Examples of the the word, bradley , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bradley ), is the 7063 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Strother from: 1965 till: 1966 color: NORAD text:" Dean C. Brother" bar:, bradley , from: 1962 till: 1965 color: general text:" Mark E. Bradley" bar: McConnell
  2. Color: TGB bar: Bradley from: 12/03/1945 till: 19/09/1950 color: gen bar:, bradley , from: 20/09/1950 till: 05/08/1953 color: GA text:" Omar N. Bradley" bar:
  3. Bar: Patton bar: Spaatz bar: Buckner bar: Richardson bar: Greendale bar:, bradley , bar: young bar: Baker bar: Rupert bar: Simpson bar: smith bar: Sutherland bar:
  4. Of Ashworth" /> In 1666 he founded two almshouses at Ashworth. Name" Dr, bradley ," /> He resigned from his livings in 1672 and died on 10 October 1673. Notes
  5. Branch were abandoned, ending practically all service on the IR. Name, bradley , /> name Keenan /> The final operation, Indianapolis to Seymour, was
  6. Bar: Spaatz from: 1945 till: 1948 color: general text:" Carl A. Spaatz" bar:, bradley , from: 1945 till: 1948 color: joint bar: Bradley from: 1948 till: 1949 color:
  7. Bar: williammckee bar: Sweeney bar: Schriver bar: Gerhard bar: brother bar:, bradley , bar: McConnell bar: lee bar: smart bar: Kelly bar: display bar: Harris bar:
  8. From: 01/06/1943 till: 10/03/1945 color: LTG text:" Lloyd R. Greendale" bar:, bradley , from: 02/06/1943 till: 11/03/1945 color: TGB bar: Bradley from: 12/03/1945
  9. Somervell bar: McCartney bar: divers bar: Kenney bar: markclark bar: Spaatz bar:, bradley , bar: handy bar: Patton bar: Hodges bar: wainwright bar: clay bar: lawtoncollins
  10. Congleton takes a strong mark in front of an Indian opponent Image: Richard, bradley , high mark New Zealand. JPG|New Zealand's Richard Bradley takes a high mark
  11. R. Greendale" bar: Bradley from: 02/06/1943 till: 11/03/1945 color: TGB bar:, bradley , from: 12/03/1945 till: 19/09/1950 color: gen bar: Bradley from: 20/09/1950 till
  12. Text:" Carl A. Spaatz" bar: Bradley from: 1945 till: 1948 color: joint bar:, bradley , from: 1948 till: 1949 color: CSA bar: Bradley from: 1949 till: 1953 color: CCS
  13. 1945 till: 1948 color: joint bar: Bradley from: 1948 till: 1949 color: CSA bar:, bradley , from: 1949 till: 1953 color: CCS text:" Omar N. Bradley" bar: handy from:

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