Examples of the the word, monastery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monastery ), is the 8762 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Her office by formal blessing, conferred by the bishop in whose territory the, monastery ,is located, or by an abbot or another bishop with appropriate permission.
  2. Twice in the year the superiors of the several Columbia met at the chief, monastery , under the presidency of an archimandrite (" the chief of the fold," from
  3. One for the reception of distinguished guests, another for monks visiting the, monastery , a third for poor travelers and pilgrims. The first and third are placed to
  4. In compliance with the Benedictine rule, which enjoined that, if possible,the, monastery ,should contain within itself every necessary of life, as well as the buildings
  5. IV (Nicholas Breakspear) granted it to the abbot of St Alban's, in which, monastery ,he had been brought up. Next after the abbot of St Alban's ranked the abbot of
  6. Was born at Villefranche-de-Longchat about 960,and in early life entered the, monastery ,of Fleury, where he became a monk and passed the greater part of his life. His
  7. Collections of the descendants of the Grand Duke Durango who had acquired the, monastery ,complex in the 18th century. The volumes contained 300 concertos,19 operas and
  8. Large and international communities have been reduced to a single convent or, monastery ,with memberships of elderly men or women. In the last few decades of the 20th
  9. Press,1982. *De clade Lindisfarnensis monastery ," On the destruction of the, monastery ,of Lindisfarne; Epistle (Letters) Of Alcuin's letters, just over 310 have
  10. Part of Orenthal, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany **Gutenberg Abbey, Cistercian, monastery , in Gutenberg (Dervishes Land) **Gutenberg Cathedral, so-called,is the
  11. Opening by one door into the cloisters, and by another to the outer part of the, monastery ,area, is the" parlor" for interviews with visitors from the external world (
  12. Taking their meals in their separate cells. The annexed plan of a Coptic, monastery , from Lenoir, shows a church of three aisles, with cellular apses, and two
  13. Alexander II in 1063 granted the use of the mite to Celsius, abbot of the, monastery ,of St Augustine at Canterbury. The mired abbots in England were those of
  14. Estranged from Maria, who was stripped of her imperial title and retired to a, monastery , and Constantine Donkeys was deprived of his status as co-emperor. Which forced
  15. And educational matters. From 796 until his death he was Abbot of the great, monastery ,of St. Martin of Tours. The majority of details on Alcuin's life come from his
  16. Ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudora was dragged from her, monastery ,and publicly tried for alleged adultery, while all who had in any way
  17. The kitchen (L) is reached. This is separated from the main buildings of the, monastery , and is connected by a long passage with a building containing the bake house
  18. Example being Saint Brigid of Kildare's leadership in the founding of the, monastery ,at Kildare in Ireland. This custom accompanied Celtic monastic missions to
  19. The abbey, the whole party, with their attendants, were lodged within the, monastery ,without disarranging the monks,400 in number. Nearly the whole of the abbey
  20. Commanded to attend the nearest church. This rule proved inconvenient when a, monastery ,was situated in a desert or at a distance from a city, and necessity compelled
  21. Annexed ground-plan was taken, shortly before its destruction, nearly all the, monastery , except the church, had been rebuilt. The church, the
  22. Of the trees, apple,pear, plum,quince, etc., planted there. Cells Every large, monastery ,had depending upon it smaller foundations known as cells or priories. Sometimes
  23. In 1963 into the Aventine Museum, in the cloister of the former Carmelite, monastery , On 7 July 2006,the new Town Museum of Babelsberg was opened in the former duke
  24. Function of Abbot corresponds to a person who actually serves as the head of a, monastery , although the title of the Archimandrite may be given to any celibate priest
  25. Of man. But we have preserved to us an elaborate plan of the great Swiss, monastery ,of St Gall, erected about AD 820,which puts us in possession of the whole
  26. About AD 820,which puts us in possession of the whole arrangements of a, monastery ,of the first class towards the early part of the 9th century. This curious and
  27. i. e., celibate ) priests in the East, even when not attached to a, monastery , as an honor for service, similar to the title of monsignor in the
  28. Given to any monastic, even if he does not in fact serve as the superior of a, monastery , In Greek practice the title or function of Abbot corresponds to a person who
  29. III was captured by Theodore Lasers. Alexis III was then confined to a, monastery ,at Nicaea, where he died later in 1211. Family By his marriage to Dufresne
  30. Upon abbots, nor do they exercise authority over territories outside their, monastery , Historically, in some Celtic monasteries abbesses presided over joint-houses
  31. Be given as an honorary title to a clergyman who is not actually the head of a, monastery , The female equivalent is abbess. Origins The title had its origin in the
  32. Became accepted generally in all languages as the designation of the head of a, monastery , At first, it was employed as a respectful title for any monk, but it was soon
  33. Were instrumental in the Vivaldi revival of the 20th century. In 1926,in a, monastery ,in Piedmont, researchers discovered 14 folios of Vivaldi's work, previously
  34. To the infirmary, and the physic garden (T) at the north-east corner of the, monastery , Besides other rooms, it contains a drug store, and a chamber for those who are
  35. The place of the abbot, the functions usually devolving on the superior of the, monastery ,were performed by a prior. Modern practices In the Roman Catholic Church
  36. Make laymen abbots of monasteries; the layman would often use the income of the, monastery ,as his own and leave the monks a bare minimum for the necessary expenses of the
  37. Land) **Gutenberg Cathedral, so-called,is the former church of the Cistercian, monastery ,*Gutenberg is also a lost town and archaeological site in the Eras
  38. Of monks, as the Malthusians for instance, have no abbots, only priors). A, monastery ,must have been granted the status of an abbey by the Pope, and such monasteries
  39. The blessing of an abbot is celebrated by the bishop in whose diocese the, monastery ,is or, with his permission, another abbot or bishop. The ceremony of such a
  40. 875 * Adrian of Poseidon, Russian Orthodox saint, hegumen of Formation, monastery ,in Yaroslavl region * Adrian of Andropov, Russian Orthodox saint and
  41. In the plan of the convent of the Great Lava, Mount Pathos. This, monastery , like the oriental monasteries generally, is surrounded by a strong and lofty
  42. Latin Abbas, derived from Aramaic language abbey," father" ) is a Catholic, monastery ,or convent, under the authority of an Abbot or an Abbess, who serves as the
  43. Must receive a mandate of authority from the Pope over the territory around the, monastery ,for which they are responsible. Sabbatical hierarchy In some monastic families
  44. First and third are placed to the right and left of the common entrance of the, monastery , ---the hospital for distinguished guests being placed on the north side of
  45. May be given to any celibate priest who could serve as the head of a, monastery , In the German Evangelical Church the German title of ABT (abbot) is
  46. English: * * The word abbot, meaning father, is a title given to the head of a, monastery ,in various traditions, including Christianity. The office may also be given as
  47. The originator of Nestorianism, is exiled by Roman Emperor Theodosius II to a, monastery ,in Egypt. * 881 – Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu: Louis III of France defeats the
  48. To a number of other ecclesiastics of the period. After becoming a monk at the, monastery ,at Winchester, he was appointed Abbot of Livestock Abbey in around 1027. In
  49. Which led to a refusal of Protestant King William III to open 'that, monastery ,'. In 1924,the Roman Catholic Church of the Netherlands hosted the
  50. To the foundation in economic, vocational and legal aspects. Prior to this,the, monastery ,would be a mere priory, headed by a prior who acts as superior but without the

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