Examples of the the word, earnest , in a Sentence Context

The word ( earnest ), is the 8746 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On astronomy and the teachings of Bede and his followers began to be studied in, earnest ,during the revival of learning sponsored by the emperor Charlemagne. By the
  2. Thriving entrepôt center and the largest city in the Far East, did not start in, earnest ,until 1916. During the 1920s film technicians from the United States trained
  3. Dropped off precipitously around the 860s when the Viking invasions began in, earnest , not to be revived until the end of the century. Numerous Anglo-Saxon
  4. Or near Streamer, at the foot of Furuberget. In 1812,negotiations started in, earnest , when the regional governor of Kristian Amt, proposed establishing a market on
  5. To enhance agricultural production, and to improve standards of living began in, earnest ,only in the mid-1980s. High plains The general terrain in the northern and
  6. The much greater, and still ongoing, creation–evolution controversy began in, earnest ,with the publication of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1859.
  7. A minority and rarely in public. Since large-scale Germanization beginning in, earnest ,within the 18th century, various Low German-colored dialects have developed (
  8. Stage needed reforming; adopting Molière as his model, he went to work in, earnest ,and in 1738 produced his first real comedy, L'Como DI mono (" The Man of the
  9. In a language of ecstasy used by many mystics, and Bernini's depiction is, earnest , The Corner family promotes itself discreetly in this chapel; they are
  10. On The Religious Philosophy of Kant at the Sorbonne, and to study in, earnest ,with Wider. Here he often met with the elderly Aristides Cavaillé-Coll. He also
  11. In the 1920s when the first" bush" services were introduced,Government's, earnest ,participation can be dated from 1947 when a Director of Civil Aviation was
  12. Of that post in favor of Maj. Gen. Henry W. Hillock),and the war began in, earnest ,in 1862. Upon the strong urging of President Lincoln to begin offensive
  13. The newly discovered phenomenon of fission was first discussed in semi-jocular, earnest ,as a possible source of nuclear power. " In August 1939 Leo Szilard prepared
  14. Again outwitted by an enemy's machinations, marched southward and in deadly, earnest , began his third siege of Rome. Apparently, defence was impossible; there are
  15. Exploration of the pre-Islamic period of Afghanistan began in Afghanistan in, earnest ,after World War II and proceeded until the late 1970s when the nation was
  16. In Paris and the other by Elizabeth Arden. Career Film Her film career began in, earnest ,in 1937 when she appeared in the films Oh Doctor and Stage Door. Her Stage Door
  17. His 20s,which were marked by long bouts of hypochondria, he applied himself in, earnest ,to the study of philosophy, mathematics,and music. At 25,he came into a small
  18. For many types of animals were in flux at the time. He resumed the work in, earnest ,in 1874 after the publication of a number of new works on classification.
  19. And were valued long before influence from the Western tradition began in, earnest , The NOK culture is testimony to this. The mosque of Timbuktu shows that
  20. The decks to make way for a new national broadcast package that began in, earnest ,with the 2007 postseason, and expanded to Sunday afternoon games in 2008. Until
  21. Assigned to the forces of the Shah of Iran, began studying the inscription in, earnest , As the town of Bisutun's name was anglicized as" Behest" at this time
  22. A movie Graham Greene called“ intelligent and exciting, if rather, earnest ,”. In 1938,Warner Bros. put him in a" hillbilly musical" called Swing Your
  23. At the age of 56,he entered the debates over trade policy and land reform in, earnest , He believed that rural land should be owned by the state and leased to people
  24. With murder, narration and epistemology, Morris went to work on the case in, earnest , Unedited interviews in which the prosecution's witnesses systematically
  25. Up when he asks:" Who has the more difficult task: the teacher who lectures on, earnest ,things a meteor's distance from every day life-or the learner who should put it
  26. Japan has gone through two periods of economic development. The first began in, earnest ,in 1868 and extended through to World War II; the second began in 1945 and
  27. Cash crops in Ubangi-Shari and the mining of diamonds and gold began in, earnest , Several cotton companies were granted purchasing monopolies over large areas
  28. Cesspools In Eden" ). The lyrical focus is more introspective and, earnest ,(" Where Do Ya Draw The Line? "" ), with an anti-war, anti-violence ("
  29. Street, independent of financial concerns. By February 1773,he was writing in, earnest , but not without the occasional self-imposed distraction. He took to London
  30. Grief-stricken Monet (resolving never to be mired in poverty again) began in, earnest ,to create some of his best paintings of the 19th century. During the early
  31. Of his visit dates from much later. The Roman invasion of Britain began in, earnest ,in AD 43. Following a series of military successes in the south, forces led by
  32. Him in better light like Theodore of Cyprus who referred to Cyril as“ an, earnest ,champion of the apostolic decrees of Nicaea and says nothing about Arian
  33. Rich dies disgraced. " However, he did not begin his philanthropic work in all, earnest ,until 1881,with the gift of a library to his hometown of Undermine, Scotland
  34. On the move, Edward decided a retreat was in order. He marched south pursued in, earnest ,by John (Jean II). The French caught up to the English a few miles southwest
  35. The planet’s desiccation. Spectroscopic analysis of Mars' atmosphere began in, earnest ,in 1894,when U. S. astronomer William Wallace Campbell showed that neither
  36. Burnt his violins in anger, and resolved to pursue a military career in, earnest , Gaining further promotion (largely by purchasing his rank, which was common
  37. And fellow antiquarians began to produce genealogical and antiquarian tracts in, earnest , slowly gaining a devoted audience among the American people. Though Farmer
  38. And Space Administration of the United States (NASA),Apollo began in, earnest ,after President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of" landing a man
  39. Catholicism and the spread of Lutheranism within his dominions, in spite of his, earnest ,efforts and forcible prohibition of the new doctrine. Furthermore, during
  40. On August 1,1831. Publishing career After his brother's death, Poe began more, earnest ,attempts to start his career as a writer. He chose a difficult time in American
  41. He wrote:" I do not mean I have lost all faith in the Labour Party. My most, earnest ,hope is that the Labour Party will win a clear majority in the next General
  42. And Essex waited for the fleet. On 13 August, the Royalists began to attack in, earnest , occupying several outposts on the east bank of the River Iowa, making it even
  43. Within some Protestant denominations in the United States, and continued in, earnest ,through the 1920s. The first formulation of American fundamentalist beliefs can
  44. That Russia was withdrawing from World War I and a revolution was starting in, earnest , Following the Finnish Civil War and October Revolution, Russians were
  45. With no guarantee of stadium rights. Another group reported it had deposited, earnest ,money for a team in the AFL. With everyone running in different directions
  46. No power over external things, and the good that ought to be the object of our, earnest ,pursuit, is to be found only within ourselves. The determination between what
  47. The home for the Alcott's. While living in the home, Louisa began writing in, earnest ,and was given her own room. She later said her years at the home" were the
  48. town's riverbank is the result of 19th century land reclamation, started in, earnest ,when the town played host to many prisoners of war from the
  49. Camps were built and industrialized mass slaughter of Jews began in, earnest , This decision to systematically kill the Jews of Europe was made either by the
  50. Lectures if they are“ able reverent men, true thinkers, sincere lovers of and, earnest ,inquirers after truth ”. He still believed in the viewpoint he shared with the

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