Examples of the the word, superficial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( superficial ), is the 8753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the South American anteater, despite sharing some characteristics and a, superficial ,resemblance. Is taken into account. It is the largest member of the proposed
  2. The preservation being maintained by the sugar content of the fruit and the, superficial ,coating of syrup. The use of sugar is often combined with alcohol for
  3. Outside their lodge. Fossil remains of beavers are found in the peat and other, superficial ,deposits of Britain and the continent of Europe; while in the Pleistocene
  4. This context means petty in mind and heart, narrowly self-interested, greedy, superficial , or materialistic. Rectification of names Confucius believed that social
  5. Contemporary heavy cruisers. The Deutschland's intermediate status and their, superficial ,appearance (particularly the second and third members of the class with their
  6. And oidiomycosis. Candidiasis encompasses infections that range from, superficial , such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially
  7. The Alemannic seem to have continued their pagan cult activities, with only, superficial ,or syncretistic Christian elements. In particular, there is no change in burial
  8. Topology). An important result on the topology of Rn, that is far from, superficial , is Brouwer's invariance of domain. Any subset of Rn (with its subspace
  9. Such as the DIED (deep inferior epigastric perforator) flap and SEA (, superficial ,inferior epigastric artery) flap require precise dissection of small
  10. Onset of Burundi ulcer. *Cancer immunotherapy: BCG is used in the treatment of, superficial ,forms of bladder cancer. Since the late 1980s,evidence has become available
  11. Rules and principles which govern the exercise of constitutional authority. A, superficial ,reading of selected provisions of the written constitutional enactment, without
  12. 1 part per trillion (0.0000000001 %),mostly confined to the atmosphere and, superficial ,deposits, particularly of peat and other organic materials. This isotope decays
  13. e.g. Giuliani),some guitarists' " approach to tone production is also, superficial , with little or no consideration given to voice matching and tonal contrasts ".
  14. Or species of * Bacterium or any microorganism that causes illness and has a, superficial ,resemblance to an insect, or bug, when viewed through a microscope * Bug, a
  15. Several issues confounding sham acupuncture:" Weak physiologic activity of, superficial ,or sham needle penetration is suggested by several lines of research, including
  16. Indicates the failings of many so-called artists to differentiate between the, superficial ,and the authentic aspects of such Romantic ideals. The self-conscious effort to
  17. Women with children, all the elderly, and all those who appeared on brief and, superficial ,inspection by an SS doctor not to be completely fit. Auschwitz II-Birkenau
  18. And minimalistic lifestyle to the swanky, sometimes self-obsessed and, superficial ,community. The theme song introduces the viewer to the world's most fortunate
  19. Moxibustion, and related therapies Acupuncture means insertion of needles into, superficial ,structures of the body (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles ) - usually at
  20. A problem with the liver. TCM diagnosis also involves measuring for three, superficial ,and three deep pulses at different locations on the radial artery of each arm
  21. And equipment (primarily the ball and basket). Some variations are only, superficial ,rules changes, while others are distinct games with varying degrees of
  22. What data we do have almost all relate to penetrative sexual acts, and the, superficial ,contact of the anal ring with fingers or the tongue is even less well
  23. Disease states. Diffuse cortical visualization occurs in Alzheimer's, and, superficial , cortical visualization occurs in ischemia and frontotemporal dementia. These
  24. And palpation of the left and right radial pulses at two levels of pressure (, superficial ,and deep) and three positions Can, Guan, Chi (immediately proximal to the
  25. Of loneliness, fear and social alienation, a departure from the rather more, superficial ,treatment of mental illness in the works of earlier artists such as Hogarth.
  26. Or pods of plants that are not in the family leguminous, but which bear a, superficial ,resemblance to true beans--for example coffee beans, castor beans and cocoa
  27. A postulated mechanism of“ diffuse noxious inhibitory control ”. Indeed, superficial ,needle penetration is a common technique in many authentic traditional Japanese
  28. The base at the chest wall, and the apex at the nipple. The superficial layer (, superficial ,fascia) is separated from the skin by 0.5–2.5 cm of subcutaneous fat (adipose
  29. Cooper's ligaments) are prolongations of fibrous tissue that radiate from the, superficial ,fascia to the skin. The adult breast contains 14–18 irregular lactiferous lobes
  30. IV should be; this layer is called the lamina dissects. Inputs and outputs The, superficial ,layers - layers II and III - of EC project to the dent ate gyrus and. EC as a
  31. His exhibits of portraits of 1970s personalities and celebrities, calling them, superficial , facile and commercial, with no depth or indication of the significance of the
  32. City. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is often seen as an irresponsible, superficial ,playboy who lives off his family's personal fortune (amassed when his family
  33. That the Impressionist idiom did not allow sufficient expression. He found it, superficial ,and too akin to scientific experimentation. He felt a need to go deeper and
  34. Therapy, electron beams are generated by linear accelerators for treatment of, superficial ,tumors. Because an electron beam only penetrates to a limited depth before
  35. Develop a systemic illness caused by Candida species. In extreme cases, these, superficial , infections of the skin or mucous membranes may enter into the bloodstream and
  36. Communicative, social and helpful. However, they can also be cold, superficial , vicious and very insensitive to other people's emotions. Ceremonial magic The
  37. By several lines of research, including Acts showing larger effects of a, superficial ,needle penetrating acupuncture than those of a nonpenetrating sham control
  38. The tumor. Immunotherapy with BCG prevents recurrence in up to 67 % of cases of, superficial ,bladder cancer. BCG also finds use for immunotherapy of colorectal cancer and
  39. Diabetics psychotherapists may have been able to deal with very light and, superficial ,incidents (e.g. an incident that reminds you of a moment of loss),but with
  40. Due to the transfer of the seismic motion from hard deep soils to soft, superficial ,soils and to effects of seismic energy focalization owing to typical
  41. Of newspaper horoscopes and New Age philosophies. While astrology may bear a, superficial ,resemblance to science, it is a pseudoscience because it makes little attempt
  42. Underneath the cell membrane Anatomy * Cortex (anatomy),the outermost or, superficial ,layer of an organ * Cortex (hair),the middle layer of a strand of hair
  43. Found on the riverbank earlier, perhaps before the dredging, and buried in a, superficial ,sand layer at a later time. The sheriff of Cowling County proposed that Cooper
  44. Could be found in Russia's past. His knowledge of Russian history was very, superficial ,and laced with a romantic sentimentalism. While accusing the West of
  45. Examination reveals they are unrelated. Thus, for example, on the basis of, superficial ,similarities one might suppose that the Latin verb Hagar and German haven
  46. Their private grief to their neighbors, and conversations tend to be, superficial , Room returns to the theme at the end of the novel, after the epidemic is over
  47. Members. While the churches originating in the Second Great Awakening have some, superficial ,similarities, their doctrine and practices vary significantly. Cultural
  48. Dogmatic theology. It is a marked characteristic of his that he sees only, superficial ,and transient disagreement where others find a fundamental opposition. He is
  49. Kind of solid tissue but most frequently on skin surface (where they may be, superficial ,pustules (boils) or deep skin abscesses),in the lungs, brain,teeth
  50. And, in turn, reciprocate connections from other cortical areas that project to, superficial ,EC. The rodent entorhinal cortex shows a modular organization, with different

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