Examples of the the word, said , in a Sentence Context
The word ( said ), is the 12481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Slow section, so he hastily asked Gershwin if he might play the solo; Gershwin, said ,he could, and so he briefly participated in the actual recording. The radio
- Hamlet of Llano, California,in northernmost Los Angeles County. Huxley then, said ,that his sight improved dramatically with the Bates Method and the extreme and
- Fine and almost like a powder ", six and a half hours after landing. Armstrong, said ,that moving in the lunar gravity, one-sixth of Earth's, was " even perhaps
- Rational egoism (rational self-interest),as the guiding moral principle. She, said ,the individual should" exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to
- Of which was the creation of the mythical" philosopher's stone," which was, said ,to be capable of turning base metals into gold or silver, and also act as an
- Was called Luce" because the wild animals which live there are white. It is, said ,that there, in Luce island, reside the souls of Achilles and other heroes, and
- And distinctively authored use of cinematography. Film director Ingram Bergman, said ,of Tchaikovsky: Life Childhood and early life Tchaikovsky was born in the village
- Crews of the D and E missions. Activity, the commander of the D mission, has, said , he was never offered the circular flight, but would probably have turned it
- Foreign debt to less than $5 billion in the end of 2006. The Paris Club, said ,the move reflected Algeria's economic recovery in recent years. Agriculture
- Terminology" NASA" translates as" mercury" and Nagarjunacharya was, said ,to have developed a method to convert the mercury into gold. Much of his
- On the Black Sea, the location of the mythical" White Island" which he was, said ,to inhabit after his death, together with many other heroes. The kings of the
- Head the Union Army. Responding to criticism of Grant after Shiloh, Lincoln had, said ," I can't spare this man. He fights. " With Grant in command, Lincoln felt
- Man in America," a compliment that particularly pleased her because he, said ," man" instead of" woman. " Rand also developed a friendship with libertarian
- Question or is a solution, a retaliation, or a response that is relevant to the, said ,question. In law, an answer was originally a solemn assertion in opposition to
- Put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," while Bad Jinan, said ,that as soon as" the relationship between lord and subject is established
- Litmus paper red. Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are, said ,to be acidic. Common examples of acids include acetic acid (in vinegar)
- Term for the Maghreb after its Berber inhabitants),but their predation was, said ,to extend throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic
- That Douglas represented a conspiracy to extend slavery to free states. Douglas, said ,that Lincoln was defying the authority of the U. S. Supreme Court and the Died
- That all three crewmen had from their vantage point in lunar orbit. Borman, said ," And from the crew of Apollo 8,we close with good night, good luck, a Merry
- That she misinterpreted Kant and exaggerated their differences. In 1976,Rand, said ,that her most important contributions to philosophy were her" theory of
- Are always sp3 hybridized, that is to say that the valence electrons are, said ,to be in four equivalent orbitals derived from the combination of the 2s
- This descentand in many ways strove to be like his great ancestor. He is, said ,to have visited the tomb of Achilles at McMillan while passing Troy. In AD
- Afford. After ten minutes of watching Agassi play, Bollettieri called Mike and, said ,:" Take your check back. He's here for free ", claiming that Agassi had more
- In response to an inquiry about his presidential intentions, Lincoln, said ," The taste is in my mouth a little. " 1860 Presidential nomination and
- And co-author of a UN report detailing this problem, Henning Seinfeld, said ," Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most
- When successful, the aardvark's long (up to) The Egyptian god Set is, said , by some, to have the head of an aardvark, or part aardvark. The main
- Also used by ancient Egyptians to embalm mummies. The Greek historian Herodotus, said ,hot bitumen was used as mortar in the walls of Babylon. In the ancient Far East
- By sons of Apollo. * In Or opus, north of Athens, the oracle Amphibious, was, said , to be the son of Apollo; Or opus also had a sacred spring. * in Lambada, east of
- Asia is substantially different from the overall geographic and the same may be, said ,of many hundreds more agencies across the globe that operate in Asia from
- Because of the influence of lobbyists, of the true powerful entities," he, said , speaking at the Compassion in World Farming annual forum. For example, recent
- Of the century. Then, after talking about what they were flying over, Anders, said ,that the crew had a message for all those on Earth. Each man on board read a
- Pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine, and wrote" Many have, said ,of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not
- And drew a lunar background with the Earth in the distance. NASA officials, said ,the talons of the eagle looked too" warlike" and after some discussion, the
- Texts by which Americans conceive their place in the world ". Lincoln, said ,: Reconstruction began during the war, as Lincoln and his
- Of the Christian Gospels. Of those who indicated a religious preference,59 %, said ,they possessed a" full understanding" of their faith and needed no further
- Spy from Maryland; though he never joined the Confederate army, he is, said ,to have clearly had contacts with the Confederate Secret Service. In 1864
- To perceive other people's actions as meaningful is critical for altruism ", said ,lead study investigator Harold Tankers. Religious viewpoints Most, if not
- Granted the request by turning him into the Cypress named after him, which was, said ,to be a sad tree because the sap forms droplets like tears on the trunk. Apollo
- Rule had to be balanced by constitutional restraints in the American system. He, said ," A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations, and
- Be minimized by minimizing the contact between alkane and water: Alkanes are, said ,to be hydrophobic in that they repel water. Their solubility in nonpolar
- Failed. " * At Panama, in Lucia, there was a seasonal winter oracle of Apollo, said ,to have been the place where the god went from Demos. As at Delphi the oracle
- Achilles' cumulus. Achilles fought and killed the Amazon Helene. Some also, said ,he married Medea, and that after both their deaths they were united in the
- Was asked to offer a prayer, after which Secretary of War Stanton saluted and, said ," Now he belongs to the ages. " Lincoln's flag-enfolded body was then
- The presidency. Speaking in his Kentucky accent, with a very powerful voice, he, said , the Kansas Act had a" declared indifference, but as I must think, a covert
- In Buddhism are outside the opposition between self and other. It is even, said ,that the very distinction between self and other is part of the root cause of
- Zephyrus and struck Hyacinths in the head, killing him instantly. Apollo is, said ,to be filled with grief: out of Hyacinths' blood, Apollo created a flower
- 1913). The Perilous of the Engine Sea gives the following details:" It is, said ,that the goddess Thesis raised this island from the sea, for her son Achilles
- Refuted it directly in a shrewd letter of August 22, 1862. The President, said ,the primary goal of his actions as president (he used the first-person pronoun
- On a personal level, the death of his son Willie in February 1862 is, said ,to have caused Lincoln to look towards religion for answers and solace. After
- Dallas Mavericks, and John P. Mickey, CEO of Whole Foods, among others, have, said , they consider Rand crucial to their success. Rand and her works have been
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