of the richest men in Europe. To secure his position as, regent , Peter had Alfonso marry his daughter, Isabella of Cobra, in 1445. But on 9
  44. Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Empire (b. c. 1208) *1456 – János Hungary, regent ,of Hungary (b. 1387) *1464 – Nicholas of Cuba, German philosopher and
  45. His favor, but instead secured him as a furious enemy. Ptolemy, advised by his, regent , the eunuch Nothings, and his rhetoric tutor Herodotus of Chaos, did not take
  46. In 1656 at the age of thirteen. His mother, Luisa of Medina-Sidonia, was named, regent ,in his father's will. His mental instability and paralysis, plus his
  47. He was recognized by the French in the Treaty of Troyes (1420) as the, regent ,and heir to the French throne. This was cemented by his marriage to Catherine
  48. Below. Leadership *President: Gianfranco Fine (1995–2008),Ignacio La Russia (, regent , 2008–2009) **Coordinator: Maurizio Gaspar (1995–1998),Ignacio La Russia (
  49. Like many intellectuals before World War II he promoted eugenics. He was a, regent ,for the French Foundation for the Study of Human Problems during the Nazi
  50. Emperor, and forced empress Dowager Long to sign the abdication decree as, regent ,in 1912,ending two thousand years of imperial rule in China. She died

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