Examples of the the word, scholarship , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Peoples and languages. The use of a single official language, which modern, scholarship ,has dubbed Official Aramaic or Imperial Aramaic, can be assumed to have greatly
  2. Of science. There has also been a web page created that is dedicated to Wallace, scholarship , Awards, honours, and memorials *Among the many awards presented to Wallace
  3. Only be half-happiness in society. Loss and preservation of his works Modern, scholarship ,reveals that Aristotle's" lost" works stray considerably in characterization
  4. Gay underground and camp culture, and continue to feature prominently in, scholarship ,about sexuality and art. Blue Movie – a film in which Warhol superstar Viva
  5. By abbreviations of their Latin titles; Latin remains a customary language of, scholarship ,in classical studies. * The Clouds (Defeat; Latin:); original 423 BC
  6. Have therefore turned to public records for what details we know. In later, scholarship ,Antoninus in many ways was the ideal of the landed gentleman praised not only
  7. Competitive academic environments only those individuals who have engaged in, scholarship ,are deemed to have anything worthwhile to say, or do. It suggests that
  8. His work and shaped his relationship to the art world is a major subject of, scholarship ,on the artist and is an issue that Warhol himself addressed in interviews, in
  9. Of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA) has called certain, scholarship ,ethically dangerous. The AAA's current 'Statement of Professional
  10. Election found in the Old Testament and Jewish law. Indeed, most biblical, scholarship ,is in agreement that Judeo-Greco-Roman thought in the 1st century was opposite
  11. Symptoms of a nervous breakdown. He left Oxford University in 1746,before his, scholarship ,ended. In Book V of The Wealth of Nations, Smith comments on the low quality of
  12. Near Eastern traditions was seen with some skepticism in classical 19th century, scholarship , Authors like A. Mann (Ky pros UND her Ur sprung DES Aphroditekultes 1881)
  13. Three palaces (for seasonal occupation) built for him. Although more recent, scholarship ,doubts this status, his father, said to be King Śuddhodana, wishing for his son
  14. Baroque as a respectable study until Wölfflin's influence had made German, scholarship ,pre-eminent. Expressionism is often compared to Baroque. A difference between
  15. To an imperative for social justice. In the 19th century, Anglican biblical, scholarship ,began to assume a distinct character, represented by the so-called" Cambridge
  16. Copenhagen entrance examination in 1896,and passed with distinction. He won a, scholarship ,to the University and majored in mathematics, and also studied astronomy
  17. For the abolition of corporal punishment at the school. He won a classics, scholarship ,to Christ Church, Oxford. He served as an officer in the Welsh Guards during
  18. It was only in the early 13th century that these concepts, transmitted via the, scholarship ,of the Arabic world, were introduced into Europe by. Algorithm comprises all of
  19. Outstanding contributions to the profession through contribution to research, scholarship , public service or professional standing to the good of architecture in Canada
  20. To say, or do. It suggests that individuals who have not engaged in such, scholarship ,are cranks. Steven Zhang of the Cornell Daily Sun has described the graduates
  21. Proposed, an explanation deemed" unlikely" by Jamar Frisk. 19th century, scholarship ,also connected the term to the ethnonym Amazing. Among Classical Greeks, amazon
  22. Is still there. Other relics were claimed by York, Glastonbury and Full. His, scholarship ,and importance to Catholicism were recognized in 1899 when he was declared a
  23. Annals d'history economize et social, which remains the main source of, scholarship , along with many books and monographs. The school has been highly influential
  24. After three years of increasingly independent studies there he got a, scholarship ,to go to continue his studies in Paris in 1948 Initially, Grothendieck attended
  25. Of ancient Israel and Judah of the 10th to 7th centuries BC is disputed in, scholarship , The Biblical account of the 8th to 7th centuries is widely, but not
  26. And interpret these in light of the Christian tradition of the historic church, scholarship , reason and experience. Anglicans celebrate the traditional sacraments, with
  27. Silence, and the trees can be seen from nearby NASA Road One. *Roger B. Chaffee, scholarship ,fund in Grand Rapids, MI each year in memory of Roger Chaffee honors one
  28. Population with a strong beer culture. In the same year, Hawke accepted a, scholarship ,to undertake doctoral studies in the area of arbitration law in the law
  29. Wrote of Housman's scholar's accomplishments:" The legacy of Housman's, scholarship ,is a thing of permanent value; and that value consists less in obvious results
  30. Peter's square. In this homily,Autpert's death date is given as 784 (older, scholarship ,had given a date between 778 and 779). Abu Bakr (Abdullah in Abi Quaff) (
  31. Ed. 1999) *The Poems of A. E. Housman, ed. Archie Burnett (1997) Classical, scholarship ,’M. Mani lii Astronomical (1903–1930; 2nd ed. 1937; 5 vols.) *D. Unit
  32. In mathematics and English literature. His performance earned him a, scholarship ,to Owens College, Manchester (what was later to become the University of
  33. School and Trinity College, Cambridge,where he studied on a mathematics, scholarship , While there, he edited and wrote for Grant, a student magazine. He
  34. Honors in 1902. Based on his performance at Owens College, he was awarded a, scholarship ,to the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) in 1902. His tutor at
  35. Fleming went to London Moor School and Marvel School, and earned a two-year, scholarship ,to Kilmarnock Academy before moving to London, where he attended the Royal
  36. Students were enrolled in schools. What Afghanistan needs is NATO supported, scholarship ,programs to take the massive number of students abroad so that when they return
  37. Aristotle's views on the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval, scholarship , and their influence extended well into the Renaissance, although they were
  38. Shine ". A number of speculative non-Greek etymologies have been suggested in, scholarship , The connection to Phoenician religion claimed by Herodotus I.105,131) has led
  39. Initiatives such as the Irish experiment and more recently, international, scholarship , programs. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the game spread with the
  40. To the Promised Land and the period of Judges are not considered historical in, scholarship , Regarding the New Testament, the setting being the Roman Empire period in the
  41. Peoples and languages. The use of a single official language, which modern, scholarship ,has dubbed Official Aramaic or Imperial Aramaic, can be assumed to have greatly
  42. Of scholarly interest in Rand, the most recent of which is" an explosion of, scholarship ," in the 2000s. However, few universities currently include Rand or Objectives
  43. Particularly in human resource development. And Russia is still offering more, scholarship ,in key sectors such as health, which is currently experiencing a critical
  44. The English" were the first settlers of Anguilla under British rule, recent, scholarship , focused on Anguilla offers a more nuanced view. It emphasizes the significance
  45. Origin A non-Greek origin of the name of Apollo has long been assumed in, scholarship , The stones which were found in front of the gates of Homeric Troy were the
  46. Any field not offered locally, such as medicine, they are provided with a full, scholarship ,to study abroad. Sports Football is the most popular sport in Botswana. Other
  47. Society but simply replaced a distant government with a local one. More recent, scholarship ,pioneered by historians such as Bernard Daily, Gordon Wood, and Edmund Morgan
  48. Of Constantinople in 1453 had threatened the importance and survival of Greek, scholarship , but publications such as those by the Aldine Press secured it. Erasmus was one
  49. Speculative etymologies, many of them non-Greek, have been suggested in, scholarship , Yet Wanda (2010) considers the connection with" foam" genuine, identifying
  50. Attended Montclair State College before entering Columbia University on a, scholarship ,from the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Paterson. While at Columbia

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