Examples of the the word, amazingly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( amazingly ), is the 8749 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The War at Sea from Hawaii to Malay” portrayed the attack on Pearl Harbor, amazingly ,reproduced with a miniature scale model, among other special effects that Fiji
  2. In the body. " There was quite a bit of superficial damage, but it held up, amazingly ,well," he said. He rebuilt it, and sold it to a young couple in California.
  3. In her entire life. Nevertheless, he found Prince Edward Islanders to be ", amazingly ,civilized ". Press and popular reaction to the Charlottetown
  4. On March 12,McCarthy won 42 % of the primary vote to Johnson's 49 %,an, amazingly ,strong showing for such a challenger. Even more impressively, since Johnson had
  5. Expediency in all the actions and skills of this army; and each soldier has an, amazingly ,intelligent attitude toward managing the mission of the battle. Despite such
  6. R H J Brooke, whom Peel described as" extraordinarily eccentric" and ", amazingly ,perceptive," wrote on one of his school reports," Perhaps it's possible that
  7. The life of everyone. " According to the New York Times, the team was" given, amazingly ,free rein by its corporate sponsor" to produce the oil documentary
  8. Almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat, amazingly ,managed to ride the wave. Scientists named these waves megatsunami. Scientists
  9. Jamaat-e-Ulema-e-Hind *" The current fashion for online fatwas has created an, amazingly ,legalistic approach to Islam as scholars - some of whom have only a tenuous
  10. Enough to fill the venue 580 times. Along with praise (" Abbey turn out to be, amazingly ,successful at reproducing their records ", wrote Creek),there were complaints
  11. Encyclopedic Spectrum historical (" Historical Mirror" ), which turned out, amazingly , to be the missing link; the wormholes showing that it had formerly had the Map
  12. The amount of material needed to produce the observed zodiacal light is, amazingly ,small. If it were in the form of 1 mm particles, each with the same albedo (
  13. Film critic Roger Ebert gave the film four out of four stars, calling it" an, amazingly ,entertaining thriller" Accolades Gargamel was nominated for three Academies
  14. The remainder of the year. Maturity (1888–1896) 1888 and 1889 proved to be, amazingly ,productive years for Wolf, and a turning point in his career. After the
  15. Defective, teeming with clumsy, disconnected harmonies, shocking part-writing, amazingly ,illogical modulations or intolerably long stretches without ever a modulation
  16. There is a public landing just east of town on the Highway 80 bridge, and, amazingly , enough,there is another public landing 1/2 mile farther east on another
  17. Would be an understatement. I had never heard such magical sounds, so, amazingly , recorded. It undoubtedly changed the way that I, and countless others
  18. Wing shaped or not, these boomerangs can be thrown and will return. Designs are, amazingly ,diverse and can range from animal inspired forms, humorous themes, complex
  19. South America, Madagascar,Antarctica, and most significantly China (the, amazingly ,well-preserved feathered dinosaurs in China have further consolidated the link
  20. All round me, and books to read, and experiments to make, and enjoy myself, amazingly , I find the study of electricity so entertaining that I am apt to neglect my
  21. Began by spading garden and field; but a few days of it lessened their ardor, amazingly , " Return to Concord In January 1844,Alcott moved his family to Still River, a
  22. The fall of 1909,Salvarsan was in clinical use by 1910. Salvarsan proved to be, amazingly ,effective, particularly when compared with the conventional therapy of mercury
  23. Within the Polish society, and growing pessimism. The whole period was, amazingly ,rich nevertheless. One of the most prominent poets of the interwar period was
  24. Down the interval and not the frequencies. The article of G. N. N. Martin, amazingly ,dropped out of attention of many researchers who were filing patents on
  25. A Matey Hard and as sweet as Betty Crocker. " Nancy is wealthy, attractive,and, amazingly ,talented. Nancy never lacks money and in later volumes of the series often
  26. Entertaining. " TV Guide gave the film four stars referring to it as an ", amazingly ,effective picture that becomes doubly impressive when one considers its small
  27. Of a wonder-material called Tomas ite that did anything the story needed,the, amazingly ,versatile force-ray revelation, and atomic-powered everything, including the
  28. And brightest to a new home world. While helping the operation to succeed, Quinn, amazingly , finds what he believes to be Earth Prime; but Quinn also discovers that Maggie
  29. York Times, Caryn James called When Harry Met Sally ... an" often funny but, amazingly ,hollow film" that" romanticized lives of intelligent, successful,neurotic
  30. Through the outboard bottom section of the cowling. The Mitchell was also an, amazingly ,sturdy aircraft and could withstand tremendous punishment. One well-known B-25C
  31. Reviews of L'Estrange Ewen's work in the Folk-Lore Society's periodical were, amazingly ,ungracious, avoiding any engagement with his actual arguments or evidence and
  32. Corpuscles) ... has been interpreted by quantum-mechanics in an ingenious and, amazingly ,successful fashion. This interpretation ... appears to me as only a temporary
  33. With many ground-breaking inventions, operation was a little idiosyncratic, but, amazingly , flexible with familiarity. Keys trebled up on functionality, important
  34. The heat of battle to adapt his plans to his foe's forces and movement — and, amazingly , to defeat them repeatedly, especially when, as at Tours, they were far
  35. Until a defined 'stop' condition was met. This capability provided an, amazingly ,powerful way to rearrange data and formatting codes within a document, where
  36. Helping many area families survive the depression. Chenille bedspreads became, amazingly ,popular all over the country and provided a new name for Dalton: the Bedspread
  37. Chicago Fire. A year after not even making double-digits in wins, the Wizards, amazingly ,turned it around and claimed their first MLS Cup Championship.
  38. S Gale Model A was US$500,a Brush Runabout US$485,and the Success hit the, amazingly ,low US$250. *Diamond RED is also the name of an American rock band founded in
  39. To score 3 goals and concede none in game 2 of aggregate goal series. However, amazingly , the Wizards did just that by scoring 2 goals in the first half, while little
  40. The losses, though,Norman still has 30 top-ten finishes in the majors. And, amazingly , he came back to lead the very next major, the 1996 U. S. Open at Oakland Hills
  41. Still has stop-worthy interests. In addition to the observatory, there is an, amazingly ,nice museum built by the Board County Historical Society. Housed in the former
  42. On a track for his upcoming Here Lies Love. He described her performance as ", amazingly ,fine-tuned" and" very impressive. " Lauder recorded a special Christmas duet
  43. Our thoughts than we can control the weather, as both are phenomena of most, amazingly ,complex natural systems. And if we have no hope of controlling our emotions, we
  44. B is actually interested in having job A done for him. Now suppose you could, amazingly ,do job A four times over, selling half your work on the market for cash just to
  45. Name" game rankings/JJ"> review"/> IGN described the game as one that may be ", amazingly ,frustrating for the now mainstream Final Fantasy fan ", and noted that while at
  46. Been found to be independent of the chemical composition of the fluid. More, amazingly , but understandable from above, they are an exact match for the critical
  47. War. On March 12,McCarthy won 42 % of the primary vote to Johnson's 49 %,an, amazingly ,strong showing for such a challenger. Four days later, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
  48. Little leagues between the ages of 11 and 13. The Little League teams had done, amazingly ,well and had dominated in the world competition held annually in Williamsport
  49. Engine and found its acceleration with a four-speed manual to" feel, amazingly ,strong" with zero to 60 mph and quarter-mile elapsed time only one second
  50. Artists, and their musical talent was encouraged from an early age. Harp was, amazingly ,talented, learning to play an estimated six different instruments throughout

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