Examples of the the word, idle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( idle ), is the 7445 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Union Army. At Fredericksburg in December 1862,his division mostly sat, idle , During the winter, the I Corps was reorganized and Doubleday assumed command
  2. After 1979. Due to the costs of owning an expensive custom vehicle that sits, idle ," 80 to 90 percent of the week "
  3. In banks in a condition known as the liquidity trap. However, banks with large, idle ,funds are usually preferred to widespread defaults. In the case of Greece, some
  4. Chain saws, go-karts and model helicopters. It allows the engine to start and, idle ,without driving the device but automatically and smoothly engages the drive as
  5. Of instruction pipe lining led to the development of a method that decreases the, idle ,time of CPU components even further. Designs that are said to be super scalar
  6. And lending of additional available funds. Rather, the additional funds may sit, idle ,in banks in a condition known as the liquidity trap. However, banks with large
  7. Variations into the information transmitted. The term can also imply that the, idle ,chat or news is of personal or trivial nature, as opposed to normal
  8. Asked for forgiveness of the King and state, while keeping up his" crosses and, idle ,ceremonies ", and aided by the hangman began to climb the ladder to the noose.
  9. Reduce driveling vibration, pre-dampers may be used to reduce gear rattle at, idle ,by changing the natural frequency of the disc. These weaker springs are
  10. Twelve-hour workday, Hesse pursued his own work further, and he spent his long, idle ,Sundays with books rather than friends. Hesse studied theological writings and
  11. Devices, will feature a lightweight Link Layer providing ultra-low power, idle ,mode operation, simple device discovery, and reliable point-to-multipoint data
  12. The Morals of Chess" ( 1750),wrote:" The Game of Chess is not merely an, idle ,amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of
  13. Bronze Age artifacts that later went missing. After this scandal, the site lay, idle ,until September 12, 1993,when investigations began under the leadership of Ian
  14. Available. With this extra processing power, computers would sometimes sit, idle , without jobs to run. Programming languages in the batch programming era tended
  15. The arena without dying. Bubbles will fire automatically if the player remains, idle , After clearing the arena, the next round begins with a new pattern of bubbles
  16. Always use several types of storage when operational (and implied several when, idle ,). Different types may significantly differ in their properties, and the
  17. Which occasions the guests were to abstain from quarrels, slanderous talk and, idle ,gossiping. The ordinary attire of the abbot was according to rule to be the
  18. Anchor, introduced a pivot where the arms join the shank, allowing the ", idle ," arm to fold against the shank. Handling and stowage of these anchors requires
  19. Institute raised the question of why most of the STARS fleet was sitting, idle ,instead of being used to track insurgents in Afghanistan. Thompson states that
  20. Time to time strongly upbraided the Prince for showing tendencies towards the, idle ,pleasure-seeking dilettantism of his predecessor as Prince of Wales, King
  21. DESCALE Project, led by Rock Verse, Matt Curtis, and Justin Dose, using, idle , cycles of thousands of computers across the Internet. The feasibility of
  22. His lectures at the LSE in book form as Prices and Production. Unemployment and, idle ,resources are, for Keynes, due to a lack of effective demand; for Hayek, they
  23. Personality, radically breaking with past traditions. With elaborate dress and, idle , decadent styles of life, French Bohemian dandies sought to convey contempt for
  24. Rebellion, Europeans put more steamers on the river. The French, not to sit, idle ,and get rice crumbs, engaged the Chinese in war over the rule of Vietnam. The
  25. And of the role that testimony plays a part in epistemology. This was not an, idle ,concern for Hume. Depending on its outcome, the entire treatment would give the
  26. To endure delays, yet have consumed four or five years in a flattering hope of, idle ,words. But now, having received this comfortable message of furtherance &
  27. WSU)," are you? " (RU),a reserved device control (DC0),synchronous, idle ,(SYNC),and acknowledge (ACK). These were positioned to maximize the
  28. The proven low power connection models of Bluetooth are used when the system is, idle , and the faster radio is used when large quantities of data need to be sent.;
  29. In order to assess a culture of the past. In Khan often criticized ", idle ,superstition and uncritical acceptance of historical data. " As a result, he
  30. The word assumed the meaning of a person, mostly a woman, one who delights in, idle ,talk, a news monger, a tattler. In the early 19th century, the term was extended
  31. Social and political life such as the religious right, Ronald Reagan and the, idle ,rich. The band continued touring all over the United States, as well as Europe
  32. Victor is not victorious if the vanquished does not consider himself so" " The, idle ,mind knows not what it wants. "" Amicus Cetus in re insert century. " - (
  33. And declared that in three days time she would clasp him in her arms. It was no, idle ,vision, for after three days the acute pain of his injury brought his end.
  34. Of AIM. The status of the buddies can be seen as" online "," away ",", idle ,"," mobile ", or " offline ". * Direct connection: AIM users can, instead of
  35. Audio amplifiers. The power consumption is unrelated to the output power. At, idle ,(no input),the power consumption is essentially the same as at high output
  36. The story, allowing only space enough in the final chapters to excoriate the, idle ,upper class and allow the erstwhile schoolgirls, in their earliest maturity, too
  37. To the college atmosphere and later rued his 14 months there as the" most, idle ,and unprofitable" of his life. Because he himself says so in his autobiography
  38. Freely, then private property would not be justified, but instead becomes an ", idle ,ceremonial ". Hume also believed in unequal distribution of property, because
  39. Of the time that are not often seen today. For example, code 22," synchronous, idle ," (SYN),was originally sent by synchronous modems (which have to send data
  40. Then, a prophet of their own, said,'Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and, idle , gluttons. ' This testimony is true. " The statement by a member of a group that
  41. Two driver changes per car per season" rule meant that some cars had to sit, idle ,while drivers with budgets could not race them (rather than allowing two
  42. Capable of dynamic clock adjustment for power optimization. When the system is, idle , the CPU clocks itself down through a lower bus multiplier and also reduces its
  43. Beech and his wife Olive Ann Mellor Beech. The company began operations in an, idle ,Cessna factory. With designer Ted Wells, they developed the first aircraft
  44. Great detail about what he has seen, and his spiritual mind puffs him up with, idle ,notions. He has lost connection with the Head, from whom the whole body
  45. Ever since: the NULL or BLANK and the DEL code. NULL/BLANK was used as an, idle ,code for when no messages were being sent. Early British Creed machines used
  46. Christmas Day. Unplanned manual re-alignment Later, Lovell used some otherwise, idle ,time to do some navigational sightings, maneuvering the module to view various
  47. Lovers, increasing processor performance has meant that most CPUs sit, idle ,most of the time, with delays caused by predictable bottlenecks such as I/O
  48. d.:: — Alexander Pope:: Whether we find what we are seeking:: is, idle , biologically speaking.:: — Edna St. Vincent Millay (at the end of a sonnet)
  49. He realized that with most printing telegraphs of the period the line is, idle ,for most of the time, apart from the brief intervals when a character is
  50. Handball, football,or hockey; coursing and cock-fighting, or other such, idle ,games. " The modern game grew from English public schools in the early 19th

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