Examples of the the word, feminine , in a Sentence Context
The word ( feminine ), is the 8754 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- An army (from Latin area" arms, weapons " via Old French armed," armed" (, feminine ,)),in the broadest sense, is the land-based military of a nation or state. It
- Wander * Esperanto – Aleksandr, Aleksaĉjo, Aleĉjo, Aĉjo, Alekso, Aleksandra (, feminine ,), Aleksino ( feminine ),Aleksandr ( feminine ),Banjo ( feminine ) * Filipino
- Use in the colloquial varieties); elsewhere, the plural endings are used (or, feminine ,singular, if appropriate). Colloquial varieties: The section below only refers
- The masculine plural endings used instead. If the speaker's native variety has, feminine ,plural endings, they may be preserved, but will often be modified in the
- English – Alexander, Alec,Alex, Al,Alexis, Alexa ( feminine ),Alexandria (, feminine ,), Alexandra ( feminine ),Led, Lexxi, Sandra ( feminine ),Sandy, Sasha (
- Halitosis fulgent var. Walallensis Stairs,1899 An abbess (Latin Batista, feminine ,form of Abbas, abbot ) is the female superior, or mother superior, of an abbey
- Of the list, Hyginus fails to correctly differentiate between masculine and, feminine ,names.; According to Ovid Dogs: Campus, Ichnobates, Echnobas, Pamphagos
- Ṭ-b-x" cook" ). The only three genuine suffixes are as follows: *The, feminine ,suffix -ah; variously derives terms from women from related terms for men, or
- However, the plural of all non-human nouns is always combined with a singular, feminine ,adjective, which takes the /-ah/ or /-at/ suffix. Pronouns in Literary Arabic
- NASA, Aco, Aleksandra ( feminine ) * Dutch – Alexander, Alex,Led, Alexandra (, feminine ,), Sander,Sandra ( feminine ),Xander * English – Alexander, Alec,Alex, Al
- Alex, Al,Alexis, Alexa ( feminine ),Alexandria ( feminine ),Alexandra (, feminine ,), Lex, Lexxi, Sandra ( feminine ),Sandy, Sasha ( feminine ),Xander, Xandra (
- Wong, a character in the Resident Evil franchise Other uses * Ada (name),a, feminine ,given name (and list of people with the name) * Ada (food),an Indian food
- Ten show" chiasm" agreement, in that grammatically masculine numerals have, feminine ,marking and vice versa. Verbs in Literary Arabic are marked for person (
- Affixes (e.g. non-past-tense prefixes ti- Yi- NI-; WI-" and "; IL-" the ";, feminine ,-it in the construct state). *Loss of third-weak verbs ending in w (which
- Grammatical number) except on nouns, with consistent plural agreement (cf., feminine ,singular agreement in plural inanimate). *Change of a to i in many affixes (
- Alexandra ( feminine ),Led, Lexxi, Sandra ( feminine ),Sandy, Sasha (, feminine ,), Xander,Sandra ( feminine ),Sandra ( feminine ),Wander * Esperanto –
- X ". It corresponds to English adjectives in -IC,-all,-an,-y,-is, etc. *The, feminine ,Nisha suffix -yeah. This is formed by adding the feminine suffix -ah onto
- Sex," Android" technically refers to the male form, while " Synod" is the, feminine ,form. Until recently, androids have largely remained within the domain of
- Final short vowels are not pronounced. (But possibly an exception is made for, feminine ,plural -Na, and shortened vowels in the massive/imperative of defective verbs
- Be gazing upward at an angle. His eyes (one blue, one brown) revealed a dewy, feminine ,quality. He had a high complexion and a harsh voice. Hippos had often used
- Dutch – Alexander, Alex,Led, Alexandra ( feminine ),Sander, Sandra (, feminine ,), Xander * English – Alexander, Alec,Alex, Al,Alexis, Alexa ( feminine )
- Afroasiatic languages include: * A two-gender system in the singular, with the, feminine ,marked by the /t/ sound * A set of emphatic consonants, variously realized as
- Herself was sometimes also referred to as" Done. "" Done" seems to be a, feminine ,form of" Dies ", the genitive form case of Zeus, and could be taken to mean
- Novel From the Earth to the Moon. The name Columbia is also associated with the, feminine ,personification of the United States used traditionally in song and poetry. The
