Examples of the the word, ix , in a Sentence Context

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  1. e.g. exact 'exact' ), as in other closely related languages. The digraph ‹, ix ,› instead, always represents (e.g. Calais 'drawers' ). Phonology Vowels
  2. Pronounced second marriage a species of adultery (De exhortations castigates, ix ,). Tertullian has been accused of going to an unhealthy extreme in his counsels
  3. Sin (y) \, : \tank ix = i \tan x \, : \cosh x = \cos ix \, : \sing x = - i \sin, ix ,\, : \tank x = - i \tan ix \, Thus,hyperbolic functions are periodic with
  4. Defined by any of these equivalent alternatives:: I_\alpha (x) in J_\alpha (, ix ,) \sum_^\nifty \franc\left (\franc\right)^: K_\alpha (x) \franc \franc \franc in
  5. Albert René, is claiming in court that certain IT companies whose name end in ", ix ," (not unnatural in companies who work with Un ix ) are damaging his brands "
  6. Exist wholly within nature as part of the natural order in every respect" ( p, ix ,), argues that the same principles underlie both ecosystems and economies: "
  7. Word finds application: 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,' Her., ix , 23" ( Sum. R. xxii. ). Socrates was said to have been a pupil of his. David
  8. Temperate vapors bland" ( v. 5) " heavenly form Angelic" (, ix , 457-8) " unmanageable gulf obscure" ( x. 366); 4. The omission of
  9. Authors suggest an original date of a. d. IX KAL DEC (November 23) or a. d., ix ,KAL Nov (October 24) more in line with the evidence of nature. This view is
  10. Philippe lived the woman whom Christ healed of an issue of blood (Matt, ix ,20). Legend was not long in providing the woman of the Gospel with a name. In
  11. Frac + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \dots \\8pt &= 1 +, ix ,- \franc - \franc + \franc + \franc - \franc - \franc + \franc + \dots \\8pt &= \left
  12. With units 1,−1,i, and I. If x is a Gaussian integer, the four numbers x, ix , ex, and s ix are called the associates of x. The prime elements of ZI are also
  13. If one considers the unit circle in the complex plane, parametrized by e, ix , and as above, we can parametrize this circle in terms of cosines and sines
  14. Precise in describing the lotus, because of its legendary fame in Homer (OD., ix , 84 seq. ) as causing forgetfulness of home and family; Polybius (xii. 2)
  15. vi. );" nor is there any other home to believers but the one Church" (, ix , ). The following works are of doubtful authenticity: 'De spectacular (" On
  16. Pionono1. JPG Image: PIO_IX_04. JPG‎ Image: Pope-pius- ix -03. JPG | Image: Pius, ix , JPG | Image: Pocono. JPG Image: Pionono11. JPG Memorabilia * In two nights
  17. To Troy, next to Achilles. " Sources *Apollodorus. Bibliophile I, viii,2 and, ix ,16; II, vi,4; III, xii,6-7. Notes In Greek mythology and later art, the name
  18. Europium, Breviarium ab urge conduit, ix , 16,http://www.forumromanum.org/literature/eutropius/trans9.html#16 English
  19. y) + i \cosh (x) \sin (y) \, : \tank ix = i \tan x \, : \cosh x = \cos, ix ,\, : \sing x = - i \sin ix \, : \tank x = - i \tan ix \, Thus,hyperbolic
  20. Only with the initiation into duty (Ab. R. N., A. xvi., B. xxx.; Mid. The., ix , 2; Eccl. R. ix . 15). *According to Pike R. El. xxvi., Abraham rejected the
  21. Series definition from above we see that for real values of x: \begin ex &= 1 +, ix ,+ \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \franc + \dots \\8pt &= 1 +
  22. Or" deceitful Odysseus" (" pellucid "," Randi factor" ). Turns, in Aeneid, ix , reproaches the Trojan Ascends with images of rugged, forthright Latin virtues
  23. Of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features" * (, ix ,)" is an outstanding example representing significant ongoing ecological and
  24. Lib. ii.,1. 31 I.; Martial, lib. xi., ch. 73.; lib. Xiv, ch. 28,130; Juvenal, ix ,.,50.; Ovid Ar's. Am., ii.,209). From such mentions the umbrella does not
  25. Has forgotten how to think historically in the first place" ( Jameson 1991, ix , ). Jonathan Kramer posits the idea (following Umberto Eco and Jean-François
