Examples of the the word, dosage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dosage ), is the 8760 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By problem drinkers. Benzodiazepine dependency requires careful reduction in, dosage ,to avoid benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome and other health consequences.
  2. Including insomnia, agitation,psychosis, and motor disorders may occur during, dosage ,reduction of antipsychotics, and can be mistaken for a return of the underlying
  3. Equivalent to the historic 5 grain aspirin tablets that preceded the metric, dosage , In general, for adults, doses are taken four times a day for fever or
  4. Short duration of action, the only difficulties being the narrow therapeutic, dosage ,range and the dangers presented by its combination with alcohol and other
  5. Approximately half an hour before the high sets in. Thus, with both higher the, dosage ,of heroin used and faster the route of administration used, the higher
  6. Leading to psychosis much worse than before treatment began, if the drug, dosage ,is ever lowered or stopped (tardive dysphonia). Temporary withdrawal
  7. Are more expensive than DDT per kilogram and are applied at roughly the same, dosage , Parathyroids such as deltamethrin are also more expensive than DDT, but are
  8. To their effects. Benzodiazepines tend to exert their hypnotic effects at high, dosage ,compared to the more moderate dosage needed for anxiolytic effects to be felt.
  9. Required. Anxiety, paranoia and restlessness are also frequent. With excessive, dosage , tremors, convulsions and increased body temperature are observed. Acute With
  10. Insulin requirements tend not to vary throughout the day or do not require, dosage ,precision smaller than 0.5 IU, are much less likely to realize much significant
  11. Withdrawal symptoms from antipsychotics may emerge during, dosage ,reduction and discontinuation. Withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, emesis
  12. Effect on a living organism * Equivalent dose, a measure of radiation, dosage ,to tissue * Maximum tolerated dose, the highest dose of a radiological or
  13. According to the FAQ, the plateaus occur as follows: *First plateau: At a, dosage ,of 1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg, effects include alertness, restlessness,increased
  14. And illicit use. In the U. S., formulations containing more than 15 mg per, dosage ,unit are considered Schedule II drugs, as would any formulation consisting of
  15. The patient, the cancer, the stage of cancer, the type of chemotherapy, and the, dosage , intravenous chemotherapy may be given on either an inpatient or an outpatient
  16. Metabolite, though evidence at this point is sparse at best. Purity and, dosage ,of" ecstasy" Another concern associated with MDMA use is toxicity from
  17. Seldom discontinued, and the aim of the treatment is often to gradually reduce, dosage ,to a minimum safe maintenance dose that is enough to control the symptoms. Only
  18. Was negatively correlated with both duration of illness and antipsychotic, dosage , No association was found with severity of illness or abuse of other substances
  19. Sigma: 2.5-7.5 mg/kg every three hours for 9–12 hours; occurs by prolonging, dosage , Plateau sigma is marked by the presence of psychosis with visual and auditory
  20. There may be a withdrawal syndrome on discontinuation that may necessitate, dosage ,tapering. These include: Nor adrenergic and specific serotonergic
  21. Mortality among poly-drug users. Dependence and tolerance, often coupled with, dosage ,escalation, to benzodiazepines can develop rapidly among drug misuses;
  22. Misdiagnosis, Prognosis depends on many factors such as the right medicines and, dosage , comprehensive knowledge of the disease and its effects; a positive
  23. 5 mg/kg up to 300 mg each 4 hours for the first day. Then administer the same, dosage ,each 6 hours for the second day. Then prescribe this dosage each 8 hours for
  24. Peripheral cannula. Harmful and lethal toxicity from chemotherapy limits the, dosage ,of chemotherapy that can be given. Some tumors can be destroyed by sufficiently
  25. Going on in the spacecraft — checking the systems and watching the radiation, dosage ,meter. After this they had their sleep period which lasted for eight hours and
  26. And injections. The following erythromycin combinations are available for oral, dosage ,: *erythromycin estate (capsules, oral suspension, tablets ). This form is
  27. All these effects contribute a rise in tolerance thus requiring a larger, dosage ,to achieve the same effect. The lack of normal amounts of serotonin and
  28. Administration containing no other active ingredients or more than 15 mg per, dosage ,unit.; * Short-acting barbiturates, such as phenobarbital, Nembutal; *
  29. Administration containing the equivalent of more than 90 mg of codeine per, dosage ,unit.; * Pure hydrocodone and any drug for non-parenteral administration
  30. S reservoir or changing an infusion site. This may affect prescription and, dosage ,information. Acceptability Use of insulin pumps is increasing throughout the
  31. Formulations of combination products containing more than 15 mg hydrocodone per, dosage ,unit. * Schedule III lists hydrocodone in formulations of combination products
  32. Been conducted. The results of the trial upon children have shown that a high, dosage ,intake of ascorbic acid is safe, but the efficacy endpoints expected were not
  33. Include: Benzodiazepines exert their anxiolytic properties at moderate, dosage , At higher dosage hypnotic properties occur. * Tofisopam (Mandarin and
  34. The Gamma Knife is an apparatus used to precisely apply a controlled radiation, dosage ,to the volume of the brain occupied by the AVM. While this treatment does not
  35. Of just hydrocodone alone. Those containing less than or equal to 15 mg per, dosage ,unit in combination with paracetamol or another non-controlled drug are called
  36. Benzodiazepines exert their anxiolytic properties at moderate dosage . At higher, dosage ,hypnotic properties occur. * Tofisopam (Mandarin and Grandson) is a drug
  37. Argentine one, contained the chemical and that, having run out of his Argentine, dosage , his trainer unwittingly bought the U. S. formula. FIFA expelled him from USA
  38. Last between one and four weeks. The selection of an antidepressant and, dosage ,suitable for a certain case and a certain person is a lengthy and complicated
  39. In formulations of combination products containing up to 15 mg hydrocodone per, dosage ,unit. Hydrocodone was until recently the active antimissile in more than 200
  40. Anaesthetic with minimal side effects and controlled action but a limited safe, dosage ,range. It was placed in Schedule I in March 2000 after widespread recreational
  41. Water proportions and their route of administration. The first 5 are topical, dosage ,forms, and may be used on the surface of the skin, transdermally
  42. Akathisia),sexual dysfunction, a return of psychosis requiring increasing the, dosage ,due to cells producing more neurochemicals to compensate for the drugs (
  43. And partially cleared through the liver and the intestines. Modification of the, dosage ,is recommended using the table found within the package insert for those with
  44. Use of the drug may result in its diminished effect so, when safe to do so,the, dosage ,may need to be increased to maintain effectiveness. This may be of particular
  45. Reduction regime is recommended. Symptoms may also occur during a gradual, dosage ,reduction, but are typically less severe and may persist as part of a
  46. To exert their hypnotic effects at high dosage compared to the more moderate, dosage ,needed for anxiolytic effects to be felt. The downside of the hypnotic
  47. CBT. Thus, CBT can be an effective tool to add to a gradual benzodiazepine, dosage ,reduction program leading to improved and sustained mental health benefits.
  48. Linkage **chromosomal effects: chromosome — haploid — diploid — polyploidy —, dosage ,effect — inbreeding **Model organisms: Drosophila — Arabidopsis —
  49. Have been reported, but most insulin shocks appear to be due to errors in, dosage ,of insulin (e.g.,20 units instead of 2) or other unanticipated factors (
  50. Administer the same dosage each 6 hours for the second day. Then prescribe this, dosage ,each 8 hours for eight additional days. However, the Agency for Toxic Substances

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