Examples of the the word, malpractice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( malpractice ), is the 8751 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For libel and Frost was ordered to pay £1,000. Frost then accused Brother of, malpractice , Again, Prothero sued for libel and again won. In February 1823,Frost was
  2. Have often been seen as a legitimization of political expediency and even, malpractice , Commissioned by the Medici, Machiavelli also wrote the Florentine Histories
  3. Instead, lawyers are usually sanctioned by their own clients through civil, malpractice ,proceedings, or via fine, censure,suspension, or other punishments from the
  4. For negligence in selecting physicians. However, an HMO is often insulated from, malpractice ,lawsuits. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERICA) can be held to
  5. Should be known to all doctors, the issue became that of which a civil, malpractice , or criminal complaint is then appropriate. *The pilot episode of Law and Order
  6. Like doctors, lawyers and skilled craftsmen which prescribe penalties for, malpractice ,very similar to the code of Hammurabi. The discovery of the now-celebrated Code
  7. Chicago Police revealed on March 10 that Bart Ross, a plaintiff in a medical, malpractice ,case that Reflow had dismissed, admitted to the murders in a suicide note
  8. To sue Michael Flomenhaft, the lawyer that represented them in the case, for, malpractice , Singer was subsequently not accepted by judges as an expert witness in four
  9. Stated that the rule was considered disproportionate, since no impropriety or, malpractice ,had been shown as a result of judges being Freemasons. The rescinding of the
  10. Permanent exhibition," Myths, Minds and Medicine ", the Institute addresses, malpractice ,issues of the past, including lobotomy, which peaked in 1949,and" crude
  11. A court case against a major competitor, SAP AG, in the Californian courts for, malpractice ,and unfair competition. * October 16, 2007: Oracle confirms the impending
  12. Insurance in reference to the medical profession may be called medical, malpractice ,insurance. Credit insurance repays some or all of a loan when certain
  13. 1970s On September 18, 1974,Day was awarded $22,835,646 for fraud and, malpractice ,in an hour-long oral decision by Superior Judge Lester E. Olson, ending a
  14. Though, was written in January 1992,while Bannister was being investigated for, malpractice ,and fraud (unconnected to Hendrix),to Shapiro a co-author who had published
  15. Bypassed it. Carved, later suffering from angina sectors, sued for medical, malpractice ,and was awarded $7.5 million. He has had to undergo a total of five medical
  16. Establish genetics as a science. Only a few would accuse Mendel of scientific, malpractice ,or call it a scientific fraud—reproduction of his experiments has demonstrated
  17. And continued for several decades until a series of court cases and medical, malpractice ,lawsuits resulted in hospitals failing to support the approach. In cases where
  18. For not performing a tracheotomy. He was reprimanded for two counts of medical, malpractice , and struck off the medical register on 28 April 1992 for fraud. No one else at
  19. Explanation is needed to establish the prima facie case. Typical in medical, malpractice ,Res IPSA sequitur often arises in the" scalpel left behind" variety of case.
  20. Exclusive control' element. The doctrine was not initially welcome in medical, malpractice ,cases. In Gray v. Wright, a seven-inch hemostat was left in Mrs. Gray during
  21. Hosted by his daughter Colima. Questions have been posed whether medical, malpractice ,played a direct part in Liszt's demise. Composer Camille Saint-Saëns, an old
  22. S disease, or being in a coma. This term was first used in a 1957 medical, malpractice ,case by Paul G. Gerhard. Some acts cannot legally take place because of a lack
  23. Indira Gandhi's election to the OK Sasha void on grounds of electoral, malpractice , In an election petition filed by Raj Na rain (who later on defeated her in
  24. Auditors from KPMG to Ernst & Young. Others In 2006,Fannie Mae sued KPMG for, malpractice ,for approving years of erroneous financial statements. In March 2008 KPMG was
  25. Placing emphasis on the distinction between open and closed societies; this, malpractice , he argues, is particularly discernible in its reports on the Middle East.
  26. Accrued until the harm is discovered; in others, the action accrues when the, malpractice ,occurs, but an action to redress the harm is tolled until the injured party
  27. The nation. Texas also has controversial non-economic damages caps for medical, malpractice ,lawsuits, set at $250,000,in an attempt to" curb rising malpractice premiums
  28. Support for Gandhi's re-election. Corruption charges and verdict of electoral, malpractice ,On 12 June 1975 the High Court of Allahabad declared Indira Gandhi's election
  29. Commercial property insurance, workers ’ compensation, title insurance, malpractice ,insurance, products liability insurance, directors and officers liability
  30. Who had published Electric Gypsy, a book in which Bannister had been accused of, malpractice ,by Monika Dannemann in not performing a tracheotomy. He appears to have been
  31. Place, informed choice and continuity of care. All regulated midwives have, malpractice ,insurance. Any unregulated person who provides care with 'restricted acts' in
  32. Separate from the actual message content. This makes" mail bombing ",a, malpractice ,where many large messages are sent to a single recipient, much less effective on
  33. A wide range of offenses including fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, malpractice ,and breach of contract, but the case was eventually settled out of court for an
  34. His former partner and friend Mickey (Jack Warden) throws him a medical, malpractice ,case where it's all but assured that the defense will settle for a large
  35. Not protected by attorney-client privilege and that the commenter disclaims any, malpractice ,or other tort liability should the suggestion be followed with undesirable
  36. Of limitations. In many cases, the discovery of the harm (as in a medical, malpractice ,claim where the fact or the impact of the doctor's mistake is not immediately
  37. Place. Forty years later, leaving a medical device in a patient was medical, malpractice , provable without expert testimony, in almost every jurisdiction. Virginia has
  38. Laws promoting coverage of pre-existing medical conditions, a cap on, malpractice ,lawsuits, the implementation of a streamlined electronic medical records system
  39. Rosenthal's appeal of the multimillion-dollar judgment against him for legal, malpractice , and upheld conclusions of a trial court and a Court of Appeal that Rosenthal
  40. Hospital reportedly costs about K2.5 million (US$2300). Still, medical, malpractice , is widespread even in private clinics and hospitals that serve the well-to-do.
  41. Are often sued for events and complications that cannot be classified as, malpractice , So we turn to defensive medicine. We will keep acting this way as long as
  42. Or intentionally harmful in their care of patients can face charges of medical, malpractice ,and be subject to civil, criminal,or professional sanctions. Controversy The
  43. The Supreme Court also arbitrates in cases where the government is accused of, malpractice , The Supreme Court consists of two members selected by the president, two
  44. Infrastructure. Security can be compromised by hardware and software, malpractice , human error, and faulty operating environments. Threats that exploit computer
  45. Of legal protection for individuals who disclose information to expose, malpractice ,and matters of similar concern. In the vernacular, it protects whistleblowers
  46. Tells the story of a down-on-his-luck alcoholic lawyer who pushes a medical, malpractice ,case in order to improve his own situation, but discovers along the way that he
  47. To promote tourism that is related to nature. This is an especially frequent, malpractice ,in the realm of Jungle tourism. Critics claim that these greenwashing practices
  48. Who wrote," Can no one else speak of slavery, gas,trains, camps? It's Jewish, malpractice ,to monopolize pain and minimize victims. " AJC Executive Director David A.
  49. Medical malpractice lawsuits, set at $250,000,in an attempt to" curb rising, malpractice ,premiums, and control escalating healthcare costs ". The Trust for America's
  50. Contributing factor for doctor-ordered procedures may be fear of medical, malpractice ,lawsuits. Italian gynecologist Enrico UPI, whose clinic in Rome Mater Die was

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