Examples of the the word, adjustment , in a Sentence Context
The word ( adjustment ), is the 2828 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As of March 1998,Cameroon's fifth IMF program — a 3-year enhanced structural, adjustment ,program approved in August 1997 — is on track. Cameroon has rescheduled its
- The front sight is a post adjustable for elevation in the field. Wind age, adjustment ,is done by the armory before issue. The battle setting places the round within
- There is this disadvantage: the image on the focusing-screen and the correct, adjustment ,of the photographic sensitive plate are not in register; in astronomical
- Such instances the behavior is not" owned" by the individual. #Psychological, adjustment ,exists when the concept of the self is such that all the sensory and visceral
- Training is confined to classrooms with much time spent learning theory, adjustment , and marketing. The curriculum content of North American chiropractic and
- The same techniques (and major circuit components) also make possible the, adjustment ,of display image rotation, skew,and other complex raster geometry parameters
- That could be substituted seamlessly into the big league club with little or no, adjustment , Elaborations on the Oriole way include pitching coach and manager Ray Miller
- Direction, and the elevation needed to reach the target, and the method of, adjustment ,or orders for fire for effect (FFE). However, in more advanced artillery units
- Comes after a decade of negative or low growth. This is attributed to fiscal, adjustment ,measures aimed at improving public financing, as well as reforms in port
- Between the disputant towns. Citizens displaced by the resulting border, adjustment ,were given land elsewhere as compensation. In 1779,New Penna cook Plantation
- What methods should be used, for example, converged or distributed, whether, adjustment , is permissible or surprise essential, the need for special procedures such as
- Non-continuous graphics modes and switching modes mid-frame does not cause any, adjustment ,to the counter. Firetruck switches from a non-continuous to a continuous
- Receivers meant that the time base circuits occasionally needed manual, adjustment , The adjustment took the form of horizontal hold and vertical hold controls
- Dosing schemes" in most hospitals, which give guidance on the correct dose and, adjustment ,in case of toxicity. In immunotherapy, they are in principle used in smaller
- With hydraulic devices that control inlet orifice size, allowing for dynamic, adjustment ,during the process, or modification for different substances. The surface of
- To fire the gun at any close target without adjusting the sights. The field, adjustment ,procedure for AK-47,AKM and AK-74 family requires 4 rounds to be placed in a
- Treatment techniques Spinal manipulation, which chiropractors call" spinal, adjustment ," or" chiropractic adjustment ", is the most common treatment used in
- Set targets of annual 5 % growth and 25 % inflation for 2000-2001. Structural, adjustment ,programs with the World Bank and IMF and interest-free credits to support
- Lacked multiplier and voltage adjustment s, and could run only 133 MHz FSB the, adjustment ,could have been made by wire-modding the CPU socket by connecting adjacent CPU
- Buttons on left and right sides of case, pinball launch button and field, adjustment ,sliders on top, light gun, uses a MOS Technology MPS 7600-004 chip. #Telstar
- Case, there is no assurance that it can be made to do so again by service or, adjustment , Therefore, discs with capacities larger than 650 MiB, and especially those
- And previous expectations. This error- adjustment is also called" partial, adjustment , " The theory of adaptive expectations can be applied to all previous periods
- In LCD's). Both types of effect, if needed, are made by appearance-oriented, adjustment ,of the reflection model. Visual perception Though it receives less attention
- Score, known as" push" or" standoff ", bets are normally returned without, adjustment ,; however, a blackjack beats any hand which is not a blackjack, even with value
- Economic growth in recent years as a result of achievements in macroeconomic, adjustment ,efforts. Fiscal adjustment measures included downsizing the civil service
- At specific points on the screen, typically near the corners or edges. Further, adjustment ,of dynamic convergence and purity typically cannot be done passively, but
- CPUs, like their mobile K6+ predecessors, were also capable of dynamic clock, adjustment ,for power optimization. When the system is idle, the CPU clocks itself down
- Sets a tuning guide consisting of a phosphor tube was used to aid the tuning, adjustment , This was also known as a" Magic Eye" or" Tuning Eye ". Tuning would be
- At all levels. These are caused by many factors: *Incorrect bicycle fit or, adjustment , particularly the saddle. *Too many hills, or too many miles, too early in the
- But throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaptation of custom, and, adjustment , of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. ” Rabbi Dr.
- Standing Energy-efficient means of standing bipedally involve constant, adjustment ,of balance, and of course these must avoid overcorrection. The difficulties
- Tubing for each valve usually features a short tuning slide of its own for fine, adjustment ,of the valve's tuning, except when it is too short to make this practicable.
- With a fixed number of decimal places that do not then require this, adjustment ,— particularly financial applications where 2 or 4 digits after the decimal
- To work decreased risk of mortality in approximately 40 % after multivariate, adjustment , including leisure time physical activity ". Injuries (to cyclists, from
- Manipulation, which chiropractors call" spinal adjustment " or" chiropractic, adjustment ,", is the most common treatment used in chiropractic care. More generally
- Physical properties (such as expansion or rapid reaction) are obtained by, adjustment ,of the availability of calcium and sulfate ions. Their use as a low-energy
- Tropical zodiac used in Western (Hellenistic) astrology in that an Alabama, adjustment ,is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. Hindu astrology
- By the value of the second (leftmost) digit, which is always one. This, adjustment ,is termed a carry of the value one. The process for multiplying two arbitrary
- Predicted methods were invariably applied but the fall of shot usually needed, adjustment ,because of inaccuracy in locating the target, the proximity of friendly troops
- Gnomon. In Lace daemon, he participated in the construction, or at least in the, adjustment , of sundials to indicate solstices and equinoxes. Indeed, a noon required
- I. " In 1916,the Russians conducted their first registration point shoot: the, adjustment ,of fire onto one target to identify inaccuracy, then switching to another while
- On both legs. In most bipeds this is an active process, requiring constant, adjustment ,of balance. # Walking. One foot in front of another, with at least one foot on
- Transactions, diversify exports, and reform the coffee industry. IMF structural, adjustment ,programs in Burundi were suspended following the outbreak of the crisis in
- Itself is not in any way actual law, it is used by the town council, board of, adjustment , and other committees to guide decision-making as to what types of development
- Of digits. If an individual product of a pair of digits exceeds nine, the carry, adjustment ,increases the result of any subsequent multiplication from digits to the left
- Meant that the time base circuits occasionally needed manual adjustment . The, adjustment ,took the form of horizontal hold and vertical hold controls, usually on the
- Each other, it can be difficult to sync the two records perfectly, so manual, adjustment ,of the records is necessary to maintain the beat synchronization. # Before
- Machiavelli and the 19th-century German Friedrich Nietzsche); satisfaction and, adjustment , as in pragmatism (20th-century American philosophers Ralph Barton Perry and
- Primarily with the detection and correction of vertebral subluxation via, adjustment ,and do not" mix" other types of therapies into their practice style. Although
- Another playing range. As such, triggers and throws and are designed for speedy, adjustment ,while playing. Trigger is used in two senses: *A trigger can be a mechanical
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