- Aleksandra ( feminine ),Alessio ( feminine ),Aleksandr ( feminine ),Banjo (, feminine ,) * Filipino – Alexander, Alejandro,Also, Alex,Sandy, Zandro, Alexandra (
- Battle line. The earliest attested form of the name is the Mycenaean Greek, feminine ,noun a-re-ka-sa-da-ra, ( transliterated as Alexandra),written in Linear B
- Aleksandr, Aleĉjo, Aĉjo, Alekso, Aleksandra ( feminine ),Alessio (, feminine ,), Aleksanjo ( feminine ),Banjo ( feminine ) * Filipino – Alexander, Alejandro
- Of defective verbs,e.g. Irma! " Throw! " **second-person singular, feminine ,past-tense -ti, and likewise anti" you (fem. Sg. )" **sometimes
- ACJ, Alekso, Aleksandra ( feminine ),Alessio ( feminine ),Aleksandr (, feminine ,), Anjo ( feminine ) * Filipino – Alexander, Alejandro,Also, Alex,Sandy
- Nisba ending is actually pronounced, and is unstressed (but plural and, feminine ,singular forms,i.e. when followed by a suffix, still sound as). *Full
- Alexandria ( feminine ),Alexandra ( feminine ),Led, Lexxi, Sandra (, feminine ,), Sandy,Sasha ( feminine ),Xander, Xandra ( feminine ),Sandra ( feminine )
- Male god (Di-) represented by the sky and thunder, and the chief female god (, feminine ,form of Di-) represented as the earth or fertile soil. After the worship of
- Vowels (/-u/ for nominative, /-a/ for accusative, /-i/ for genitive). The, feminine ,singular is often marked by /-at/, which is reduced to /-ah/ or /-a/ before a
- For their houses. Hence, the Rococo style was highly dominated by the, feminine ,taste and influence. Francois Boucher was the 18th century painter and
- Basque – Alexander, Alesandere ( feminine ),Alexander, Alexandere (, feminine ,) * Belarusian – Аляксандp (Aleksandr, in normative spelling),Аляксандаp (
- Respects. However, non-human plural nouns are grammatically considered to be, feminine ,singular. Furthermore, a verb in a verb-initial sentence is marked as singular
- By a tax Martha ة (i.e. the -t in the ending -at- that typically marks, feminine ,nouns),but pronounced as -ā in other nouns (hence its writing in this
- Ales) * Catalan – Alexandra ( feminine ),Alexandre, Àlex,Alan, Sandra (, feminine ,), Xandre * Croatian – Aleksander, Saša, Aco, Aleksandra ( feminine ) * Dutch –
- Aleksandra, Iskandar, Skandar, Alekzandar * Basque – Alexander, Alesandere (, feminine ,), Alexander,Alexander ( feminine ) * Belarusian – Аляксандp (Aleksandr, in
- Feminine),Sandy, Sasha ( feminine ),Xander, Xandra ( feminine ),Sandra (, feminine ,), Zander * Esperanto – Aleksandr, Aleksaĉjo, Aleĉjo, Aĉjo, Alekso, Aleksandra
- Алeсь (Ales) * Bulgarian – Александър (Aleksander),Александра (Alexandra, feminine ,), Сандо (Sand),Сашо (Sasha),Aлекс (Ales) * Catalan – Alexandra (
- Feminine),Xander * English – Alexander, Alec,Alex, Al,Alexis, Alexa (, feminine ,), Alexandria ( feminine ),Alexandra ( feminine ),Led, Lexxi, Sandra (
- Сандо (Sand),Сашо (Sasha),Aлекс (Ales) * Catalan – Alexandra (, feminine ,), Alexandre,Àlex, Aleix, Sandra ( feminine ),Andre * Croatian – Aleksander
- Described her as“ determined and rather excitable” -" Agrippina knew no, feminine ,weaknesses. Intolerant of rivalry, thirsting for power, she had a man's
- Death. Jordanes says:" The greatest of all warriors should be mourned with no, feminine ,lamentations and with no tears, but with the blood of men. " His horsemen
- In this fashion in the Arabic script). *The tax Martha itself (typically of, feminine ,nouns) is pronounced as h. (At least, this is the case in extremely formal
- Led, Lexxi, Sandra ( feminine ),Sandy, Sasha ( feminine ),Xander, Xandra (, feminine ,), Zandra ( feminine ),Wander * Esperanto – Aleksandr, Aleksaĉjo, Aleĉjo
- Y,-is, etc. *The feminine Nisha suffix -yeah. This is formed by adding the, feminine ,suffix -ah onto Nisha adjectives to form abstract nouns. For example, from the
- Three numbers (singular, dual and plural); two genders (masculine and, feminine ,); and three" states" ( indefinite, definite,and construct). The cases of
- Sandra ( feminine ),Andre * Croatian – Aleksander, Saša, Aco, Aleksandra (, feminine ,) * Dutch – Alexander, Alex,Led, Alexandra ( feminine ),Sander, Sandra (
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