Examples of the the word, blonde , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blonde ), is the 8765 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Human hair when mixed with ammonium hydroxide, hence the phrase" peroxide, blonde ,". * It is absorbed by skin upon contact and creates a local skin capillary
  2. From its citizens. Heydrich's brutal efficiency earned him the nicknames" the, blonde ,beast" and" the young evil god of death ". Heinrich and
  3. Are known to dress up in" Helga hats ", or purple hats with white horns and, blonde ,braids, mimicking the helmets popularly believed to have been worn by Viking
  4. Gets Himself Off to War,1935's Nix de coco Coconuts,1946's Acres de ma, blonde ,Close to My Girlfriend and Savez-vous planter LES Chou? Do You Know How to
  5. Example, denotes the set of real numbers, denotes the set of everything with, blonde ,hair, and denotes the set of all dogs. This notation is called set-builder
  6. Krill is an ethnic and linguistic denomination, but some natives, even those, blonde ,and blue-eyed, may call themselves Krill, defining it as a more cultural
  7. Lands. Seventeen years later, a much better run was enjoyed by Acres de ma, blonde , which was reworked by famed scenarist S. N. Berman into I Know My Love. It
  8. The term" DOM ", by analogy to one-syllable French-derived words like lemme or, blonde , As fetish culture is increasingly becoming more prevalent in Western media
  9. Include the half-human Commander Sea who, like her mother Tasha YAR, has, blonde , hair. Brown haired examples have also been seen in various media. In the 2009
  10. Been pretty, slim,graceful and well-dressed. Her long, fine hair was dyed pale, blonde , and her eyes," brown as fir cones in autumn, scattered laughter ". Francesco
  11. For example the telenovelas or soaps are said to be a hotbed of white, largely, blonde , and blue/green-eyed actors who resemble Scandinavians or other northern
  12. Models with lighter hair, so Norma Jean bleached her brunette hair to a golden, blonde , Monroe became one of Blue Book's the most successful models; she appeared on
  13. Proto-pop mass media images. (En Morn,1947,for instance, has a print of a, blonde ,young girl included, prefiguring the early work of Eduardo Palazzi, whilst
  14. And Ginger Rogers were considered, but the role finally went to Way who wore a, blonde ,wig in the film and was inspired more by Cooper's enthusiasm than the script
  15. Up with one of my watercolor paintings. It was just a bunch of stars and this, blonde ,girl I knew at school. And Dad said,'What's this? ' I said,'It's Lucy in
  16. Terrified, they return to their apartment, where Rita disguises herself with a, blonde ,wig. The two women have sex that night and awake at 2 a. m., when Rita insists
  17. Having canine punch, or " beautiful white hair ", which has been rendered as, blonde ,or fair in many translations. Dress Charlemagne wore the traditional
  18. Susana was disappeared by the military authorities soon after giving birth to a, blonde ,girl. Adriana and Gaspar Tosca, both identified as Montenegro, were taken into
  19. As Ellen Ripley in the Alien series, describing Tawny as" a stereotypical dumb, blonde ," who fulfills a useless function in contrast to Ripley's dynamic centrality.
