Examples of the the word, expend , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expend ), is the 8764 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The case as follows:" It is better to allow those who preach racial hatred to, expend ,their venom in rhetoric rather than to be panicked into embarking on the
  2. Like the watch whose worldliness form closed loops, the outside world can, expend ,energy to repair wear/entropy that the object acquires over the course of its
  3. Choice counter with an input-output theory, pointing out that home educators, expend ,only an average of $500–$600 a year on each student, in comparison to
  4. Breaks from time spent in reflection. Conversely, those who prefer introversion, expend ,energy through action: they prefer to reflect, then act, then reflect again. To
  5. Bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device, or it may be allowed to, expend ,what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or
  6. The name Ostrich (Austria in Old High German). * In a continuing effort to, expend ,northward, the de facto ruler of landaus, al-Mansur captures the city of
  7. The first half century of European settlement. Authorities were reluctant to, expend ,large amounts of capital on more difficult sections of a route where there was
  8. Traditionally, this refers to anal and oral sex, provided that he does not, expend ,semen to no purpose. Nevertheless, it is an attribute of piety that a man
  9. One can carry a tremendous amount of cargo without being bothered by having to, expend ,a large part of cargo allowance in ballast. From this basis, came the pro
  10. Phrase is so far removed from the remainder that the listener or reader must, expend ,greater effort to understand the sentence. By contrast,87 percent of the panel
  11. Able to adapt to and occupy. Most basophilic and all halo tolerant organisms, expend ,energy to exclude salt from their cytoplasm to avoid protein aggregation (‘
  12. Suitable growing season; this uses resources which evergreens do not need to, expend , Evergreens suffer greater water loss during the winter, and they also can
  13. In applications where higher performance is an issue, it can make sense to, expend ,more effort to deal with a more complex, non-linear storage organization. Even
  14. Human-powered means of transportation in terms of energy a person must, expend ,to travel a given distance. From a mechanical viewpoint, up to 99 % of the
  15. Result in an uncomfortable ride on elevators, trams and the like, and engineers, expend ,considerable design effort to minimize it. Jerk may be considered when the
  16. In July 2009,the minister of defense, Nelson Job, said that Brazil will, expend ,about 0.7 % (US$ 13 billion) of the GDP per year to modernize the forces in
  17. Once war had begun, Hitler urged his economic experts to abandon caution and, expend ,all available resources on the war effort. The expansion plans only gradually
  18. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his successors sometimes refused outright to, expend ,appropriated money. The Supreme Court, however,has held impoundment without
  19. Is recommended. In the wild, consumption is naturally more erratic; wild cats, expend ,considerable energy in the capture and kill of prey, and may consume up to 25
  20. Demand her service, but give nothing and create nothing in return. GED must, expend ,his strength continually on hiding himself from the Nameless Ones, as they
  21. In practice this negative list approach effectively forces CITES signatories to, expend ,limited resources on just a select few, leaving many species to be traded with
  22. That were sufficient to sustain the predator, so it would not have needed to, expend ,the effort to kill the prey outright. This strategy would also potentially have
  23. More difficult, which may affect its aerial hunting ability or cause it to, expend ,extra energy while carrying these passengers. Types Like all ecological
  24. In storms and in 1995,when the floods returned, the government did not have to, expend ,resources in those areas.:) Asia In India, Bangladesh and China, flood
  25. During the course of a game. This is generally limited by a requirement to, expend ,accumulated resources. These resources are in turn garnered by controlling
  26. Occurs because employers know that when wages decrease, workers will shirk and, expend ,less effort. Employers avoid shirking by preventing wages from decreasing so
  27. Opponents (e.g. a government intelligence agency) who are willing to, expend ,massive resources on the project. One attack on a secure cryptoprocessor
  28. Powered by a 1 MW solar array. To do the same job, such MTV would need to, expend ,only about 8 metric tons of argon propellant. Total mass of such electric MTV
  29. Effects. Extremes in weather, such as tornadoes or hurricanes and cyclones, can, expend , large amounts of energy along their paths, and produce devastation. Surface
  30. A force on the prey while exerting minimal effort; the unfortunate victim must, expend ,energy resisting the force with its adductor muscle. When the adductor tires
  31. Are required to float in inner tubes. By floating in an inner tube players, expend ,less energy than traditional water polo players, not having to tread water.
  32. Not immediately replace Israel's losses in equipment, it did allow Israel to, expend ,what it did have more freely ". By the end of Nickel Grass, the United States
  33. When the raw material — cloth — was worth more than labor, it made sense to, expend ,labor in saving it. Today clothing is considered a consumable item.
  34. Taken by the test charge is irrelevant: all paths between two specified points, expend ,the same energy, and thus a unique value for potential difference may be stated
  35. Is likely to decrease. Correspondingly, political campaigns are less likely to, expend ,resources to encourage turnout. With a reduction in competition, a candidate
  36. Rocks there do not deform so easily: for magma to rise as a Pluto it would, expend ,far too much energy in heating wall rocks, thus cooling and solidifying before
  37. An excellent cardiovascular workout. In one hour of squash, a player may, expend ,approximately 600 to 1000 calories (3,000 to 4,000 kJ), The sport also
  38. Resistance under Mohammed Abdullah Hassan From 1899,the British were forced to, expend ,considerable human and military capital in a bloody struggle to contain a
  39. Tissue damage and blood loss or shock, and by remaining in the target to, expend ,all of its kinetic energy in the target, some of which will be lost if the
  40. Which can all increase upon gaining an experience level. Magic spells, which, expend , the character's MP, can be used to heal oneself or damage enemies. These
  41. Correct direction, or put it in the right place, will be more than you wish to, expend ,but not so much as to make the task impossible. The laws are a parody on the
  42. Among various locations. It can also refer to a condition where people have to, expend ,time searching for a resource, such as having to travel from gasoline station
  43. Produces a metabolic advantage because" burning fat takes more calories so you, expend ,more calories. " Concluded that there was no such metabolic advantage and
  44. As the firebombing campaign took effect, Japanese war planners were forced to, expend ,significant resources to relocate vital war industries to remote caves and
  45. Use of modes often reduces the usability of a user interface, as the user must, expend ,effort to remember current mode states, and switch between mode states as
  46. They have always before in terms of power (Although it may be that he had to, expend ,his power to destroy the Marquis). Doom is known for the frequent plot device
  47. 1972," The only reason we need (UAVs) is that we don't want to needlessly, expend ,the man in the cockpit. " Later that same year, General John C. Meyer
  48. With certain exceptions. Section Nine Requires the Secretary of the Interior to, expend ,monies generated by each state within that state as much as is practicable.
  49. To skilled managers ". The management of building societies apparently could, expend ,considerable of what is actually the organization's time and resources
  50. The design of a user interface affects the amount of effort the user must, expend ,to provide input for the system and to interpret the output of the system, and

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