Examples of the the word, ornamental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ornamental ), is the 12487 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Culinary uses and their ornamental value; the violet flowers are often used in, ornamental ,dry bouquets. Chives thrive in well drained soil, rich in organic matter, with
  2. Family are grown as ornamental plants for their flowers and some are important, ornamental ,crops for the cut flower industry. Some examples are Chrysanthemum, Gerbera
  3. By people worldwide, are a familiar sight as potted plants, houseplants or in, ornamental ,gardens in warmer climates. They often form part of xerophytic (dry) gardens
  4. It was drained. Craig's original plans included Princes Street Gardens and an, ornamental ,driven through it. The New Town was so successful that it was extended greatly.
  5. As cosmetic uses (e.g. in skin and hair products). Other genera are used as, ornamental ,plants, both succulents such as Aloe, Haworthia and Asteria and perennials
  6. Introduction. The remainder of the species list consists of cultivated food or, ornamental ,species, most grown in exceedingly restricted environments, some consisting of
  7. And its appearance, which includes its color, sheen,smoothness and, ornamental ,features. Other factors include allergenic, speed of drying, resistance to
  8. A crown with a golden band inset with precious stones and decorated with five, ornamental ,leaves. This crown first appeared in the coat of arms to symbolize sovereignty
  9. The protein folding process. It was named after a pattern common to Greek, ornamental ,artwork (see meander (art) ). The β-α-β motif Due to the chirality of their
  10. Native to South Africa are. Uses Aloe species are frequently cultivated as, ornamental ,plants both in gardens and in pots. Many Aloe species are highly decorative and
  11. Wright demonstrated that he was a competent impressionist of Louis Sullivan's, ornamental ,designs and two short interviews later, was an official apprentice in the firm.
  12. Succulent, while the leaves have evolved into spines. Many species are used for, ornamental ,plants, and some are also grown for fodder, forage,fruits, cochineal,and
  13. But sometimes shaped like other swords, such as the Takanashi and tango. Some, ornamental ,broken are decorated with mother-of-pearl work and elaborate carvings. Bout
  14. Cut opposite the layered growth axis. It is often dyed in various colors for, ornamental ,purposes. Certain stones, when examined in thin sections by transmitted light
  15. Systematic and ecological collection includes crop plants, endangered species, ornamental ,plants, roses,and the Never Senckenbergischer Arzneipflanzengarten (New
  16. The market causing a significant reduction of price in recent years. Apart from, ornamental ,uses, synthetic corundum is also used to produce mechanical parts (tubes, rods
  17. Iron. Cultivation Chives are cultivated both for their culinary uses and their, ornamental ,value; the violet flowers are often used in ornamental dry bouquets. Chives
  18. Dating to before 2000 BC, found in a context that suggests it was treated as an, ornamental ,object of great value. Found in a Attic royal tomb dated about 2500 BC, at
  19. To be observed every June 25 throughout the nation by planting trees and, ornamental ,plants and other forms of relevant activities. The necessity to promote a
  20. Black alabaster. Uses The finer kinds of alabaster are employed largely as an, ornamental ,stone, especially for ecclesiastical decoration and for the rails of staircases
  21. Meters, a ratified vocabulary, fullness of expression, complex syntax and, ornamental ,figures, all aimed at representing an elevated style. However, its rhythms are
  22. N. Nepetella; Faassen's Repeat or Faassen's Catnip) is mostly grown as an, ornamental ,plant. This hybrid is far smaller than either of above and is almost a ground
  23. Called hay fever in the United States. Many members of the family are grown as, ornamental ,plants for their flowers and some are important ornamental crops for the cut
  24. Gifts to the house of a woman, including a sword, a treasured sword,an, ornamental ,quiver, a sword guard, and a woven basket (hokey). If the man and woman
  25. Of which are to simulate the appearance of clay bricks. An impervious and, ornamental ,surface may be laid on brick either by salt glazing, in which salt is added
  26. Appearance designed by Barry Windsor-Smith; he wore a distinctive ram-horn, ornamental ,headdress. *Valeria — A female mercenary affiliated with the Red Brotherhood (
  27. While the common kinds are carved locally, into vases, lights,and various, ornamental ,objects. These items are objects of extensive trade, especially in Florence
  28. Zigzagged, geometric,and jumbled shapes, Attributes Art Deco was an, ornamental ,style, and its lavishness is attributed to reaction to the forced austerity
  29. Which they made simpler than the Doric, and the Composite, which was more, ornamental ,than the Corinthian. The order of a classical building is like the mode or key
  30. Nations. Each region of Belarus has developed specific design patterns. An, ornamental ,pattern used on some early dresses is currently used to decorate the hoist of
  31. Chess ". Murray theorized that Muslim traders came to European seaports with, ornamental ,chess kings as curios before they brought the game of chess. Introduced into
  32. State of preservation. The scenes depicted are mostly didactic, devotional,and, ornamental , The themes are from the Jataka stories (the stories of the Buddha's former
  33. Daffodils and Narcissa),cultivated in various parts of the world as an, ornamental ,in gardens and as a cut flower. Asparagaceae sense
  34. Nursery plants, tropical fish and birds for the pet trade are some, ornamental ,products. In 2007,one third of the world's workers were employed in
  35. Beef, sugarcane,rice, corn,dairy products, vegetables,timber, fruits and, ornamental ,plants. Industry: 29.1 % (2008) Electronic components, food processing
  36. And used for paving setts, kerb and building stones, and monumental and other, ornamental ,pieces. Aberdeen granite was used to build the terraces of the Houses of
  37. Have become endangered in the wild because of overharvesting for sale as an, ornamental ,plant. All cacti are covered by the Convention on International Trade in
  38. It is cultivated, through confusion with the related genus Mimosa. Another, ornamental ,acacia is Acacia xanthophloea (Fever Tree). Southern European florists use
  39. Latter country, from the 18th century onwards the Common Carp was bred into the, ornamental ,variety known as KOI – or more accurately nishikigoi (錦鯉),as KOI (鯉)
  40. Were built by the federal Civilian Conservation Corps in the mid 1930s. The, ornamental ,fountains that once stood along the riverbank were buried in the 1950s,when
  41. Is a compact form of lignite that is sometimes polished and has been used as an, ornamental ,stone since the Upper Paleolithic * Sub-bituminous coal, whose properties
  42. Orchestral stringed instruments, some basses have non-functional, ornamental ,tuning pegs projecting from the side of the peg box, in imitation of the tuning
  43. The capitals are carved and painted with various decorative themes that include, ornamental , human, animal,vegetative, and semi-divine forms. The paintings
  44. Scottish botanical explorer of North America and China, who imported many, ornamental ,plants into Europe. *Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911),English botanist and
  45. Then on the barrel. Daggers achieved public notoriety in the 20th century as, ornamental ,uniform regalia during the Fascist dictatorships of Mussolini's Italy and
  46. Bands of infinite varieties of design. As a rule three bands from which the, ornamental ,work springs constitute the hinges, which have rings outside the hanging stiles
  47. Architecture, designed well, and showed considerable taste in the execution of, ornamental ,works. He was greatly attached to his art; and upon his young charge he looked
  48. In the European Union. Ornamentals The genus also contains several well-known, ornamental ,plants, such as Amaranths Caucasus (love-lies-bleeding),a native of India
  49. Considerations of the layout were purely practical and defensive rather than, ornamental , Construction started in 1613 and proceeded from west to east, across the
  50. And bags. Other items include weapons, armor,protective clothing, purses,and, ornamental ,jewelry. Almost every item in the game can be normal, cursed,or enchanted

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