Examples of the the word, travis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( travis ), is the 12490 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. By DQ after Ross wrestled and cursed at the ref for rounds the ref had enough, travis , did land some solid punches that Ross wanted no part of so found a way out.
  2. Their own hovercraft out of plywood, a picnic tablecloth and a leaf blower and, travis , uses science and engineering to create innovative solar race cars. 5. Sound
  3. Playing, but some also encompassing a wide variety of other styles such as, travis , picking,folk and country, flamenco,Latin rhythms, the blues, and rock and
  4. Links * http://www.gatorzone.com/basketball/women/bios.php? Year 1997&bio,Travis, HTML Player Profile for Tiffany Travis Eugen Lindner (11 December 1858
  5. Persue his acting & modeling Career Film Friends & lovers, appeared as, travis , aka Jermaine, directed by Maurice Jamal, Andrew Andrews, appeared as Carl
  6. Ms in 1996 http://www.gatorzone.com/basketball/women/bios.php? Year 1997&bio,Travis, HTML External links * http://www.gatorzone.com/basketball/women/bios.php? Year
  7. Olympian Devin Vargas. Kauffman is now 21-1 with 16 KO's. On December 17th 2010,Travis, fought Ross Thompson and won by DQ after Ross wrestled and cursed at the ref
  8. For many of Travis' first fights & can be clearly seen in the video of a 270lb,Travis, vs a 220lb Keith Sardine at an early extreme challenge event. __TOC__ Mixed

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