  20. Was approached by director Median C. Cooper to play the role of Ann Darrow,the, blonde ,captive of King Kong. Way was paid $10,000 dollars to play the role. Way wore
  21. Most of their stage shows as well. Her common portrayal as the stereotypical ", blonde ,bimbo" eventually earned her the sobriquet" Carol Cleavage" from the other
  22. And wounded by a female police officer who looks like Bobbi: she is the tall, blonde ,figure who was trailing Liz. Elliott is arrested by the police and placed in an
  23. Were well received. By 1953,Monroe had progressed to leading roles. Her" dumb, blonde ," persona was used to comedic effect in such films as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
  24. By Philby aroused intense suspicion in Moscow. Elena Modrzhinskaya a plump, blonde ,at GUG headquarters in Moscow was the person who assessed all material from
  25. Chief Jesse Stone, the former of whom was possibly mentioned in passing as a, blonde ,jogging with an English bull terrier (named Rosie in the Randall novels)
  26. Falsely accused, violence erupting at the times it was least expected, the cool, blonde , Now, Hitchcock is more or less universally lauded, his films dissected
  27. Cosmetics. One application is to formulas for washing and conditioning gray or, blonde ,hair, where the brightener can not only increase the luminance and sparkle of
  28. Her own attractiveness. " Monroe's films of this period established her" dumb, blonde ," persona and contributed to her popularity. In 1953 and 1954,she was listed
  29. And storage. Hash is generally said to be black (Afghanistan),brown or, blonde ,(Morocco); there is also hashish of greenish or reddish (Lebanon) hue. A
  30. Often considered funny, but similar jokes based on other stereotypes (such as, blonde ,jokes) are often considered even more funny. Religious jokes fall into several
  31. Streaks in her hair. In later issues, she is shown as having red hair with a, blonde ,streak. In The Kindly Ones, several characters remark that Rose looks much
  32. Of King Kong. Way was paid $10,000 dollars to play the role. Way wore a, blonde ,wig over her naturally dark hair. The film was a commercial success. Way was
  33. He made crucial changes to the look of Dorothy by eliminating Judy Garland's, blonde ,wig and adjusting her makeup and costume, encouraging her to act in a more
  34. That he was obsessed with French actress Brigitte Bardot, so she dyed her hair, blonde , Lennon asked her out, but when she said that she was engaged, he replied," I
  35. Dangerous Game. After the RIO board approved the Kong test, Cooper decided a, blonde ,would provide contrast to the gorilla's dark pelt. Dorothy Jordan, Jean Harlow
  36. The ballerina Teresina and experiences the frankly sexual fascination of the, blonde ,hair, of the confident and sharp gesticulations, of the tight stockings on her
  37. Put between the article and the noun (like was shone, fleißige, langhaarige, blonde , Jeans UND T-Shirt tragedy ... Matches) can license a switch from the neutral
  38. Main character and the wife. e.g. Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and Casino. * His, blonde ,leading ladies are usually seen through the eyes of the protagonist as angelic
  39. Its subsequent ABBA: The Movie produced some ABBA lore, as well. Fältskog's, blonde ,good looks had long made her the band's" pin-up girl ", a role she disdained.
  40. Have invented our post-war dream lives–the tough but tender hero, the dangerous, blonde , the rain-washed sidewalks, and the roar of the traffic (and the ocean) in
  41. Custom 24 – used by Oldfield from the late 1980s to the present day. * A 1966, blonde , Fender Telecaster serial no. 180728 – the only electric guitar used on Tubular
  42. She returns to retrieve it. The elevator doors open on the figure of a tall, blonde ,woman in dark sunglasses wielding a straight razor. Kate is slashed to death in
  43. Blue or green eyes, varying shades of brown hair, and sometimes even red or, blonde ,hair. The majority of Mongols today who exhibit some slight Caucasoid features
  44. Leads, Buz and Todd, bore a resemblance to the dark, athletic Kerouac and the, blonde ,Cassady/Moriarty, respectively. Kerouac felt he'd been conspicuously ripped
  45. Davis took a break outside the club. As he was escorting an attractive, blonde ,woman across the sidewalk to a taxi, Davis was told by Patrolman Gerald Kickoff
  46. S office. They catch Bobbi on camera, and soon Liz is being stalked by a tall, blonde ,figure in sunglasses. Several attempts are made on Liz's life. One, in the New
  47. Catalan, French,Latin, and Greek. Appearance She is described as having heavy, blonde ,hair which fell past her knees, a beautiful complexion, hazel eyes which
  48. Are, or can be, declined for gender, at least in writing: blond (male) and, blonde ,(female) or a bone lad as compared to a Bonnie lass. Adjectives are not
  49. For subsistence farms. In the early 19th century, the Shawnee Tecumseh and, blonde ,hair & blued eyed Rebecca Galloway had an interracial affair. In the late 19th
  50. In issue #10,part one of The Doll's House story arc. She is a young, blonde ,with red- and purple-dyed streaks in her hair. In later issues, she is shown as

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