  26. X: ex = \cos x - i \; \sin x so:: \cosh ix \tfrac12 (ex + ex) \cos x: \sing, ix ,\tfrac12 (ex - ex) i \sin x: \cosh (x+in) = \cosh (x) \cos (y) + i
  27. v) Frankfurt (Oder),(vi) Magdeburg, ( vii) Cottbus, ( viii) Halle, (, ix , ) Leipzig, ( x) Erfurt, ( xi) Dresden, ( xii) Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz
  28. Abbot Stephen of St. Mark's" near the walls of Soweto" ( St. Gregory I, Ep., ix , 87,I. Al. 30). Famine followed the devastating Lombards, and from the few
  29. The wife of the former Locus was called Cambyses or Photogenic (Find. Of., ix , 86; Estate. Ad Horn. p. 277). 2. Locus was a son of Zeus and Meyer, the
  30. 6,§ 5). The Septuagint, however,gives for" Haggai" ὅ Μακεδόν in ESH., ix , 24,while in the preceding instances no translation whatever is given. Having
  31. The Father is one, the Son is one, and the Spirit is one (Adv. Praxes, ix ,). As regards whether the Son was coeternal with the Father, many
  32. With the" Heracles Stoics VIR sanctum et graves" in Zulus Genius (, ix , 5. 8). This theory is confirmed by the discovery of a papyrus (ed. H. on
  33. Why is the evil desire (better Hara) personified as the great king? (Eccl., ix , 14). Because it is thirteen years older than the good desire ('better hat ob
  34. Together with the Anglicized forms when these are more common. * Final ex or, ix ,becomes -ices (pronounced),or just adds -BS: Some people treat process as if
  35. Capacity, both in ADB and in DMC; (viii) promote portfolio performance; (, ix ,) evaluate business processes; and (x) disseminate findings and
  36. Roman numerals" ). Thus, the mysterious name" Tax,"" Assumption Moses ", ix , 1; the" Number of the Beast" ( 666),of Revelation 13:18; the number 888 (
  37. In Zagreb (2004). (viii) Agreement on Agricultural Cooperation (2002). (, ix ,) Agreement on exemption of visa requirement for holders of Diplomatic and
  38. Adamantine and unyielding? " The rhetorical question is Agamemnon's (Iliad, ix ,). He was not, however,an evil god, for although he was stern, cruel,and
  39. Character Aster ix , along with his friend Obel ix have various adventures. The ", ix ," suff ix of both names echoes the name of Vercingetor ix , a historical Gaul
  40. Sacrifice Missal; given in the Collection Scrip tor. Vet. Of Angelo Mai, vol., ix , p. 371. See Mine, Patrol SER. Lat. Vol. clx ix . Coll. 739-.972; Herzog-Hauck
  41. Q (EU),R (er),S (BS),T (the),U (u),V (ve),W (public ve),X (, ix ,), Y (epsilon),Z (get) Pronunciation: * c: before e, i,y it is ts
  42. Initiation into duty (Ab. R. N., A. xvi., B. xxx.; Mid. The. ix . 2; Eccl. R., ix , 15). *According to Pike R. El. xxvi., Abraham rejected the idolatry of his
  43. Frac\left (\franc\right)^: K_\alpha (x) \franc \franc \franc in H_\alpha (, ix ,) = \franc (-i)^ H_\alpha (- ix ). These are chosen to be real-valued for real
  44. iii. 13. ) 2. A son of Creon, one of the Greek warriors at Troy (HOM. IL., ix , 84); he was represented as a wounded man by Polyglots in the Rescue at
  45. Numbers:: ex = \cos x + i \; \sin x: ex = \cos x - i \; \sin x so:: \cosh, ix ,\tfrac12 (ex + ex) \cos x: \sing ix \tfrac12 (ex - ex) i \sin x: \cosh (
  46. Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution,3rd edition. Chapman & Hall,434pp +, ix , ISBN 0-412-47990-7. (Chapter 9 covers Echinoderms). * Nichols’D (1969).
  47. I \tan x \, : \cosh x = \cos ix \, : \sing x = - i \sin ix \, : \tank x = - i \tan, ix ,\, Thus,hyperbolic functions are periodic with respect to the imaginary
  48. Sinh (x+in) = \sing (x) \cos (y) + i \cosh (x) \sin (y) \, : \tank, ix ,= i \tan x \, : \cosh x = \cos ix \, : \sing x = - i \sin ix \, : \tank x = - i
  49. Word finds application: 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,' Her., ix , 23" ( Sum. R. xxii. ). Balsam in the New Testament, Josephus & Phil An
  50. Port. ). *Romance groups -X-,-PS-, SCj- result in voiceless palatal fricative, ix , e.g. COX > (" crippled ", Sp., Cat. ). *Romance groups -LA-,-C'L-,-T'L-

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