Examples of the the word, sect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sect ), is the 8744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Century have sprung up in and around Milan or, exceptionally to a 16th century, sect ,of Anabaptists. Orders Only the oldest of the Catholic Ambrosia, the Frat res
  2. Used to describe the rumored same-sex sexual practices of the heretics from a, sect ,originating in Bulgaria, where its followers were called Bogomilism; when they
  3. A Roman commander () and accused of being a revolutionary," ringleader of the, sect ,of the Nazarene's ", teaching resurrection of the dead, and thus imprisoned in
  4. Many became the first martyr in 1527. The Anabaptists were the most persecuted, sect ,throughout the Catholic Reformation, mainly because they broke away from the
  5. Sect. Sage Pilindavatsa (AIDS Banana) was a Kampala Brahmin of the Olivia, sect ,had found Subhadrangī as a suitable match for Emperor Industry. A palace
  6. Identity (e.g. Shia or Sunni, etc.) and religious orientation within the, sect ,(Issachar, Ismaili, Ahmedi,etc.). Both ethnic affiliation (e.g. Sindhi
  7. Spinoza also became acquainted with several Collegians, members of an eclectic, sect ,with tendencies towards rationalism. Many of his friends belonged to dissident
  8. Its founder. Not long after the burning of ten of their members (1210),the, sect ,itself lost its importance, while some surviving Americans became
  9. Daughter of Champ of Telangana. Queen Subhadrangī was a Brahmin of the Olivia, sect , Sage Pilindavatsa (AIDS Banana) was a Kampala Brahmin of the Olivia sect
  10. Emperor (d. 180) *570 – Muhammed, founder of Islam, according to the Shi'a, sect , Other sources suggest April 20. (d. 632) *1538 – Gain Paolo Tomato, Italian
  11. Afterlife, but without reference to a God. The Sadducee's were an ancient Jewish, sect ,that generally believed that there was a God but no afterlife. Many religions
  12. Central Europe, and authorities, either from a lack of knowledge about the new, sect , desire to maintain orthodox doctrine, or a variety of other nuanced reasons
  13. And acknowledgement. At the beginning, it was considered a sort of Taoist, sect , and there was even a theory about Nazi, founder of Taoism, who went to India
  14. The Branch Dravidians (also known as" The Branch" ) are a Protestant, sect ,that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Dravidian Seventh Day Adventists (
  15. Verse 3,used by Jesus while speaking to Nicodemus, a rabbi of the Jewish, sect ,known as the Pharisees, who is referred to as" a ruler of the Jews ".
  16. Americans associated black with the life-giving soil. * The medieval Christian, sect ,known as the Fathers viewed black as a color of perfection. * In the Japanese
  17. 10–20 mm long, and in its slightly apple-like taste.; Subgenus Coccus, sect , Oxycoccoides *Actinium erythrocarpum or Coccus erythrocarpus (Southern
  18. S major religions have mixed opinions on the death penalty, depending on the, sect , the individual believer, and the time period. Buddhism There is disagreement
  19. Then, and declared them heretics, forcing the Salamis to form a separate, sect , Ma Ching-chiang, a Muslim General, served as an advisor to Chiang Kai-shek. Ma
  20. Wipe out memory of Jews there. At the time, Christianity was still considered a, sect ,of Judaism, but the messianic claims alienated many Christians (including
  21. A religion spread in the Greek/Roman world and beyond as a 1st century Jewish, sect , which historians refer to as Jewish Christianity. It may be divided into two
  22. To members of the society. The Affords of northern India are a splinter, sect ,of Hinduism who practice cannibalism in which they consume the flesh of the
  23. Chhatrapati Sam bhaji Sahara alive and executed him. *In 1672,the Salami,a, sect ,concentrated in an area near Delhi, under the leadership of Siobhan and some
  24. But probably the most influential and original of these schools was the Chan, sect , which had an even stronger impact in Japan as the Zen sect . In the mid-Tang
  25. Russian nationalist groups claimed that the children were murdered by a Jewish, sect ,with a ritual purpose. Nationalist M. Lazaro, one of the authors of" The
  26. Teachings, laws,and history. While the religion was initially seen as a, sect ,of Islam, most religious specialists now see it as an independent religion
  27. Was the Chan sect , which had an even stronger impact in Japan as the Zen, sect , In the mid-Tang Buddhism reached its peak, and reportedly there were 4,600
  28. From the Manchester area. They were English Unitarians, a Dissenting Protestant, sect ,who rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and were socially and politically
  29. To them by Herodotus (30 as against 180 Athenian vessels, cf. Greek History, sect , Authorities). During the next twenty years the Philo-Laconian policy of Simon
  30. e.g. Muslim in Habit) who were the initiator of another monotheistic, sect , whose only one God was called in his own name Ar-Rahman. - Nazi (prophet)
  31. Authors of" The Letter of Five Hundred" alleges" the existence of a 'Hasidic, sect ,', whose members kill children before Passover to collect their blood," using
  32. The pantheon of Noun and Trisha. The Ahmadi Muslim Community,a, sect ,originating in the 19th century is also present, in significant minority.
