Examples of the the word, groundwater , in a Sentence Context

The word ( groundwater ), is the 8759 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To a single environmental medium, such as air, water (whether surface water, groundwater ,or oceans),soil, etc. - and control both emissions of pollutants into the
  2. Deeper underground, so they only work well if winters or nearby mountains cool, groundwater ,below roughly 16 °C (60 °F). Also, in the longer run such systems have a
  3. Of a solutional cave that are below the water table or the local level of the, groundwater ,will be flooded. The world's most spectacularly decorated cave is generally
  4. Much drier climate. Deforestation reduces the content of water in the soil and, groundwater ,as well as atmospheric moisture. The dry soil leads to lower water intake for
  5. Paints and the tanning of leather, these compounds are often found in soil and, groundwater ,at abandoned industrial sites, now needing environmental cleanup and
  6. Disposal and water supply services, with water coming from the Huron River and, groundwater ,sources. There are two water-treatment plants, one main and three outlying
  7. It is estimated that approximately 57 million people are drinking, groundwater ,with arsenic concentrations elevated above the World Health Organization's
  8. Caves are the most common of cave patterns and are formed near sinkholes where, groundwater ,recharge occurs. Each passage or branch is fed by a separate recharge source
  9. Medium. The chalk has a clay content of 30–40 % providing impermeability to, groundwater ,yet relatively easy excavation with strength allowing minimal support. Ideally
  10. Of the same name in Kentucky. These small amblyopia live exclusively in the, groundwater ,of Kentucky and southern Indiana. The fishes referred to are the most typical
  11. From oil-shale burning power plants in northeast; contamination of soil and, groundwater ,with petroleum products, chemicals at former Soviet military bases; Estonia has
  12. Deposition and accumulation of limestone over geologic time. Carbonic acid in, groundwater ,slowly reacts with complex silicates to dissolve calcium, magnesium,alkalis
  13. Purpose as a disk or plate clutch *Cone of depression occurs in an aquifer when, groundwater ,is pumped from a well *Cone penetration test (CPT),an in situ testing method
  14. Of trees can change the quantity of water on the surface, in the soil or, groundwater , or in the atmosphere. This in turn changes erosion rates and the availability
  15. Six depressions, all of which have fresh water provided by the Nile or by local, groundwater , The Sixth Oasis, close to the Libyan border and west of Qatar, is isolated
  16. To unlined ponds at the site. Some wastewater percolated into the, groundwater , affecting an area near the plant approximately two miles long and nearly a
  17. Plain, which includes some of Bulgaria's best agricultural land. The, groundwater ,beneath the plain also was poisoned. Work has begun on a plan to drain toxic
  18. Flowing through the river * Groundwater discharge, the volumetric flow rate of, groundwater ,through an aquifer * Discharging method (discrete mathematics) is a proof
  19. Precipitation. Instead of trapping precipitation, which then percolates to, groundwater ,systems, deforested areas become sources of surface water runoff, which moves
  20. Region may substantially change. The Dead Sea level drop has been followed by a, groundwater ,level drop, causing brines that used to occupy underground layers near the
  21. Spaces filled with liquid or gas during life) become filled with mineral-rich, groundwater ,and the minerals precipitate from the groundwater , thus occupying the empty
  22. Bacterial contamination of surface water and arsenic contamination of, groundwater , Common diseases include malaria, leptospirosis and dengue. The literacy rate
  23. Filled with mineral-rich groundwater and the minerals precipitate from the, groundwater , thus occupying the empty spaces. This process can occur in very small spaces
  24. Chalk, dolomite,marble, salt,and gypsum. Rock is dissolved by natural acid in, groundwater ,that seeps through bedding-planes, faults,joints and so on. Over geological
  25. Hydrological The water cycle is also affected by deforestation. Trees extract, groundwater ,through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. When part of a forest
  26. Into the groundwater , owing to the anoxic conditions of the subsurface. This, groundwater ,began to be used after local and western NGOs and the Bangladeshi government
  27. Application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has caused extensive, groundwater ,pollution and has been linked by Azerbaijani scientists to birth defects and
  28. Groundwater is of natural origin, and is released from the sediment into the, groundwater , owing to the anoxic conditions of the subsurface. This groundwater began to be
  29. Of aquifers is often anisotropic for the same reason. When calculating, groundwater ,flow to drains or to wells, the difference between horizontal and vertical
  30. Are located in limestone. Limestone dissolves under the action of rainwater and, groundwater ,charged with H2CO3 (carbonic acid) and naturally occurring organic acids. The
  31. Of bacteria-contaminated surface waters, but failed to test for arsenic in the, groundwater , Many other countries and districts in Southeast Asia, such as Vietnam and
  32. As the lord of the ABU (Apse in Akkadian),the freshwater sea or, groundwater ,located within the earth. In the later Babylonian epic Enema Ellis, Abzu, the "
  33. The first decade of the 20th century, after an epidemic of typhoid found in the, groundwater ,supply. The City of Eugene condemned Eugene's private water utility and began
  34. Mercury, uranium,thorium, arsenic,and other heavy metals * Interference with, groundwater ,and water table levels * Contamination of land and waterways and destruction of
  35. As of this writing,42 major incidents around the world have been reported on, groundwater ,arsenic contamination. It is estimated that approximately 57 million people are
  36. Ash, weathering of arsenic-containing minerals and ores, and dissolved in, groundwater , It is also found in food, water,soil, and air. The most common pathway of
  37. Nearby aquifers contain an estimated 270 billion US gallons (1 billion m3) of, groundwater ,contaminated by high-level nuclear waste that has leaked out of Hanford's
  38. The land to the antelopes, gazelles,and ostriches that can survive with little, groundwater , Shelia region The semiarid Shelia zone, or Sahel, forms a belt about wide
  39. Also includes organisms populating fissures, aquifers,and faults filled with, groundwater ,in the deep subsurface.;) for growth; Hyperthermophile: An organism that can
  40. Districts in West Bengal and 42 districts in Bangladesh have arsenic levels in, groundwater ,above the World Health Organization maximum permissible limit of 50 kg/L. Major
  41. Drought,75 % of the country’s human and animal populations are dependent on, groundwater , Groundwater use has eased the effects of drought, but has left a toll on the
  42. West Thumb Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in the USA *Nile's Cone,a, groundwater ,basin in Alameda County, California,USA *Pink Cone Geyser, a geyser in the
  43. Underdeveloped countries by overgrazing, land exhaustion and over drafting of, groundwater ,in many of the marginally productive world regions due to overpopulation
  44. Problems. A 2003 report suggested Belgian natural waters (rivers and, groundwater ,) to have the lowest water quality of the 122 countries studied. In the 2006
  45. Issues Arsenic in drinking water Widespread arsenic contamination of, groundwater ,has led to a massive epidemic of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh and
  46. Their untreated diarrheal discharge is allowed to get into waterways or into, groundwater ,or drinking water supplies. Drinking any infected water and eating any foods
  47. US gallons (3,785 m3) of highly radioactive waste is traveling through, groundwater ,toward the Columbia River. This waste is expected to reach the river in 12 to
  48. Mortality appears only at levels above 150 parts per billion. The arsenic in the, groundwater ,is of natural origin, and is released from the sediment into the groundwater
  49. Lots. Without attenuation, the impervious cover in a typical urban area limits, groundwater ,percolation and causes five times the amount of runoff generated by a typical
  50. Retaining walls, and similar structures. Environmental concerns in relation to, groundwater ,and waste disposal have spawned a new area of study called environmental

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