Examples of the the word, saturate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( saturate ), is the 7444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In a number of convenient forms (tablets or solution) may be used to, saturate ,the thyroid gland's ability to take up further iodine, and thus protect
  2. That it breaks up the gas into many tiny bubbles. The purpose of sparking is to, saturate ,the enclosed liquid with the gas, often to displace another gaseous component.
  3. Of sodium hydroxide. The salt separated from the caustic brine can be used to, saturate ,diluted brine. The chlorine contains oxygen and is purified by liquefaction and
  4. A botnet. Other floods may use specific packet types or connection requests to, saturate ,finite resources by, for example, occupying the maximum number of open
  5. Sufficient power to force NEAR Shoemaker to shut down to prevent damage and to, saturate ,instruments on Bedpost, WIND and RATE. On May 29, 2008,NASA's Spitzer
  6. Begin to appear - this is known as the" loading time," the time required to, saturate ,the palladium electrode with hydrogen. The Fleischman and Pons early findings
  7. Several coats are necessary on the inside and outside. The last step is to, saturate ,concrete or polyester domes with a thin layer of epoxy compound to shed water.
  8. Of spectrum available is 5 MHz in each direction. A standard UMTS system would, saturate ,that spectrum. Where CDMA2000 is deployed, it usually co-exists with UMTS. In
  9. Will dominate the behavior of the electrical resistance which causes it to, saturate ,to a constant value. Matthiessen's Rule (first formulated by Augustus
  10. Limited by the power available from the power supply. An amplifier will, saturate ,and clip the output if the input signal becomes too large for the amplifier to
  11. Speakers are located in clusters at each of the seven sites. Designed to, saturate ,the area, the speakers are installed at the radio base maintenance shop, guided
  12. Effect. The soils are not susceptible too much infiltration, so that they, saturate ,quickly which contributes to surface runoff. The flow rate grows very quickly
  13. Observed launching from the Sun. Some of these launch particle events can, saturate ,the cameras with snow-like artifacts. Also, visible in the corona graphs are
  14. Help the product stay on the lips. The idea behind lip stains is to temporarily, saturate ,the lips with a dye, rather than covering them with a colored wax. Usually
  15. Air core is likely to be used. Inductors wound around a ferromagnetic core may, saturate ,at high currents, causing a dramatic decrease in inductance (and Q). This
  16. Another example is the Gompers curve. It is used in modeling systems that, saturate ,at large values of t. Another example is the ogre curve as used in the spillway
  17. Its increased" saturation" voltage. The output transistor is not allowed to, saturate ,(i.e. its base-collector junction must remain reverse-biased) because the
  18. Above the water table (the zero gauge pressure isobar) by capillary action to, saturate ,a small zone above the fanatic surface (the capillary fringe) at less than
  19. Flattening At sufficiently high concentrations, the absorption bands will, saturate ,and show absorption flattening. The absorption peak appears to flatten because
  20. Had been involved in the hunt for the killer since 1982 — suggested a plan to, saturate ,all larger stations in the Rostov Oblast with an obvious uniformed police
  21. Changes in NI. For a closed magnetic circuit (no air gap) most core materials, saturate ,at a magneto motive force of roughly 800 ampere-turns per meter of flux path.
  22. Artillery systems such as the MLRS or BM-30 Smirch launch multiple rockets to, saturate ,battlefield targets with munitions. Economically, rocketry is the enabler of
  23. Resistance. The base resistors have to be low enough to make the transistors, saturate ,in the end of the restoration (RB < β. RC). Initial power-up When the circuit
  24. There is less of a restriction on size (caliber). The MLRS can be used to, saturate ,a large area with sub-munitions. " Sinatra Doctrine" was the name that the
  25. To life. Crystals utilizes using clathrate-forming gases that penetrate and, saturate ,the biological tissues causing elaborate hydrates formation (under specific
  26. Tubes for example, in an area with direct sunlight. It may also be used to, saturate ,other types material such as soil to increase heat capacity. *Clay Brick, Adobe
  27. Transfer involves choosing suitable frequency offsets and pulse shapes to, saturate ,the bound spins sufficiently strongly, within the safety limits of specific
  28. In the past. Since e-mail is so cheap to send, a tiny number of spammers can, saturate ,the Internet with junk mail. Although only a tiny percentage of their targets
  29. The increase in drive throughput; the percentage of host CPU time required to, saturate ,a given number of drives has decreased. For instance, under 100 % usage of a
  30. Innovative process, invented in Europe about 1905,involved using hot oil to, saturate ,the area of the envelope where the address would appear. The treated area
  31. And combine, although rods are mostly active in very poorly lit conditions and, saturate ,in broad daylight, while cones function in brighter lighting because they are
  32. Clothing under the stream of water entering and filling the drum, to rapidly, saturate ,the clothes with water. Front-loading washers are mechanically simple compared
  33. The satellite transponder. A single FM signal is constant amplitude, so it can, saturate ,a transponder without distortion. Field orders An NTSC" frame" consists of an
  34. York Times noted, in 2007,that" Hair was one of the last Broadway musicals to, saturate ,the culture as shows from the golden age once regularly did. " In 2004,"
  35. Acid transporter (LN AAT). If phenylalanine is in excess in the blood, it will, saturate ,the transporter. Excessive levels of phenylalanine tend to decrease the levels
  36. Larger force than their 4th Indian Division predecessors they would be able to, saturate ,the German defenses which would as a result be unable to give supporting fire
  37. Material required to produce a fatal overdose to the amount required to, saturate ,cannabinoid receptors and cause intoxication is approximately 40,000:1. It is
  38. Bit OS. # Bandwidth throttling to limit the speed of responses in order to not, saturate ,the network and to be able to serve more clients. # Server-side scripting to
  39. Of alcohol from Canada, down Lake Michigan, to the shores of Lake Bluff to, saturate ,the streets of Chicago. Knoll wood, an unincorporated residential neighborhood
  40. Interaction in which increased synaptic concentrations of a serotonin agonist, saturate ,all receptor subtypes.; Spectrum concept A postulated ‘ spectrum concept’ of
  41. Sender address is forged, the response never comes. These half-open connections, saturate ,the number of available connections the server is able to make, keeping it from
  42. Of semiconductor materials. The source enters these nanoliters and begins to, saturate ,it. Once supersaturation is reached, the source solidifies and grows outward
  43. Thiopental has a long Context Sensitive Half Time (CSHT),meaning infusions, saturate ,peripheral compartments (fat, muscle etc.). When the infusion is stopped, the
  44. Economy would be substantial. Semiconductor industry Hydrogen is employed to, saturate ,broken (" dangling" ) bonds of amorphous silicon and amorphous carbon that
  45. Color/saturation machine: The purpose of a color/saturation machine is to, saturate ,the piece with color, as well as blend colors. It uses the largest of the
  46. Most dangerous threat modality - namely, in massive quantities intended to, saturate ,and overwhelm their targets' defenses. Given that the cost of a single
  47. This is not true for alcohol, however. Typical doses of alcohol actually, saturate ,the enzymes' capacity, so that alcohol is removed from the bloodstream at an
  48. The canopy: the tallest trees in the system. Large trees dominate but do not, saturate ,the area,i.e. there exist patches barren of trees. # Low tree layer: dwarf
  49. They all belonged to the" Seventy Disciples" who were sent out by Jesus to, saturate ,Judea with the gospel (Luke 10:1ff. ). However, when Jesus explained that His
  50. The inverting input (V-),the high gain of the op-amp causes the output to, saturate ,at the highest positive voltage it can output. When the non-inverting input (

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