  33. The main body of Catholic teaching known as Jansenism. This still fairly small, sect ,was making surprising inroads into the French Catholic community at that time.
  34. Authorship. 2nd century Christians in Syria rejected it because Monetarism,a, sect ,which was deemed to be heretical by the mainstream church, relied heavily on it
  35. To four species of cranberry, classified in two sect ions:; Subgenus Coccus, sect , Coccus *Actinium oxytocins or Coccus Austria (Common Cranberry or
  36. Developed his doctrine of The Church principally in reaction to the Donatist, sect , He taught a distinction between the" church visible" and" church invisible
  37. Siva Santa, Waisnawa, Bodha, Brahma,Rest, Sora and Ganapatya. Each, sect ,revered a specific deity as its personal Godhead. Balinese culture was strongly
  38. Hypocrite),a term borrowed from Ethiopian, where had the sense of heretical, sect , - hazard, the name of a blue stone, the Laurie, but which gave also the
  39. Of the 2nd century CE. The Mahāvastu from the Mahāsāṃghika Lokottaravāda, sect ,is another major biography, composed incrementally until perhaps the 4th
  40. Among Muslims, regardless of his lineage. They are currently an tiny, sect , found mainly in Oman. Word Usage Caliph is translated from the Arabic word
  41. By the statutes of particular states. India The Indian Penal Code (, sect , 159) adopts the old English Common-Law definition of affray, with the
  42. Khan all Muslim a. k. a. Muslim brotherhood) was the predominant Muslim, sect ,backed by the Chiang government during Chiang's regime. Other Muslim sect s
  43. Splitting from the Roman Catholic Church. Christianity began as a Jewish, sect ,in the mid-1st century. Originating in the eastern Mediterranean coast of the
  44. Other life; man's fulfillment is in this life alone. Due to persecutions, this, sect , does not appear to have long survived the death of its founder. Not long after
  45. vocal cords) was better still. So strong was his influence that the Jewish, sect ,of the Pharisees even came to oppose the temple instruments. This view parted
  46. History Early Church and Histological Councils Christianity began as a Jewish, sect ,in the eastern Mediterranean in the mid-1st century. State persecution ceased
  47. This doctrine is borrowed from Augustine who was a member of a Manichean, sect ,in his youth. *"Unconditional election ": This doctrine asserts that God has
  48. Of a Biden's tripartite achene under stereo microscope (30X). File: Tarapacá, sect ,Ruderalia10 IES. JPG|The stem of the dandelion (Tarapacá, Cichorioideae)
  49. Was particularly devout, spending his time as a travelling preacher for the, sect ,and reading a chapter from the Bible to his wife and son after breakfast every
  50. No head or leader. In particular, the term refers to a strict monophasic, sect ,that separated itself, in the end of the 5th century, from the rule of Peter

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