Examples of the the word, compliment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compliment ), is the 7064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Kissinger, his bureaucratic adversary, would later pay him a different sort of, compliment , pronouncing him Private career (1977–2000) Academia In early 1977 Rumsfeld
  2. By RAG Ammeter. *Cartridge, Tracer,DM21 (Germany): 5.56×45 mm tracer, compliment ,to DM11,also produced by RAG Ammeter. *Cartridge, Ball,L2A1 (United Kingdom
  3. Been welcomed by the country as allied Muslim soldiers and the Emirate soldiers, compliment ,the Afghan hospitality they encounter. Protests from Kabul arose when the
  4. Rayburn might show disdain to an answer such as" fingers" or" bag" and, compliment ,an answer such as" rear end" or" boobs," often also commenting on the
  5. Support detailed intellectual readings. He may also have intended an elaborate, compliment ,to James's belief in the divine right of kings, although this hypothesis
  6. Community and the development of strong ethical and normative frameworks to, compliment ,legal and regulatory measures that are being developed by states. Biosecurity
  7. Visits an outpost, the men are not to stand to their Arms or pay him any, compliment , ‘ clearly aware he would be singled out. Strategy, tactics and organization
  8. By Roadway Green. *Cartridge, Tracer,L1A1 (United Kingdom): 5.56×45 mm tracer, compliment ,to L2A1,also produced by Roadway Green. *Cartridge, Caliber 5.56 mm, Ball,M193
  9. Seventies pomp. When compared to Yes, Genesis and ELP, they would take it as a, compliment , The Eighties have seen some odd phenomena. But none quite as odd as Million.
  10. Game sensei at the time Shinnied was created. The study of karate is meant to, compliment ,the study of Shinnied itself, and is most often taken up by Shinnied students
  11. Seat" on the album American III: Solitary Man, seemingly repaying Cave for the, compliment ,he paid by covering Cash's" The Singer" ( originally" The Folk Singer" )
  12. For composers to borrow from one another, and this might be considered a, compliment , Though Clementi noted in subsequent publications of his sonata that it had
  13. In other times, Venus was understood to be the consort of Vulcan. Virgil, in, compliment , to his patron Augustus and the gens Julia, made Venus, whom Julius Caesar had
  14. The table. Both techniques typically feature accompanying flavorful sauces to, compliment ,the meat. Raw beef Steak tartare is a French dish made from finely chopped or
  15. Of Frontline. Mike detests his act but is required to laugh uproariously and, compliment ,it on air every week. In 2 episodes, he was fired at Mike's request. Special
  16. Insensitive and in bad taste. Berlusconi retorted that he had merely wanted to, compliment ,Italian women. Other critics accused him of creating a" police state ". On 3
  17. Unacceptable by most standards. Pharaoh's eyes are always amber, and should, compliment ,the coat color. They are born with blue eyes, which change to a light gold or
  18. Other brownies left households or farms because they heard a complaint, or a, compliment , People who saw the fairies were advised not to look closely, because they
  19. Insult). The phrase" sick cunt" or" mad cunt" is sometimes used as a, compliment ,by such subgroups as surfers or the metal/hardcore music scene, although the
  20. In conventional goals ... It's a term of derision and also the ultimate, compliment , " Fred Shapiro thinks that" the common theory that 'hacker' originally was a
  21. Want to compare The Flintstones to The Honeymooners, then great. It's a total, compliment , The Honeymooners were one of the greatest shows ever written. " Before
  22. Eakins gave us, but which for a time was lost. ” Hopper considered this a high, compliment ,since he considered Eakins the greatest American painter. Hopper scholar
  23. And modest character, becoming exceedingly happy when she receives the smallest, compliment , Catherine's character grows throughout the novel, as she gradually becomes a
  24. Without permission. He has been quoted as saying," Apparently, the highest, compliment ,our culture grants artists nowadays is to be in an ad — ideally, naked and
  25. Human being of our age" and the" era's the most perfect man. " Sartre would also, compliment ,Che Guevara by professing that" he lived his words, spoke his own actions and
  26. Any damn video he wants! " And Basis adds that Lemma" rules," the highest, compliment ,that the two are known to pay to an artist. Lemma made an appearance in the
  27. 2nd ed., p. 230):" To describe something as clever is NOT considered a, compliment ,in the Python culture. " Python's philosophy rejects the Perl" there is more
  28. Tammany boss John Kelly lunged at the platform, screaming that he welcomed the, compliment , On the first ballot, Cleveland led the field with 392 votes, more than 150
  29. Host. In America a guest is expected to eat all the food given to them, as a, compliment ,to the quality of the cooking. However, it is still considered polite to offer
  30. Died 1568). The name Edward, unique in the de Var family, was perhaps a, compliment ,to the young King Edward VI, who bestowed a 'standing cup gilt' at Oxford's
  31. Positive response, and thanks Weber for his translation. Weber translates this, compliment ,also. According to Drum, after this first successful delivery," Kennedy, who
  32. Had to allow odes and sonnets, poems of personal feeling, occasional pieces of, compliment , to be collected and emended, without lifting a voice in the matter. A few
  33. Renowned financial organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, also, compliment , the resilience of the South Korean economy against various economic crises
  34. Flavor will completely overpower a simple seafood gumbo, but is the perfect, compliment ,to a gumbo using chicken, sausage,crawfish or alligator. A light roux, on the
  35. Officials marched out," Pomp and Circumstance" March No. 1. Elgar repaid the, compliment ,by dedicating the Introduction and Allegro to Sanford later that year. The tune
  36. Was impressed that she was the subject of a hit song and Davis considered it a, compliment , writing to both Barnes and the songwriters, and accepting the gift of gold and
  37. The lofty mountain, discovered in the afternoon by the third lieutenant, and in, compliment ,to him called by me Mount Baker, rose a very conspicuous object ... apparently
  38. However, was baptized at Kherson, taking the Christian name of Basil out of, compliment ,to his imperial brother-in-law; the sacrament was followed by his wedding with
  39. Soon expanded into designing his own, which began his work as a sculptor as a, compliment ,to his painting. After experimenting with pottery and dishes he moved into
  40. A happy bride, the wait is even more difficult. Pinkerton thanks her for the, compliment ,but cuts her off as she continues to make others. Butterfly tells Pinkerton and
  41. Are required to salute first, and the senior member is obliged to return the, compliment , Protocol dictates that the Monarch, members of the Royal Family, the
  42. Of expression through color. The name was given, humorously and not as a, compliment , to the group by art critic Louis Nacelles. Fauvism was a short-lived and
  43. And Fanny Dash wood. Lucy sees her invitation to the Dash woods' as a personal, compliment , rather than what it is, a slight to Elinor. In the false confidence of their
  44. Most notably by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. These approaches, compliment ,the first wave, awareness-raising tools by giving governments facing public
  45. On Leon Batista Alberti's De re aedificatoria, was named" Sforzando" in, compliment ,to his patron; its twelve-pointed shape, circumscribable by a" perfect "
  46. In which you, their kings and lords, stand ”. It may be that this is a papal, compliment , rather than a description of the relationship between the kingdoms. It also
  47. The girl that played that Klingon was really great! ", which Dawson took as a, compliment , During the fourth season of the show, Roxann became pregnant with her first
  48. Article called him" Midas" in a derogatory fashion, which Mulligan took as a, compliment , *Judge Narragansett is an American jurist who ruled in favor of Midas Mulligan
  49. Once on Miles referred to Rand as" the most courageous man in America," a, compliment ,that particularly pleased her because he said" man" instead of" woman. "

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