Examples of the the word, microorganism , in a Sentence Context
The word ( microorganism ), is the 12485 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Different bacteria, and showed that pneumonia could be caused by more than one, microorganism , Sir William Osier, known as" the father of modern medicine," appreciated the
- Primarily that of humans. This can include medical waste or samples of a, microorganism , virus or toxin (from a biological source) that can impact human health. It
- Quantum fluctuations Antibiotic resistance is a type of drug resistance where a, microorganism ,is able to survive exposure to an antibiotic. The primary cause of antibiotic
- As a gel, an agarose medium is porous and therefore can be used to measure, microorganism ,motility and mobility. The gel's porosity is directly related to the
- Oil prices have increased the value of polystyrene for recycling. No known, microorganism ,has yet been shown to biodegrade polystyrene, and it is often abundant as a
- Is commonly found in soil. Microbiology Clostridium botulinum is a rod-shaped, microorganism , It is an obligate anaerobe, meaning that oxygen is poisonous to the cells.
- Of artificial induction of immunity against various infectious diseases. The, microorganism ,used in an inoculation is called the inoculate or innocuous. Origins India The
- Thus ahead of his time in proposing that the plague was caused by an infectious, microorganism ,and in suggesting effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease.
- That ultraviolet radiation can be somewhat effective for treating the, microorganism ,Cryptosporidium. The findings resulted in the use of UV radiation as a viable
- Sometimes used for hardness Biology ** Antibiotic resistance, the ability of a, microorganism ,to withstand the effects of antibiotics ** Resistance to antiviral drugs, the
- Suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms. # The, microorganism ,must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. # The
- A covalent vaccine is designed to immunize against a single antigen or single, microorganism , A multiagent or polyvalence vaccine is designed to immunize against two or
- That oxidize sulfur to sulfuric acid as an energy source, thus requiring the, microorganism ,to be adapted to very low pH (i.e., it is an audiophile as well as
- The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit growth of a, microorganism ,Technology *Mandatory Integrity Control, a new security feature in Microsoft
- Cleanings every three months to prevent re-population of periodontitis-causing, microorganism , and to closely monitor affected teeth so that early treatment can be rendered
- Corn borer. Expressing the toxin was achieved by inserting a gene from the, microorganism ,Bacillus thuringiensis into the corn genome. This gene codes for a toxin that
- Molecules on DNA to dimerize; if enough of these defects accumulate on a, microorganism ,'s DNA, its replication is inhibited, thereby rendering it harmless (even
- Soil contamination or a contaminated surface * airborne transmission - if the, microorganism ,can remain in the air for long periods * fecal-oral transmission - usually from
- The medication to stay in place long enough to penetrate the biofilms where the, microorganism ,are found. *Regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning as
- Vaccine is designed to immunize against two or more strains of the same, microorganism , or against two or more microorganism s. In certain cases a covalent vaccine
- One of the last known boys homes, Guillaume Celibate, was burned in 1321. A, microorganism ,(from the, mikrós," small" and, organismós," organism "; also spelled
- Give birth to" ) or infectious agent — colloquially, a germ — is a microbe or, microorganism ,such as a virus, bacterium,prion, or fungus that causes disease in its animal
- Be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture. # The cultured, microorganism ,should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. # The
- Matrices. The microscopic voids in calculus formations house new anaerobic, microorganism , as does the top“ diseased layer ”. Because the root cause of sublingual
- Of persisted cells. Examples Biofilms are ubiquitous. Nearly every species of, microorganism , not only bacteria and archaea, have mechanisms by which they can adhere to
- The rumenand these bacteria produce enzymes called cellulose that help the, microorganism ,to break down cellulose; the breakdown products are then used by the bacteria
- A pentahydroxy almost, is reduced to sorbitol, which is then oxidized by the, microorganism ,Acinetobacter suboxydans. To selectively oxidize only one of the six hydroxyl
- In addition, Gram stain and culture of the peritoneal fluid can determine the, microorganism ,responsible and determine their sensibility to antimicrobial agents. Pathology
- Will last. The acidity of hops is a preservative.; Yeast is the, microorganism ,that is responsible for fermentation in beer. Yeast metabolizes the sugars
- Such as meningitis). Moreover, a CSF culture examination may yield the, microorganism ,that has caused the infection. By using more sophisticated methods, such as the
- Would remain lifeless. In the end, it was a complete success; not a single, microorganism ,appeared in the broth. Then Pasteur allowed the dust containing the
- Analysis, cell manipulation and analysis including cell viability analysis and, microorganism ,capturing. By generating a spatial mosaic of patches of opportunity distributed
- Products. The antibiotic rifaximin, often used to treat diarrhea caused by the, microorganism ,E. Coli, may reduce both the production of intestinal gas and the frequency of
- From the tooth and deepened Julius, called a periodontal pocket. Sublingual, microorganism ,(those that exist under the gum line) colonize the periodontal pockets and
- Should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism. # The, microorganism ,must be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and
- Most of Trantor's basic food needs were fulfilled by Trantor's" vast, microorganism ,farms. ". Yeast vats and algae farms produced basic nutrients, which were then
- Controlled environments that intend to mimic the occurrences of soil, flora and, microorganism ,in natural wetlands to aid in treating wastewater effluent. Artificial wetlands
- Do not address calculus formations, and so are short-lived, as anaerobic, microorganism ,colonies quickly regenerate in and around calculus. In a new field of study
- Particles are equally attracted to the same areas, as are additional calcified, microorganism , growing calculus formations as unorganized, yet strong,“ brick and mortar ”
- Marine crustaceans, including individuals or species of * Bacterium or any, microorganism ,that causes illness and has a superficial resemblance to an insect, or bug
- Disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing, microorganism , and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe or its toxins.
- Via slender applicators or oral irrigates. This process disrupts anaerobic, microorganism ,colonies and is effective at reducing infections and inflammation when used
- Microorganisms for bioweapon exploitation, returned with a deadly, microorganism ,that kills by disseminated intravascular coagulation. Upon investigating the
- Rifampicin. Antibiotic resistance can also be introduced artificially into a, microorganism ,through laboratory protocols, sometimes used as a selectable marker to examine
- Multidrug tolerance or antibiotic tolerance, the ability of a disease-causing, microorganism ,to resist killing by antimicrobial * Immune tolerance or immunological
- Association is more likely to be a causal relationship. # The nature of the, microorganism ,inferred from the available sequence should be consistent with the known
- Replace O2 with CO2 (E. J. Gaspar System). C. botulinum is a lipase negative, microorganism ,that grows between pH of 4.8 and 7 and it can't use lactose as a primary
- Will last. The acidity of hops is a preservative.; Yeast is the, microorganism ,that is responsible for fermentation in beer. Yeast metabolizes the sugars
- Generalized to other diseases. The postulates Koch's postulates are: # The, microorganism ,must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but
- The efforts of a team of scientists investigating a deadly extraterrestrial, microorganism ,that rapidly and fatally clots human blood, while in other people inducing
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