Examples of the the word, innocence , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The plea-bargaining system, acknowledging that a man may maintain his, innocence ,but still plead guilty in order to minimize his potential loss. " Ca plan
  2. Nota censorial, might,if he considered himself wronged, endeavour to prove his, innocence ,to the censors, and if he did not succeed, he might try to gain the protection
  3. Address topics like failed relationships, the threat of war, aging,and loss of, innocence , This change of content led to the release of the album The Visitors including
  4. With awful difficulty ... Yet they still keep smiling, singing in their great, innocence , at the presence of some visitors, craving for something beautiful. " On June
  5. There was no mandatory testing in Major League Baseball. Bonds declared his, innocence , attributing his changed physique and increased power to a strict regimen of
  6. From the Egyptian Book of the Dead, is a collection of assertions of, innocence ,which were included in ancient Egyptian burial rites, and is often compared to
  7. Crime and Ajax was to be stoned to death, but saved himself by establishing his, innocence ,with an oath. The whole charge was sometimes said to have been an invention of
  8. Defendant locating DNA evidence demonstrating the defendant's actual, innocence , Appellate review is the general term for the process by which
  9. Victim which contains the greatest and purest force; a male child of perfect, innocence ,and high intelligence is the most satisfactory. " Author Robert Anton Wilson
  10. Third Saturday April symbols *April's birthstone is diamond, which symbolizes, innocence , August is the eighth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars
  11. In Alexandria eventually secured the unconditional release and recognition of, innocence ,of the nine prisoners still remaining alive (out of thirteen). Later in
  12. The Alford plea as:" a form of a guilty plea in which the defendant asserts, innocence ,but acknowledges on the record that the prosecutor could present enough
  13. Of motifs by adding Anxiety, Ashes,Madonna and Women in Three Stages (from, innocence ,to old age). Around the turn of the century, Munch worked to finish the "
  14. More than I ever did, I believe in Liberalism. But there was a rosy time of, innocence ,when I believed in Liberals. " This liberalism is different from most modern
  15. Association (AFA) referred to the shoot as" a disturbing mix of childhood, innocence ,and adult sexuality" and called to" God-loving Americans to boycott stores
  16. And profane love, metamorphosis,melancholy, the corruption of the city, lost, innocence , the oppressiveness of living, and wine. Notable in some poems is Baudelaire's
  17. For the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation, whose, innocence , for the crime alleged against them is evident, to be worried and tormented as a
  18. So the police suspect she is his accomplice. Tisdale tries to prove his, innocence ,by tracking down the stolen coat. During their flight, they briefly stop at the
  19. Of his rhetoric. During his imprisonment he wrote many letters, pleading his, innocence , In one, he apologized for his misconduct, writing,“ I am prevented from
  20. The misdemeanor charge of illegal information collection. Confident of their, innocence ,they returned for their trial in April 2002 and were stunned to be found guilty
  21. Crowley added in a footnote to the text on sacrifice," the intelligence and, innocence ,of that male child are the perfect understanding of the Magician, his one aim
  22. On August 19, 2011,they entered Alford pleas, which allow them to assert their, innocence ,while acknowledging that prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them.
  23. Executions have been carried out in the U. S. in face of compelling evidence of, innocence ,or serious doubt about guilt. Newly available DNA evidence has allowed the
  24. Lesser charges of first and second degree murder while verbally stating their, innocence , Judge Laser then sentenced them to time served, a total of 18 years and 78
  25. He has seen presented in the courtroom a conclusive demonstration of his son's, innocence , His belief via the method of the courtroom satisfies the four subjunctive
  26. To specifically admit to the guilt itself. The defendant maintains a claim of, innocence , but agrees to the entry of a conviction in the charged crime. Upon receiving
  27. Was deliberate 'treachery' on Duncan's part, instead she thinks it is his, innocence , that led him to take her literally. However, Alia/The Baron decides to arrange
  28. Way of life which is" a kind of homage that Americans have paid to the fancied, innocence ,of their origins. Hofstadter notes that to call this a" myth" is not to imply
  29. Families of the three victims are divided in their opinions as to the guilt or, innocence ,of the West Memphis Three. In 2000,the biological father of Christopher Byers
  30. The code is also one of the earliest examples of the idea of presumption of, innocence , and it also suggests that both the accused and accuser have the opportunity to
  31. The safety of family members left in the capital, while protesting her sons ', innocence ,of hostile actions; under the falsehood of making a visceral visit to worship
  32. In the Garden of Eden, nakedness during baptism was seen as a renewal of that, innocence ,and state of original aimlessness. Other parallels can also be drawn, such as
  33. Generally speaking in private, civil cases there is no plea entered of guilt or, innocence , There is only a judgment that grants money damages or some other kind of
  34. Independent and impartial tribunal within reasonable time, the presumption of, innocence , and other minimum rights for those charged with a criminal offense (adequate
  35. Case because it related to Dr. Prison; he was at first unconvinced of Adams's, innocence , After reading the transcripts of the trial and meeting David Harris at a bar
  36. 1819 short story by E. T. A. Hoffmann, in which Mlle de Scudery establishes the, innocence ,of the police's favorite suspect in the murder of a jeweler, is sometimes
  37. Played by Bambi Line, who at first almost soars in her dance, expressing the, innocence ,of childhood. She is teased and mocked by her schoolmates, and Louise becomes
  38. Project, but the Clinton's themselves were never charged, and Clinton maintains, innocence ,in the affair. Clinton signed the Brady Bill into law on November 30, 1993
  39. Plea deal, a rare legal mechanism in which" no contest" pleas are entered but, innocence ,is nevertheless maintained. An Alford plea concedes that prosecutors have
  40. Buddy Holly’s death and further accentuate the loss of the United States ’, innocence , Lennon and McCartney later cited Holly as a primary influence. (Their band's
  41. Approach to the film; considering it to be an expression of the traumatized, innocence ,which characterizes Lynch's work. The score makes direct quotations from
  42. Typical claims might include ineffective assistance of counsel and actual, innocence ,based on new evidence. These proceedings are separate from the direct appeal.
  43. Successful experiment" and added," Mr. Laurent's has exchanged insolence for, innocence ,and, as with most such bargains, there are dividends and losses. " Film career
  44. 800 and holding a council on 1 December. On 23 December Leo swore an oath of, innocence , At Mass, on Christmas Day (25 December),when Charlemagne knelt at the altar
  45. Is similar to King's It in its focus on small town life, the corruption of, innocence , the return of an ancient evil, and the responsibility for others that emerges
  46. Against ". The older sense" proclaim" is always transitive (protest one's, innocence ,). * write: In BRE, the indirect object of this verb usually requires the
  47. It is particularly commonly employed in issues of law where proof of guilt or, innocence ,may be required, or when it must be determined whether a person knew a
  48. Her will. Saddled with a hopelessly inadequate barrister, Tisdall doubts if his, innocence ,will ever be established. He makes his escape in the crowded courthouse
  49. Sufficient evidence to secure a conviction but reserves the right to assert, innocence , Stephen Bragg, a prominent attorney with Ropes & Gray who took up Echoes’s
  50. Justice defined an Alford plea as:" when a defendant maintains his or her, innocence ,with respect to the charge to which he or she offers to plead guilty ". In

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