Examples of the the word, additive , in a Sentence Context

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  1. children's sleepwear, and furylfuramide which was used as an antibacterial, additive ,in food in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s. Furylfuramide in fact had previously
  2. Or valuation) if it satisfies the following four axioms:: Where 0 denotes the, additive ,identity element of F. It follows from positive-definiteness and
  3. In 1987,the U. S. Government Accountability Office concluded the food, additive ,approval process had been followed properly for aspartame. Aspartame has been
  4. Definition Let R be a fixed commutative ring. An associative R-algebra is an, additive ,Abelian group A which has the structure of both a ring and an R-module in such
  5. Any two integers to form a third integer, addition is associative, zero is the, additive ,identity, every integer n has an additive inverse, −n, and the addition
  6. Synthesis. Contemporary models More contemporary popular implementations of, additive ,synthesis include the Kauai K5000 series of synthesizers in the 1990s and, more
  7. The terms are added in does not matter. The identity element of addition (the, additive ,identity) is 0,that is, adding zero to any number yields that same number.
  8. Addition is associative, zero is the additive identity, every integer n has an, additive ,inverse, −n, and the addition operation is commutative since style "
  9. Less real-time computation. In this case, an efficient implementation of, additive ,synthesis can be accomplished with wave table synthesis. Group additive
  10. All strings, allows codes as short as allowed by any other algorithm up to an, additive ,constant that depends on the algorithms, but not on the strings themselves.
  11. Decabromodiphenyl ether can be added to the final polymers. Gasoline, additive ,Ethylene bromide was an additive in gasoline containing lead anti-engine
  12. Of paper. It is also used as a mordant, in fire extinguisher, as a food, additive , in fireproofing, and in leather tanning. Aluminum ammonium sulfate (Al (NH4
  13. Of tin and/or zinc, as well as predominantly zinc casting alloys with copper, additive , *Yellow brass is an American term for 33 % zinc brass. History Although forms
  14. No prime number that divides both of them. Then an arithmetic function an is *, additive ,if a (MN) = a (m) + a (n) for all cop rime natural numbers m and n; *
  15. Seat covers. It is also used in the fiberglass composites industry as an, additive ,to polyester resins for such items as light aircraft engine covers. The resin
  16. Catalyst for the production of the polymer polyethyleneterephthalate. It is an, additive ,in some glasses. In the latter application, antimony oxides serve as fining
  17. Above as the exponent of the largest power of p dividing n, is completely, additive , Neither multiplicative nor additive π (x),Π (x),θ (x),ψ (x) - prime
  18. Waves (mostly flute pipes),can be combined in the manner of, additive ,synthesis: it's the classical organ plenum practice. However, pipes which
  19. Facts Notation There are two main notational conventions for Abelian groups —, additive ,and multiplicative. Generally, the multiplicative notation is the usual
  20. And softest among IN poly morphs, and is therefore used as a lubricant and an, additive ,to cosmetic products. The cubic (sphalerite structure) variety analogous to
  21. RMI Harmonic synthesizer, a very rare monophonic synthesizer utilizing static, additive ,synthesis implementation: it had two digital harmonic oscillators with 16
  22. Multiplicative and additive functions An arithmetic function an is * completely, additive ,if a (MN) = a (m) + a (n) for all natural numbers m and n; * completely
  23. Any number yields that same number. Also, the inverse element of addition (the, additive ,inverse) is the opposite of any number, that is, adding the opposite of any
  24. This means that you could use it as a 16 partials two voice polyphony fully, additive ,synth (with limited biblical results) or the most usual way: complex 8 voice
  25. Above as the number of distinct primes dividing n, is additive Completely, additive ,functions Ω (n) - prime divisors Ω (n),defined above as the number of
  26. S supply of ascorbic acid is produced in China. The relevant European food, additive ,E numbers are #E300 ascorbic acid #E301 sodium acerbate #E302 calcium
  27. Nielsen–Schrader theorem, that every subgroup of a free group is free. **The, additive ,groups of R and C are isomorphic. And **The Hahn–Banach theorem in functional
  28. Oneself that the set X could not possibly be measurable for a countably, additive ,measure. Hence, one couldn't expect to find an algorithm to find a point in
  29. N = 0) is expressed as: \phi_k0 = \franc\sum_of_I, the general expression of, additive ,synthesis can be further simplified:: in \sum_^ r_kn \cos\left (
  30. Of additive synthesis can be accomplished with wave table synthesis. Group, additive ,synthesis is a method to group partials into harmonic groups (of differing
  31. In the frequency domain (typically using a fast Fourier transform),an, additive ,resynthesis system can construct an equally weighted sinusoidal at the same
  32. Of a recorded sound and then resynthesize a representation of the sound using, additive ,techniques. By calculating the frequency and amplitude weighting of discrete
  33. New presets.; Surreal K150 The Kŭrdzhali K150 (released in 1986) is an, additive ,engine that trades off quantity of oscillators vs. polyphony and where one can
  34. For groups, while the additive notation is the usual notation for modules. The, additive ,notation may also be used to emphasize that a particular group is Abelian
  35. As the number of prime factors of n counted with multiplicities, is completely, additive , Νp (n) - prime power dividing n For a fixed prime p, νp (n),defined above
  36. Case of quasi-periodic musical tones, wavetable synthesis can be as general as, additive ,synthesis but requires less real-time computation. In this case, an efficient
  37. That is, adding the opposite of any number to the number itself yields the, additive ,identity,0. For example, the opposite of 7 is −7,so. Addition can be given
  38. A | = \begin a, & \box a \GE 0 \\ -a, & \box a < 0,\end where a is the, additive ,inverse of a, and 0 is the additive identity element. Fields The fundamental
  39. Divisors ω (n),defined above as the number of distinct primes dividing n, is, additive , Completely additive functions Ω (n) - prime divisors Ω (n),defined above
  40. Sound System" line of keyboard instruments, which utilized a 16-operator, additive , synthesis engine. Although the keyboards (the DS-101,DS-202,and DS-250)
  41. A, & \box a < 0,\end where a is the additive inverse of a, and 0 is the, additive ,identity element. Fields The fundamental properties of the absolute value for
  42. The multiplicative notation is the usual notation for groups, while the, additive ,notation is the usual notation for modules. The additive notation may also be
  43. Additive group of a ring is an Abelian group, but not all Abelian groups are, additive ,groups of rings (with nontrivial multiplication). Some important topics in
  44. Up to the 16th partial ... The much more modern Kauai K5000 is the classic, additive ,synth, but combined with samples: it's considered quite powerful but clumsy to
  45. 24,: \prod_ f (PKK) = f (2) f (3) f (4) f (8). \ Multiplicative and, additive ,functions An arithmetic function an is * completely additive if a (MN) = a (m
  46. Notes in Mathematics for more recent results. Additive groups of rings The, additive ,group of a ring is an Abelian group, but not all Abelian groups are additive
  47. Retaining the initial phase value at y0) and the expressions of non-harmonic, additive ,synthesis can be simplified to: in = \sum_^ r_kn \cos\left (\franc\sum_of_I +
  48. Power of p dividing n, is completely additive . Neither multiplicative nor, additive ,π (x),Π (x),θ (x),ψ (x) - prime count functions Unlike the other
  49. Allies Machine) developed in the 1970s has been called the first true digital, additive ,synthesizer, following on the earlier software experiments in Bell Labs. Early
  50. A realistic, dynamic sound that changes over time. Theory The concept behind, additive ,synthesis is directly related to work done by the French mathematician Joseph

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