Examples of the the word, antivirus , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antivirus ), is the 12501 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unless it is verified to be legitimate. Some known offenders include: Fake, antivirus ,products constitute 15 percent of all malware. On January 26, 2006,Microsoft
  2. VBA made Excel a target for macro viruses. This caused serious problems until, antivirus ,products began to detect these viruses. Microsoft belatedly took steps to
  3. A fully working rootkit. We even have a little code that can remove or disable, antivirus , ” Mebromi is a Trojan primarily targeting Chinese users using the
  4. Users may also have trouble understanding the prompts and decisions that, antivirus ,software presents them with. An incorrect decision may lead to a security
  5. Landmark of Newfoundland, Canada Other * Norman ASA, producers of, antivirus ,and other security software * Norman boat, a cabin cruiser built by Norman
  6. Share appears to have discouraged virus writers. There are, however,OS/2-based, antivirus , programs,dealing with DOS viruses and Windows viruses that could pass through
  7. Presents them with. An incorrect decision may lead to a security breach. If the, antivirus ,software employs heuristic detection, success depends on achieving the right
  8. As when downloaded from the web or received as an e-mail attachment. Modern, antivirus ,software systems also help to defend users against such attempted attacks where
  9. Its competitors by adding Radial Point's (formerly Zero Knowledge) suite of, antivirus , firewall and anti-spyware services for extra charge. In 2004,Simpatico added
  10. Parasites and hosts, such as the arms race between computer virus writers and, antivirus ,software writers, or spammers against Internet service providers and E-mail
  11. I is to re-install the operating system from trusted media. This is because, antivirus ,and malware removal tools running on an untrusted system may be ineffective
  12. Tools to automatically detect and remove rootkits, typically as part of an, antivirus ,suite.,Microsoft's monthly Malicious Software Removal Tool is able to detect
  13. Operating systems fully patched against known security vulnerabilities, running, antivirus , software and being cautious in their use of IT. Identity thieves sometimes
  14. Unauthorized application changes without the performance impacts of traditional, antivirus ,scans. Also, the ISA Security Compliance Institute (SCI) is emerging to
  15. To push upgraded malware to the infected systems, keeping them resistant to, antivirus ,software or other security measures. It is possible for a malware creator to
  16. Doctor and Spy bot - Search & Destroy. In addition, almost all commercial, antivirus ,software currently detect adware and spyware, or offer a separate spyware
  17. Removal Tool is able to detect and remove some classes of rootkits. Some, antivirus ,scanners can bypass file system APIs, which are vulnerable to manipulation by a
  18. Product lines. It is fair to say that the company remains best known for its, antivirus ,and antispam product lines. On June 9,1998, Network Associates agreed to
  19. Package. The reluctance to add adware and spyware detection to commercial, antivirus ,products was fueled by a fear of lawsuits. Kaspersky, for example, was sued by
  20. The principle of the least privilege, reducing the attack surface and installing, antivirus ,software are some standard security best practices that are effective against
  21. Be distributed as payload of a Trojan horse. For those and other reasons,the, antivirus ,industry immediately categorized the tool as malware and appended Back Orifice
  22. Or subvert the most trusted operating system operations. Any software, such as, antivirus ,software, running on the compromised system is equally vulnerable. In this
  23. Dark Avenger (a pseudonym) as a means of avoiding pattern recognition from, antivirus ,software. A common and very virulent polymorphic virus is the file infected
  24. To IBM responding with its own antivirus product development. Prior to this, antivirus ,solutions developed at IBM were intended for staff use only. * October: The
  25. To defeat copy-protection mechanisms such as Swedish and Secure. Kaspersky, antivirus ,software also uses techniques resembling rootkits to protect itself from
  26. Or rogue Frequently changes and extends its functions * It is difficult for, antivirus ,software to detect final payload attributes due to the combination (s) of
  27. High risk of computer viruses could be mitigated by acquiring and implementing, antivirus ,software. A good risk management plan should contain a schedule for control
  28. To a specified condition within a specified period of time. For example, antivirus ,software may include the ability to periodically receive virus definition
  29. A version of given malware which was required to be undetectable by all the, antivirus ,engines in each round. The contest concept attracted much negative attention.
  30. Infecting the MBR. Metro selectively seeks out if a computer is protected by, antivirus ,software made by two Chinese companies: Rising Antivirus and Jiangxi KV
  31. Email attachments and other documents. Not all macro viruses can be detected by, antivirus ,software. Common macro viruses Microsoft Office Access, previously known as
  32. Prompted to register the installed trial versions of Microsoft Office and the, antivirus ,software (Norton Anti-Virus on older models, and McAfee Antivirus on newer
  33. A computer or written in-house, and repairing it would at a stroke render most, antivirus ,software almost redundant. It would, however,have appreciable consequences for
  34. Helped the company diversify its security offerings away from just client-based, antivirus ,software by bringing on board its own network and desktop encryption
  35. For known malicious code, or slight variations of such code, in files. Some, antivirus ,software can also predict what a file will do by running it in a sandbox and
  36. What it does to see if it performs any malicious actions. No matter how useful, antivirus ,software can be, it can sometimes have drawbacks. Antivirus software can impair
  37. Else, may add more spyware of their own. The proliferation of fake or spoofed, antivirus ,products has occasioned some concern. Such products often bill themselves as
  38. Occasioned some concern. Such products often bill themselves as antispyware, antivirus , or registry cleaners, and sometimes feature popups prompting users to install
  39. Its main North American subsidiary located in Glendale. Panda Security, a large, antivirus ,software company, also has its principal U. S. office in Glendale. Neo pets
  40. To be used as a combined rootkit and backdoor. For example at present many, antivirus ,pieces of software identify them as Trojan horses. This classification is justified by
  41. The research supported by entrepreneurship in information technology. The, antivirus ,Check program and banking protection system Block and the Core Banking Software
  42. Causing annoyance by infecting executable files and triggering alerts from, antivirus ,software. Other BIOS viruses remain possible, however; since Windows users
  43. Code contained in some advertising on the website. In March 2010, antivirus , company Avast! Warned that advertising at the Drudge Report, New York Times
  44. Is why it may be dangerous to open unexpected attachments in e-mails. Modern, antivirus ,software detects macro viruses as well as other types. Fundamentals A macro is
  45. Agreed to acquire Dr Solomon's Group PLC, the leading European manufacturer of, antivirus ,software, for $642 million in stock. On April 2,2003,McAfee acquired
  46. That match. Real-time protection from malware works identically to real-time, antivirus ,protection: the software scans disk files at download time, and blocks the
  47. Of Cascade in the offices of IBM Belgium led to IBM responding with its own, antivirus ,product development. Prior to this, antivirus solutions developed at IBM were
  48. By Dean Huxley and Dan Freedman and now sold by BeyondTrust),the growth of, antivirus ,ware always outpaced the growth of the other security product lines. It is fair
  49. On a computer. This type of spyware protection works the same way as that of, antivirus ,protection in that the anti-malware software scans all incoming network data
  50. Provides a general overview of security on the system, including the state of, antivirus ,software, Windows Update, and the new Windows Firewall. Third-party antivirus

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