Examples of the the word, customary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( customary ), is the 8755 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The rights and duties of citizens. The legal system is based on Portuguese and, customary ,law but is weak and fragmented, and courts operate in only 12 of more than 140
  2. Is widely used too. The letter" B" ( upper case) is both the standard and, customary ,symbol for byte. In telecommunications (including computer networks),data
  3. For the hospitality of a foreign king, and have him donate his weapons, as was, customary , For this initiation he went to the court of Thriving, where the Tepid king
  4. The rights and duties of citizens. The legal system was based on Portuguese and, customary ,law but was weak and fragmented. Courts operated in only 12 of more than 140
  5. Are familiar with fall in the range of 4–6 %, with a typical ABV of 5 %. The, customary ,strength of British ales is quite low, with many session beers being around 4 %
  6. On their orbital characteristics. Apart from the broadest divisions, it is, customary ,to name a group of asteroids after the first member of that group to be
  7. Of St Benedict leaves to the discretion of the superior, are set out in its, customary , In the Roman Catholic Church according to the norms of the Code of Canon Law
  8. Body of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA),continues to include the, customary ,binary definitions of kilo, mega and gig in their Terms, Definitions,and
  9. Problem where the right to harvest Paul can be granted legally under Māori, customary ,rights. When such permits to harvest are abused, it is frequently difficult to
  10. Measures that were also farthing ales. These may have been multiples of the, customary ,acre, rather than the statute acre. Other acres * Scottish acre, one of a
  11. An adept Alemán in his work building rail fences. Lincoln also agreed with the, customary ,obligation of a son to give his father all earnings from work done outside the
  12. NSW),Brian Drag (WA) and John Cherry (QLD). Following the loss,the, customary ,post-election leadership ballot installed Lynn Allison as leader and Andrew
  13. Capacity of about 4.38 GiB. However, CD capacities are always given using, customary ,binary prefixes. Thus, a" 700 MB" ( or" 80 minute" ) CD has a nominal
  14. Twentieth century. Scent of amber and amber perfumery In ancient China it was, customary ,to burn amber during large festivities. If amber is heated under the right
  15. To complete cannot be measured, as it is not apparently related with our, customary ,physical dimension. From such uncertainties, that characterize ongoing work
  16. System utilities like the ls command, use powers of 1024 indicated as KB/MB (, customary ,binary prefixes). ** The Ubuntu GNU/Linux distribution uses the IEC prefixes
  17. Unit of area in a number of different systems, including the imperial and U. S., customary ,systems. The most commonly used acres today are the international acre and, in
  18. Size of 256 bytes and 32 sectors/track results in a capacity of bytes. With the, customary ,binary prefixes, and extensively advertised and reported as a" 10 MB" (
  19. An overwhelming 486 electoral votes, to Goldwater's 52. Goldwater, with his, customary ,bluntness, remarked:" We would have lost even if Abraham Lincoln had come back
  20. It is a civic holiday. Each state celebrates its own state holiday. The, customary ,observance is to plant a tree. On the first Arbor Day, April 10, 1872,an
  21. The applause, could at least see the ovation gestures. At that time, it was, customary ,that the Imperial couple be greeted with three ovations when they entered the
  22. Patrolled de France aerobatics team fly above. In recent times, it has become, customary ,to invite units from France's allies to the parade; in 2004 during the
  23. In 1650. Turkey Backgammon is still a very popular game in Turkey, and it is, customary ,to name the dice rolls with their Persian number names: yes (1),Du (2),see
  24. And religion is closely tied. Coercive aspects of traditional society, such as, customary ,law sanctions imposed by traditional authorities such as village councils (
  25. y) if and only if x y and s t. As in some other branches of mathematics, it is, customary ,to assume also that the stack states are only those whose existence can be
  26. 23,Revised Standard Version) In Russia, Italy and other countries it is, customary ,to present women with yellow mimosas (among other flowers) on International
  27. To own 32,000 acres of land, not 50 square miles of land. Customary acre The, customary ,acre was a measure of roughly similar size to the acre described above, but it
  28. Microsoft Windows reports file sizes and disk device capacities using the, customary ,binary prefixes or, in a" Properties" dialog, using the exact value in bytes.
  29. But also by his son, Sigismund. (Drew, p. 6-7) It was a record of Burgundian, customary ,law and is typical of the many Germanic law codes from this period. In
  30. In his defense, some baseball historians have suggested that it was not, customary ,for game-ending hits to be fully" run out ", it was only Evers's insistence
  31. French cavalry. The English made their confessions before the battle, as was, customary , Henry, worried about the enemy launching surprise raids, and wanting his
  32. Articles, papers,and marketing materials in the industry continue to use the, customary ,binary prefixes when referring to computer memory, even those published under
  33. Of most types of electronic memory such as RAM, ROM are given using, customary ,binary prefixes (kilo, mega,and gig). This includes some Flash memory, like
  34. Mitzvot based on the gem atria for Brit of 612. Ceremony Time and place It is, customary ,for the Brit to be held in a synagogue, but it can also be held at home or any
  35. And procedures of an imperative language. To underscore this view, it is, customary ,to say that the operations are executed or applied, rather than evaluated. The
  36. The House of Chiefs for advisory opinion. Chiefs and other leaders preside over, customary , traditional courts, though all persons have the right to request that their
  37. Attempted to enter the hall might be a parallel. It might have been useful and, customary ,that a man of great eloquence and versed in poetry should greet those entering
  38. Returned strong the following strike-shortened (144 games instead of the, customary ,162) year and beat the Cleveland Indians in the 1995 World Series. This
  39. Has a formatted capacity of bytes or 1440 KB (1440×1024,using" KB" in the, customary ,binary sense). These are marketed as" HD ", or " 1.44 MB" or both. This case
  40. Use powers-of-1024 multipliers, such as memory, continue to be marketed with, customary ,binary prefixes. Computer memory Measurements of most types of electronic
  41. Of 1000×1024. Most operating systems display the capacity using" MB" in the, customary ,binary sense, resulting in a display of" 1.4 MB" ( 1.40625 MB). Some users
  42. And glass. Miscellaneous ethnic beads Tibetan DZI beads and Rudraksha beads are, customary ,for making Buddhist and Hindu rosaries (males). Mahatma are traditional
  43. Referred to by abbreviations of their Latin titles; Latin remains a, customary ,language of scholarship in classical studies. * The Clouds (Defeat; Latin:)
  44. Who studied law and languages in his leisure time:" He was well skilled in the, customary ,law by which the kingdom was governed – in fact, he was second to no one in
  45. Death and resurrection. In some dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church it is, customary ,for the bishop to visit each parish or region of the diocese some time during
  46. Psi (\math bf) \ \stack rel\ \Lang \math bf|\psi\rang. It is then, customary ,to define linear operators acting on wave functions in terms of linear operators
  47. Systems such as Microsoft Windows that display hard drive sizes using the, customary ,binary prefix" GB" ( as it is used for RAM) would display this as 279.4 GB (
  48. Bottle. However, some drinkers prefer to pour in the yeast; this practice is, customary ,with wheat beers. Typically, when serving a hefeweizen,90 % of the contents
  49. Survey acre is equal to: 1 acre (both variants) is equal to the following, customary ,units: * 1 chain × 10 chains (1 chain 66 feet 22 yards 4 rods 100 links) * 1
  50. End and the local variables begin Sample applications Hello World Here is the, customary ," Hello world" program written in AWK: BEGIN Note that an explicit exit

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